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1 Chapter 1 Tour of Access
1 Chapter Objectives Start and exit Microsoft Access Open and run an Access application Identify the major elements of the Access programming environment Explore the menus and the Object Bar associated with the Database window
1 Chapter Objectives Explore the Design view and other views of forms, pages, reports, tables, queries, macros, and modules Define key Access concepts such as events, procedures, methods, modules, and properties Invoke Access Help Learn the different ways in which Access databases can be incorporated into applications
1 Introduction to the MU-DSci Application Database management system (DBMS) Vital component of an organization’s software collection From the perspective of an end user, it simplifies the storage, retrieval, and updating of data Supports the day-to-day operations of a business and provides important information needed for decision making
1 Preparing MU-DSci for Use in Access Table Fundamental structure of a relational database management system (RDBMS) Stores data in records and fields Records (rows) Contains all information related to one entry Fields (columns) Contains a specific item of information
1 Preparing MU-DSci for Use in Access Refreshing linked tables Required whenever you move an Access application to a different directory Figure 1-1 The Linked Table Manager
1 Preparing MU-DSci for Use in Access Figure 1-2 MU-DSci database window
1 Exploring the MU-DSci Application as an End User In general, windows that display information on the monitor are called forms An opening form often contains command buttons that, when clicked, display other forms Switchboards Forms that open other forms
1 Exploring the MU-DSci Application as an End User Figure 1-3 MU-DSci switchboard
1 Exploring the Database Window Database window Organizes the objects used in the application into seven sections that, generally, correspond to the input, output, storage, and processing framework Central area that gathers the objects making up an Access application
1 Exploring the Database Window Figure 1-7 Input, process, output, and storage objects
1 Exploring the Database Window Table 1-1 Commands in the database menu
1 Exploring the Database Window Startup window Used to specify a default application menu, the status of the Database window, the icon associated with the application, and the wording of application’s title bar Figure 1-8 Startup window
1 Exploring Tables Tables can be displayed in two views: Datasheet view Represents a standard way to view the rows in a table Fields in the table represent attributes that describe the item being represented
1 Exploring Tables Figure 1-9 Datasheet view of the tblProspects table
1 Exploring Tables Design view Allows you to modify the table’s structure Figure 1-10 Design view of the tblProspects table
1 The Jet Database Engine Jet database engine Component of Access that is responsible for storing and retrieving data Open Data Basic Connectivity (ODBC) Standard communications protocol that allows an application to retrieve and store information in different DBMSs Most DBMSs supply their on ODBC-compliant drivers
1 Exploring Queries Figure 1-11 Relationships among Access, the ODBC drivers, and the Jet database engine
1 Exploring Queries Queries Statements that retrieve or update data in the database tables Select queries Queries that retrieve data that can select particular rows and fields from a table, combine data from multiple tables, and perform calculations that summarize a table’s data Action queries Insert, delete, or update data in the database
1 Exploring Queries Datasheet view of a query Displays the information that satisfies the query’s specification Design view of a query Specifies the columns and rows that should be retrieved
1 Exploring Queries Figure 1-12 Design view of the qryAdmittedProspects select query
1 Exploring Queries Structured Query Language (SQL) Standard query language supported by relational databases SQL view of a query Displays the SQL statement that implements the query
1 Exploring Forms Forms are divided into three sections: Form Header Contains controls that remain on the top of the form Detail section Contains the data shown on the form Form Footer Displays information that stays at the bottom of a form
1 Exploring Forms Controls A form’s contents including buttons, list boxes, text boxes, labels Access allows you to draw them directly on the form Chosen from the toolbar to add instances of them to the form
1 Exploring Forms Figure 1-13 Design view of frmProspects and the txtFirstName property sheet
1 Exploring Forms Text box Displays the current value of some piece of information Property sheets Allow you to modify many of the characteristics of a control Form selector Box where the rulers meet in the Design view
1 Exploring Forms Figure 1-14 Form property sheet for frmProspects
1 Adding Controls to Forms You can create a command button to add to the copy of the switchboard on your own, or you can have Microsoft Access create it for you by using a wizard Wizard Speeds up the process of creating a command button because it handles all of the basic work automatically
1 Exploring Data Access Pages Data access pages New in Access 2000 Allows you to manipulate data via the Internet or an intranet An intranet is a network of networks that can be accessed only by certain people
1 Exploring Data Access Pages On pages, a Body object is divided into two sections: Page Header section Page Navigation section HeadingText object Static text object where a label can be created for the page BeforeBodyText object Smaller static text object that can hold additional information
1 Exploring Data Access Pages Figure 1-15 pagProspects data access page
1 Adding Text Box Controls to Pages Access provides a Field list for pages in the same manner that it does for forms Field list for pages has two tabs: Database tab Displays a tree structure of the tables in the database Page tab Displays a tree structure of the pages in the database
1 Design View of a Report Report Header and Report Footer Display information at beginning and end of the report Page Header and Page Footer Appear at beginning and end of each page, respectively Detail section Contains the data supplied by report’s Record Source Record Source Indicates the query or table that provides the needed data
1 Exploring Reports Sorting and Grouping Allows you to specify groups into which to classify data Enables you to add, delete, and change the fields or expressions on which groups are based, the sort order, and the group properties such as headers and footers
1 Exploring Reports Report selector Allows you to select all objects on the report at one time Reports can be displayed as: Print Preview Displays all data in the report’s Record Source Layout Preview Displays only a sample of the data
1 Exploring Macros Macro Named set of actions that manipulates the objects and properties of the Access application OpenForm action Displays a form SetValue action Changes the value of some property
1 Macro Window Action column Identifies the action to be performed Comment column Used for documentation Conditions column Contains an expression that can be evaluated as True or False Macro Names column Used to write several macros in same Macro window
1 Exploring Macros Figure 1-18 mcrProspect Macro window
1 Exploring Macros Most actions require values to be placed in the Action Arguments section of the Macro window Object Type argument Indicates that the move occurs on a form Object Name argument Identifies the specific form involved
1 Using Macros to Open a Different Form at Startup Modules are different from macros in that they are written in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language More capable language, so modules can accomplish more complex tasks within Access
1 Exploring Modules Module Collection of VBA declarations and procedures stored together as a unit Procedures Use and manipulate the objects of an Access application Declarations Name a variable, constant, or procedure Specify a data type for use in an Access application
1 Exploring Modules Standard modules Contain subroutines and functions and can be run at any time, as long as the application is open Class modules Independent class modules Invoked at any time while the application is open Form and report class modules Opened or invoked only when the form or report is open
1 Exploring Modules Figure 1-20 Module window
1 Exploring Modules Procedure list box Displays all of the procedures within a module that are associated with a certain object Object list box Names the object Objects have properties that can be manipulated through macros and modules, which are themselves triggered by events that occur in the application For this reason, the Access environment is called object- based and event-driven
1 Application Development Help Expression Builder Supports the development of various types of Access expressions that can be placed in the control source on forms, in macros, and in procedures Figure 1-21 Expression Builder
1 Application Development Help Access Help menu Similar to the Help menu associated with any other Windows application Provides steps to accomplish a particular goal, advice, object and property descriptions, legal syntax, and examples
1 Application Development Help Figure 1-22 Microsoft Access Help window
1 Starting a New Database Active Server Page (ASP) approach Active Server Pages are files that contain a combination of HTML and VBscript code Derivative of Visual Basic that supports Web-based application development Microsoft Access project New Access file type that has been specially designed to facilitate access to Microsoft SQL Server databases
1 Starting a New Database Access projects take advantage of a new Microsoft database engine called the Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE) Provides local data storage that is compatible with SQL Server 7.0 Intended to be a client/server data engine alternative to the Jet database engine used in Access Designed and optimized for use on smaller computer systems
1 Chapter Summary DBMS applications Store and retrieve the vital day-to-day transactions that occur in a business Retrieve and update information that supports critical decisions Microsoft Access Software tool that supports the development of DBMS applications Consists of many different objects
1 Chapter Summary Database objects such as tables and queries are managed by the Jet database engine or by some other ODBC-compliant DBMS Design view facilitates the development and modification of an object Property sheet values specify the data used by the object or change the object’s display
1 Chapter Summary Macros and modules are needed to: Create applications that automatically open forms in response to a user action Fill in portions of a form automatically Change the contents of a form or report in response to the user’s current needs
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