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1 Dynamic Programming Jose Rolim University of Geneva
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim2 All pair shortest path Use Bellman-Ford V times O ( E ) Non-negative weights: Use Dijkstra’s alg. V times O( log V + VE) Can we do better for general graphs i.e., weighted directed graph with possible negative weights
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim3 Terminologies G = (V, E) where V are numbered 1, 2,.. n=|V| Matrix L with L(i,j)= the length of edge (i,j) and 0 if i=j if the edge does not exist L(i,j) 0 for all i,j Output matrix W(i,j) with the distances
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim4 Dynamic programming approach Optimal substructure property holds: If k is a node on the shortest path from i to j then the paths: from i to k must be optimal from k to j must be optimal
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim5 Recursive solution Let D be a matrix with the length of the shortest paths Initially D=L After k interactions D gives the length of the shortest paths that uses only nodes from 1 to k After n interactions D gives the solution
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim6 Recursive solution At the kth interaction there are two options for the path between i and j: the path does not pass by the k node and then: d(i,j) does not change between the two inteactions otherwise d(i,j)= d(i,k)+d(k,j)
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim7 Recursive solution Therefore Dk[i,j]=min(Dk-1[i,j], Dk-1[i,k]+Dk-1[k,j]) and the algorithm finishes when k=n ordering ???
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim8 Floyd’s algorithm function Floyd(L[1..n,1..n]) D=L for k=1 to n do for i=1 to n do for j=1 to n do D[i,j]= min (D[i,j], D[i,k]+D[k,j]) return D
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim9 Remarks Complexity O(n**3) To get the paths we can use a second matrix for the nodes k used in the path Negative lenghts? Longest paths?
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim10 Review: Dynamic programming DP is a method for solving certain kind of problems DP can be applied when the solution of a problem includes solutions to subproblems We need to find a recursive formula for the solution We can recursively solve subproblems, starting from the trivial case, and save their solutions in memory in a convenient order In the end we’ll get the solution of the whole problem
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim11 Properties of a problem that can be solved with dynamic programming Simple Subproblems We should be able to break the original problem to smaller subproblems that have the same structure Optimal Substructure of the problems The solution to the problem must be a composition of subproblem solutions Subproblem Overlap Optimal subproblems to unrelated problems can contain subproblems in common
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim12 0-1 Knapsack problem Given a knapsack with maximum capacity W, and a set S consisting of n items Each item i has some weight w i and benefit value b i (all w i, b i and W are integer values) Problem: How to pack the knapsack to achieve maximum total value of packed items?
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim13 0-1 Knapsack problem: a picture W = 20 wiwi bibi 10 9 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 WeightBenefit value This is a knapsack Max weight: W = 20 Items
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim14 0-1 Knapsack problem Problem, in other words, is to find The problem is called a “0-1” problem, because each item must be entirely accepted or rejected. Just another version of this problem is the “Fractional Knapsack Problem”, where we can take fractions of items.
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim15 Brute-force approach Let’s first solve this problem with a straightforward algorithm Since there are n items, there are 2 n possible combinations of items. We go through all combinations and find the one with the most total value and with total weight less or equal to W Running time will be O(2 n )
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim16 Brute-force approach Can we do better? Yes, with an algorithm based on dynamic programming We need to carefully identify the subproblems Let’s try this: If items are labeled 1..n, then a subproblem would be to find an optimal solution for S k = {items labeled 1, 2,.. k}
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim17 Defining a Subproblem This is a valid subproblem definition. The question is: can we describe the final solution (S n ) in terms of subproblems (S k )? Unfortunately, we can’t do that.
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim18 Defining a Subproblem Max weight: W = 20 For S 4 : Total weight: 14; total benefit: 20 w 1 =2 b 1 =3 w 2 =4 b 2 =5 w 3 =5 b 3 =8 w 4 =3 b 4 =4 wiwi bibi 10 85 54 43 32 9 Item # 4 3 2 1 5 S4S4 S5S5 w 1 =2 b 1 =3 w 2 =4 b 2 =5 w 3 =5 b 3 =8 w 4 =9 b 4 =10 For S 5 : Total weight: 20 total benefit: 26 Solution for S 4 is not part of the solution for S 5 !!!
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim19 Defining a Subproblem As we have seen, the solution for S 4 is not part of the solution for S 5 So our definition of a subproblem is flawed and we need another one! Let’s add another parameter: w, which will represent the exact weight for each subset of items The subproblem then will be to compute B[k,w]
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim20 Recursive Formula for subproblems It means, that the best subset of S k that has total weight w is one of the two: 1) the best subset of S k-1 that has total weight w, or 2) the best subset of S k-1 that has total weight w-w k plus the item k Recursive formula for subproblems:
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim21 Recursive Formula The best subset of S k that has the total weight w, either contains item k or not. First case: w k >w. Item k can’t be part of the solution, since if it was, the total weight would be > w, which is unacceptable Second case: w k <=w. Then the item k can be in the solution, and we choose the case with greater value
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim22 0-1 Knapsack Algorithm for w = 0 to W B[0,w] = 0 for i = 0 to n B[i,0] = 0 for w = 0 to W if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim23 Running time for w = 0 to W B[0,w] = 0 for i = 0 to n B[i,0] = 0 for w = 0 to W What is the running time of this algorithm? O(W) Repeat n times O(n*W) Remember that the brute-force algorithm takes O(2 n )
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim24 Example Let’s run our algorithm on the following data: n = 4 (# of elements) W = 5 (max weight) Elements (weight, benefit): (2,3), (3,4), (4,5), (5,6)
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim25 Example (2) for w = 0 to W B[0,w] = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 4
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim26 Example (3) for i = 0 to n B[i,0] = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 4
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim27 Example (4) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=1 b i =3 w i =2 w=1 w-w i =-1 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim28 Example (5) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=1 b i =3 w i =2 w=2 w-w i =0 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim29 Example (6) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=1 b i =3 w i =2 w=3 w-w i =1 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim30 Example (7) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=1 b i =3 w i =2 w=4 w-w i =2 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim31 Example (8) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=1 b i =3 w i =2 w=5 w-w i =2 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim32 Example (9) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=2 b i =4 w i =3 w=1 w-w i =-2 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3 0
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim33 Example (10) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=2 b i =4 w i =3 w=2 w-w i =-1 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3 0 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim34 Example (11) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=2 b i =4 w i =3 w=3 w-w i =0 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 4
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim35 Example (12) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=2 b i =4 w i =3 w=4 w-w i =1 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 4 4
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim36 Example (13) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=2 b i =4 w i =3 w=5 w-w i =2 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 4 4 7
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim37 Example (14) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=3 b i =5 w i =4 w=1..3 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 0 3 3 3 3 00 3 4 4 7 0 3 4
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim38 Example (15) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=3 b i =5 w i =4 w=4 w- w i =0 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 000 3 4 4 7 0 3 4 5 3 3 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim39 Example (15) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=3 b i =5 w i =4 w=5 w- w i =1 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 000 3 4 4 7 0 3 4 5 7 3 3 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim40 Example (16) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=3 b i =5 w i =4 w=1..4 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 000 3 4 4 7 0 3 4 5 7 0 3 4 5 3 3 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim41 Example (17) if w i <= w // item i can be part of the solution if b i + B[i-1,w-w i ] > B[i-1,w] B[i,w] = b i + B[i-1,w- w i ] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] else B[i,w] = B[i-1,w] // w i > w 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 1 2 3 4 5 i 0123 0000 i=3 b i =5 w i =4 w=5 Items: 1: (2,3) 2: (3,4) 3: (4,5) 4: (5,6) 4 000 3 4 4 7 0 3 4 5 7 0 3 4 5 7 3 3 3 3
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim42 Comments This algorithm only finds the max possible value that can be carried in the knapsack To know the items that make this maximum value, an addition to this algorithm is necessary
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim43 Pseudo-polynomial algorithm Running time (Dynamic Programming algorithm vs. naïve algorithm): 0-1 Knapsack problem: O(W*n) vs. O(2 n ) It is not polynomial algorithm, because: W = O(2 n )
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim44 Longest common subsequence Longest common subsequence (LCS) problem: Given two sequences x[1..m] and y[1..n], find the longest subsequence which occurs in both Ex: x = {A B C B D A B }, y = {B D C A B A} {B C} and {A A} are both subsequences of both What is the LCS?
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim45 Brute force algorithm Brute-force algorithm: For every subsequence of x, check if it’s a subsequence of y How many subsequences of x are there? What will be the running time of the brute-force algorithm?
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim46 Running time: brute force algorithm Brute-force algorithm: 2 m subsequences of x to check against n elements of y: O(n 2 m )
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim47 LCS Algorithm Let’s only worry about the problem of finding the length of LCS Define c[i,j] to be the length of the LCS of x[1..i] and y[1..j] Initial cases: c[0,j] = c[i,0] = 0
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim48 LCS Algorithm Recursive formula for LCS: c[i,j]= c[i-1,j-1] + 1 if x[i]=y[j] max{ c[i,j-1], c[i-1,j] } otherwise Final answer c[m,n]
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim49 Running time After we have filled the array c[ ], we can backtrack to find the characters that constitute the Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm runs in O(m*n), which is much better than the brute-force algorithm: O(n 2 m )
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim50 Conclusions Dynamic Programming is an algorithm design method that can be used when the solution to a problem may be viewed as the result of a sequence of decisions (Ordering) and:
Dynamic ProgrammingJose Rolim51 Conclusions Principle of optimality: Suppose that in solving a problem, we have to make a sequence of decisions D 1, D 2, …, D n. If this sequence is optimal, then the last k decisions, 1 k n must be optimal. In summary, if a problem can be described by this principle, then it can be solved by dynamic programming.
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