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IS 1181 IS 118 Introduction to Development Tools Week 2.

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1 IS 1181 IS 118 Introduction to Development Tools Week 2

2 IS 1182 Things to Cover Files on Disk File Open File Close Read Write Exist Size Delete Use listings on CD

3 IS 1183 Files on Disk FAT – file attribute table  FAT16  FAT32  NTFS  Others

4 IS 1184 File Open Format  $fp = fopen(“location and name of file”, ‘ab’);  Normally name would be: $DOCUMENT_ROOT/../orders/orders.txt Why? File Modes – page 61  r, r+, w, w+, x, x+, a, a+, b, t

5 IS 1185 Problems opening files @ $fp = fopen(“"$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../orders/orders.txt", 'ab'); if (!$fp) { echo ' Your order could not be processed at this time. '.'Please try again later. '; exit; }

6 IS 1186 File Close Format  Fclose($fp)  Note the $fp, it was used when opening the file  More later

7 IS 1187 Writing to a file fwrite($fp, $outstring);  This say write the string $outstring to the file represented by $fp New to PHP 5 Int file_put_contents( string filename string data [, int flags [, resource context]])

8 IS 1188 fwrite Int fwrite( resource handle, string [, int length]) The length is optional and is the MAXIMUM bytes to be written Ex;  fwrite($fp, $outstring, strlen($outstring));

9 IS 1189 Reading a file While (!feof($fp)) { $order – fgets($fp, 999) echo $order.’ ’; } What is going on?

10 IS 11810 Stopping feof($fp)  Looks for the end of file of $fp – returns true when reaches it  So while (!feof($fp)) Says: while we do not have end of file do something

11 IS 11811 Getting data fgets(), fgetss(), fgetcsv()  $order = fgets($fp, 999) read one line at a time (till encounter a newline (\n)) or a maximum of 998 bytes  Fgetss( $fp, length, allowable tags) Same thing but strips out php and html, leaving in the ones in allowable tags This is a safe way to read a file created by someone else, strips away code that could be damaging to your system

12 IS 11812 Getting Data - 2 Fgetcsv( $fp, length, delimiter, enclosure)  Breaks up input by delimiter, say a comma  Enclosure is the character each field is surrounded by, “field1”, “field2”, “fieldx”  Commonly used to read csv files created by Excel or some other program

13 IS 11813 Reading the whole file Read the whole file with one command Readfile(“$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../orders/orders.txt”); $fp = fopen("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../orders/orders.txt", 'ab'); fpassthru($fp); X $filearray = file("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../orders/orders.txt“); Which reads the file into an array (covered in chapter 3)

14 IS 11814 Other Useful File Functions file_exist(“name of file”))  If (file_exist(“$doc_root”)) echo ‘we have a file’; Else echo ‘Sorry, no file there’;

15 IS 11815 Other Useful File Functions - 2 filesize( )  $fp = fopen(“…….”, r) echo nl2br(fread($fp, filesize(“……”))); fclose($fp) This opens a file, reads it to a function called nl2br Which converts new lines to html breaks

16 IS 11816 Delete a File Unlink( )  Unlink(“………..”); There is no delete command

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