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Christianity What is Christianity? What is the early Christian Church? Responsibilities of the Catholic Church?

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity What is Christianity? What is the early Christian Church? Responsibilities of the Catholic Church?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Christianity What is Christianity? What is the early Christian Church? Responsibilities of the Catholic Church?

3 Christ Being Crucified St. Peter, Founder of the Catholic Church.

4 The Reformation What is the Reformation? Why did the Reformation take place? When did the Reformation start and end? Where did the Reformation take place?

5 “With the Authority of all Saints and with mercy for you, I free you of all sins and crimes and excuse you from all punishments for ten days” - Johann Tetzel Indulgence

6 Martin Luther and the 95 Theses The Selling of Indulgences

7 Major Personalities Martin Luther John Calvin Henry VIII

8 Martin Luther John Calvin

9 Henry VIII

10 Pope Leo X

11 The Final Outcome The Catholic Reform Changes in the Church Huge loss of numbers for RC Change in Religious Ideas The Religious Wars Missionaries - Jesuits

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