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Evaluation and Human Resources Focus: discuss how evaluation of schools is conducted and where the emphasis should be placed in these evaluations. Thesis:

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation and Human Resources Focus: discuss how evaluation of schools is conducted and where the emphasis should be placed in these evaluations. Thesis:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation and Human Resources Focus: discuss how evaluation of schools is conducted and where the emphasis should be placed in these evaluations. Thesis: that evaluation strategies must not only focus on assessment of the different processes Essential: pay attention to the conditions and potential for development of the human resources within each school

2 Accountability Enhance accountability with control External experts that evaluate and judge Quality assurance emphasis Great Britain with a long history of quality assurance Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)

3 OFSTED Sophisticated evaluation framework Evaluation of processes and the results they deliver Schools failed Criticism of OFSTED –Impact –Research process

4 School development and change Top-down approach Change is complex Shift in emphasis: –blueprints to follow –critical reflections –self-evaluation Professional internal control

5 Development models IDP - Institutional Development Plan –assist schools –work on improvement projects Till the soil IQEA - Improving the Quality of Education for All –learning culture –internal conditions Readiness for change

6 Implications Focus on processes and their outcomes? Focus on skills and knowledge? Investors in People Standard –Focus: commitment planning action evaluation Assessment indicators

7 Commitment Is the senior management (school board, principals) of the school committed to developing their teachers? Are teachers aware of the goals of the school? Is there a document that states the goals of the school? Is there a document that describes the development needs and specifies how they will be met? Has senior management considered what teachers and support staff will contribute to the success of the school and communicated that to them effectively? Has senior management communicated to teachers and support staff a vision of where the school is going and the contribution they will make to its success?

8 Planning Does the written plan identify the resources that will be used to meet training and development needs? Are training and development needs regularly reviewed against the major goals of the school? Does a process exist for regular reviewing of the training and development needs of all staff? Is responsibility for developing people clearly identified throughout the organisation, starting from the top? Are managers competent to carry out their responsibilities for developing people? Are targets and standards set for development actions? When appropriate, are training targets linked to achieving external standards encouraged by the government?

9 Action Are all new employees effectively introduced to the school and given the training and development they need to do their job? Are the skills of existing employees developed in line with the stated objectives? Are all employees made aware of the development opportunities open to them? Are all employees encouraged to help identify and meet their job related development needs? Does effective action take place to achieve the training and development objectives of individuals and the school? Are school managers actively involved in supporting employees to meet their training and development needs?

10 Evaluation Does the school evaluate how its development of people is contributing to stated goals and targets? Does the school evaluate whether its development actions have achieved their objectives? Are the outcomes of training and development evaluated at individual, team, and organisational levels? Does top management understand the broad costs and benefits of developing people? Is the continuing commitment of top management to developing people communicated to all employees?

11 People´s Investors Simple to use and fits schools Another business fad Strategic staff development is important Evaluation of processes vs. skills and knowledge? In-service left to the individual!

12 Emphasis Self-evaluation schemes Mixed experiences The best quality assurance approach?

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