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Linking Separately Assembled “Relocatable” Assembly Files Up to this point in the course, we have been working with “Absolute Assembly” programs where.

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1 Linking Separately Assembled “Relocatable” Assembly Files Up to this point in the course, we have been working with “Absolute Assembly” programs where all code is put into one file, and it is assembled at absolute addresses indicated with “ORG” statements. We shall now learn how to put assembly code into two or more “Relocatable Assembly” files which are separately assembled into object (.obj) files and then linked together into an executable file under the control of a “Linker Parameter” (.PRM) file, which tells the linker where to locate the program, data, and stack segments of each relocatable file in the memory space of the microcontroller. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files1

2 The need for separately assembly-language modules, which are separately assembled into object files, and then finally linked together into a single executable file, may not be very apparent in this course, where our applications are relatively short and simple. However, in large software development efforts, where several programmers are involved, it is often more convenient for each programmer to develop and maintain their own separate program file which is eventually linked with other programmer’s program files into an executable program. This approach also shortens compile time, since only the faulty module needs to be recompiled before the files are re-linked. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files2

3 XREF Statement “ XREF variable_list ” This (XREF => Externally Referenced) statement must appear at the beginning of any file that references variables or program locations that are NOT defined in that file. Each of these externally referenced variables or program locations must be listed following the XREF keyword. We often say that XREF is used to IMPORT variables from other files. XREF is a promise made by the programmer to the linker that the variables listed can be found in one of the other files that are to be linked with this one. Example: XREF external_variable1, external_subroutine1 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files3

4 XDEF Statement “XDEF variable_list” This (XDEF => Externally Defined) statement must appear at the beginning of any file that declares variables or program locations (such as subroutine names) defined in that file that must be externally referenced by code found in other files. Each of these locally defined variables or program locations must follow the XDEF keyword. We often say that XDEF is used to EXPORT locally defined variables and program locations to other files. XDEF is needed to tell the linker that the listed variables or program locations will need to be accessed by at least one other file that is to be linked with this one. Example: XDEF myvar1, mysub1 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files4

5 The Linker Parameter File (.PRM) Applications containing relocatable sections must be linked. The linker parameter file must contain at least: – The name of the executable file produced by the linker. – The name of the object file(s) which should be linked. – The specification of a memory area where the sections containing variables must be allocated. – The specification of a memory area where the sections containing code or constants must be allocated. – The specification of the application's entry point. – The definition of the reset vector. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files5

6 Example of linking three relocatable files together The first file is named “main.asm”, and it contains a main program that flashes an LED on and off at a 2-second rate. This main program file “main.asm” calls a timer delay routine located in a second (separate) file, called “timer.asm”. This timer routine is called from “main.asm” by loading the time to wait in a dedicated RAM location defined back in main.asm file. The “main.asm” file also calls a routine in a third separate file, called “PLL_init.asm”. This file contains a subroutine that initializes the PLL for a 24 MHz bus clock. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files6

7 Steps in setting up the relocatable assembly project using HC(S)12 CodeWarrior First open CodeWarrior, and click File – New – HC(S)12 New Project Wizard Enter Project name and desired path Click OK and Next Enter “MC9S12C128” and Next Check “Assembly”, uncheck “C” and Next Check Relocatable Assembly and Next 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files7

8 Check both “Full-Chip Simulation” and also “P&E Multilink Cyclone Pro” and Finish. Once this “relocatable assembly” project is created, expand “PRM”. This contains the linker parameter files that were created for both the simulator and also for the BDM download/debugger pod. Select (double left click on) the “P&E_Multilink_Cyclone_Pro_linker.prm” file. Also expand “Sources” and examine the example relocatable assembly program, “main.asm” that was also automatically generated by the project wizard. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files8

9 This linker parameter file was automatically generated to link the example relocatable “main.asm” program that was also automatically generated. The linked file is then downloaded onto the CSM12C128 module via the P&E USB BDM in- circuit background debugging pod that is located built into the project board. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files9

10 Note the following lines in the.PRM linker parameter file: NAMES END The names of all of the files to be linked should be put between the NAMES and the END statement. However, CodeWarrior will pass the names of all the necessary files to the linker by a command line, so you need NOT fill in these file names. (The list of file names will be automatically generated during the linking process. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files10

11 SEGMENTS RAM = READ_WRITE 0x400 to 0x0FFF (The address range for the 3k RAM block on the 9S12C128 processor is specified by this line.) ROM_4000 =READ_ONLY 0x4000 to 0x7FFF ROM_C000=READ_ONLY 0xC000 to 0xFEFF (The address ranges for the two 16 kbyte flash ROM (for program and read-only data) are specified by these lines.) END 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files11


13 STACKSIZE 0x100 (this sets the stack segment size to 0x100 bytes, which should be way more than most programs require. You should change this if you need a larger stack.) VECTOR 0 Entry INIT Entry (This initializes the reset vector (Vector 0) in assembly programs. The symbol “Entry” corresponds to the symbolic starting address (entry point) of the main.asm program. If your main program has a different entry point label, then change “Entry” to your entry point label.) 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files13

14 If your ASM file uses interrupts, you will need to initialize the necessary interrupt vectors just under where the reset vector (Vector 0) is initialized. Note that “Vector 0” (Reset Vector) corresponds to the first entry in the interrupt table shown on the next slide. For example, if you want to initialize the Timer Channel 2 (TC2) interrupt vector, to point to an interrupt routine named “TC2_ISR” you would enter the following two lines at the end of the file: Vector 10 TC2_ISR IF there are interrupts, also add “ROM_4000” to the DEFAULT_ROM line of linker PRM file: DEFAULT_ROM INTO ROM_4000, PAGE_38, PAGE_39, PAGE_3A, PAGE_3B, PAGE_3C, PAGE_3D 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files14

15 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files15 Vector 0  Vector 3  Vector 10  Note Vectors are numbered in the order shown below

16 Now click on the “main.asm” file so that it is displayed in the right window. Erase the sample file that was automatically generated, and enter the following example assembly-language code in its place: 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files16

17 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files17 ; export symbols (to be referenced outside of this file) XDEF Entry XDEF Timer_word ; import symbols (defined outside of this file) XREF __SEG_END_SSTACK XREF WAITMS XREF INIT_PLL INCLUDE '' MY_EXTENDED_RAM: SECTION Timer_word ds.w 1

18 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files18 MyCode: SECTION Entry: LDS #__SEG_END_SSTACK ; Initialize the stack pointer BSET DDRT,$02 ; Make PT1 AN OUTPUT (LED on PT1) JSR INIT_PLL ; Routine INIT_PLL is in another file MOVW #1000,Timer_word FLASHAGN: BSET PTT,$02 ; TURN ON LED JSR WAITMS ; Routine WTMS is in another file ; Waits number of ms in location BCLR PTT,$02 ; “Timer_word” JSR WAITMS BRA FLASHAGN ; TURN OFF LED END

19 Adding the INIT_PLL.asm File Now click on File – New Text File and enter the following INIT_PLL code on the next slide. When you are done, save the file in your project’s “Sources” folder, where main.asm is already saved; be sure to name the file in some meaningful way, giving it an.ASM file extension, such as “INIT_PLL.asm” Now right click on the “Sources” heading in the left “Project View” panel, and select “Add File” and add this newly created file to your project. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files19

20 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files20 ; export symbols (to be referenced outside of this file) XDEF INIT_PLL INCLUDE '' MyCode: SECTION INIT_PLL: ;Initialize clock generator and PLL to increase CPU clock speed by factor of 6 PLL_init bclr CLKSEL,$80 ;Disconnect PLL from system if connected. bset PLLCTL,$40 ;Turn on the PLL hardware block. movb #5,SYNR ;Set PLL multiplier movb #0,REFDV ;Set PLL divider ;From Section 3.1.1 of CRG Block Guide ;PLLCLK = OSCCLK*(SYNR+1)/(REFDV+1) ; = 4 MHz * (5+1)/(0+1) = 24 MHz nop;NOP delays put here to allow time for nop nop;CRGFLG flag register to become valid. wt_PLL_Lock: brclr CRGFLG, 8, wt_PLL_Lock ;Wait here for PLL to “Lock in” bsetCLKSEL,$80 ;Connect PLL back into system. rts

21 Adding the WTMS.asm file Do this in the same way you added the INIT_PLL file. The code for WTMS.asm is on the next slide 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files21

22 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files22 ; export symbols to be referenced outside of this file XDEF WAITMS ; import external symbols to be referenced inside this file XREF Timer_word INCLUDE '' MY_EXTENDED_RAM: SECTION TEMPWD: DS.W 1 MyCode: SECTION WAITMS: PSHY PSHX LDY Timer_word OUTERLOOP: MOVW #5000,TEMPWD INNERLOOP: LDX TEMPWD DEX STX TEMPWD BNE INNERLOOP DEY BNE OUTERLOOP PULX PULY RTS END

23 Resulting Linker Map File created after Making this Project: 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files23 PROGRAM "C:\Documents and Settings\hoover\Desktop\ECE331 Lecture 6. Relocatable Assembly Modules\reloc_assembly_2009\bin\P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro.abs" ******************************************** TARGET SECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Processor : Freescale HC12 Memory Model: SMALL File Format : ELF\DWARF 2.0 Linker : SmartLinker V-5.0.29 Build 6345, Dec 12 2006

24 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files24 FILE SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- main.asm.o Model: SMALL, Lang: Assembler INIT_PLL.ASM.o Model: SMALL, Lang: Assembler WAITMS.ASM.o Model: SMALL, Lang: Assembler STARTUP SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Entry point: 0xC000 (Entry)

25 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files25 ***************************************************** **************************************** SECTION-ALLOCATION SECTION Section Name Size Type From To Segment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.init 32 R 0xC000 0xC01F ROM_C000.stack 256 R/W 0x400 0x4FF RAM MyCode 53 R 0x388000 0x388034 PAGE_38 MY_EXTENDED_RAM 4 R/W 0x500 0x503 RAM.vectSeg0_vect 2 R 0xFFFE 0xFFFF.vectSeg0 Summary of section sizes per section type: READ_ONLY (R): 57 (dec: 87) READ_WRITE (R/W): 104 (dec: 260) ********************************************************************************************* VECTOR-ALLOCATION SECTION Address InitValue InitFunction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0xFFFE 0xC000 Entry ********************************************************************************************* OBJECT-ALLOCATION SECTION Name Module Addr hSize dSize Ref Section RLIB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE: -- main.asm.o -- - PROCEDURES: Entry C000 10 16 0.init FLASHAGN C010 10 16 0.init - VARIABLES: Timer_word 500 2 2 2 MY_EXTENDED_RAM - LABELS: __SEG_END_SSTACK 500 0 0 1 MODULE: -- INIT_PLL.ASM.o --

26 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files26 - PROCEDURES: INIT_PLL 388000 13 19 1 MyCode wt_PLL_Lock 388013 8 8 0 MyCode - VARIABLES: MODULE: -- WAITMS.ASM.o -- - PROCEDURES: WAITMS 38801B 5 5 2 MyCode OUTERLOOP 388020 6 6 0 MyCode INNERLOOP 388026 F 15 0 MyCode - VARIABLES: TEMPWD 502 2 2 3 MY_EXTENDED_RAM ********************************************************************************************* MODULE STATISTIC Name Data Code Const --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main.asm.o 2 32 0 INIT_PLL.ASM.o 0 27 0 WAITMS.ASM.o 2 26 0 other 256 2 0 ********************************************************************************************* SECTION USE IN OBJECT-ALLOCATION SECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION: ".init" Entry FLASHAGN SECTION: "MyCode" INIT_PLL wt_PLL_Lock WAITMS OUTERLOOP INNERLOOP SECTION: "MY_EXTENDED_RAM" Timer_word TEMPWD

27 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files27 ********************************************************************************************* OBJECT LIST SORTED BY ADDRESS Name Addr hSize dSize Ref Section RLIB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timer_word 500 2 2 2 MY_EXTENDED_RAM TEMPWD 502 2 2 3 MY_EXTENDED_RAM Entry C000 10 16 0.init FLASHAGN C010 10 16 0.init INIT_PLL 388000 13 19 1 MyCode wt_PLL_Lock 388013 8 8 0 MyCode WAITMS 38801B 5 5 2 MyCode OUTERLOOP 388020 6 6 0 MyCode INNERLOOP 388026 F 15 0 MyCode ********************************************************************************************* UNUSED-OBJECTS SECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************************************* COPYDOWN SECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************************************* OBJECT-DEPENDENCIES SECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry USES __SEG_END_SSTACK INIT_PLL Timer_word FLASHAGN USES WAITMS WAITMS USES Timer_word OUTERLOOP USES TEMPWD INNERLOOP USES TEMPWD ********************************************************************************************* DEPENDENCY TREE ********************************************************************************************* Entry | +- INIT_PLL ********************************************************************************************* STATISTIC SECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

28 Making and Downloading this program onto the CSMB9S12C128 LED on PT1 blinks at a 2 second rate Commenting out the JSR INIT_PLL and remaking and downloading results in an LED on PT1 that blinks at a 24 second rate, because the bus clock has now been lowered from 24 MHz to 2 MHz. 7/13/2015Relocatable Assembly files28

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