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TELE3118: Network Technologies 13-1 2010 session 1 TELE3118: Network Technologies Week 13 Review.

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1 TELE3118: Network Technologies 13-1 2010 session 1 TELE3118: Network Technologies Week 13 Review

2 TELE3118: Network Technologies 13-2 Course Summary r Introduction to data networks r Protocol stack: m Physical layer: copper, fibre, wireless m Data link layer: framing, error-control, MAC m Network layer: IP addressing, forwarding, routing m Transport layer: UDP, TCP setup, flow, congestion control m Application layer: http, ftp, smtp, dns r Further courses: m Tele3119: trusted networks m Tele4642: network performance m Tele9751: switching systems design m Tele9752: network operations and control m Tele9756: advanced networking m Engg9758: network systems architecture r Feedback?

3 TELE3118: Network Technologies 13-3 Final Exam r Monday 28 Jun 2-5pm r 25 Short-answer questions: 25 x 2 = 50 points m One-two sentence answers m Justify your answer (just yes/no is not enough) r IP addressing/routing design problem (10 parts): 30 points m Take your time to carefully read the question and assimilate the information r General advice: m Read question carefully before you start writing m Keep answers short and precise but justify them

4 TELE3118: Network Technologies 13-4 Logistics r Can see your graded exams m Date/time will be posted on web-page Will try for Thu 1 Jul 11am-12pm m Need to have completed teaching evaluation survey in order to see your graded final exam r Consultation: m Thu 24 Jun 2-4pm? m Can drop-in to office to ask questions m Give thought before bringing your questions r Good luck, and we may well meet again!

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