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Lauren Fuess, Sweta Patel, Jonathan McMurray, Eliora Guillory, and Alison Queen Recycling on Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Lauren Fuess, Sweta Patel, Jonathan McMurray, Eliora Guillory, and Alison Queen Recycling on Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lauren Fuess, Sweta Patel, Jonathan McMurray, Eliora Guillory, and Alison Queen Recycling on Campus

2 Introduction

3 Methods of Bin Mapping: Indoors

4 Recycle Bin Mapping: Outdoors

5 Mapping Results Some areas had an excess of bins, others had a shortage Placement often seemed odd. In order for recycling to be effective bins need to be redistributed in a more systematic manner.


7 Methods of Monitoring Selected the following locations of recycling bins on campus: Maybank: steel bins located inside between the 2 front doors Stern Center: 1st floor blue bins located to left of the front desk Library: 1st floor blue bins on the right side of the main circulation desk Outside: Black containers behind the Library Black containers in front of Maybank in Cougar Mall Containers behind City Bistro (can/aluminum&glass/plastic) We agreed upon a scale in order to note the bins according to their fullness (empty, ¼, ½, ¾, full) Each member was to sign up for 15 time slots (Morning, Afternoon, Evening) over the course of 7 days to record recycling data in these areas Recorded our data online (to avoid using paper, of course!) through spreadsheets on Google Docs.

8 Monitoring Results Recording different bins Not all of them are measured at the same times Some were not covered Usually, recycling bins were at least 25% full but the waste bins were almost always more full

9 Conclusions

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