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Mobile Games Pekka Kinnunen Dap02s. Topics: History Economics Technology Platforms Future / Conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Games Pekka Kinnunen Dap02s. Topics: History Economics Technology Platforms Future / Conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Games Pekka Kinnunen Dap02s

2 Topics: History Economics Technology Platforms Future / Conclusions

3 Where it all started… Some games have always been mobile Nintendo small LCD-games (1980s) Nintendo Gameboy(1990s) Nokia snake-game, mid-1990s

4 …and where are we now Downloadable games SMS-games in TV Java 3D Nokia N-gage Nintendo Gameboy advance PSP

5 PC/Console vs. mobile PC/Console game  Tied to one place  High costs  Risky business Mobile game  Mobility  Fairly low costs  Easy to experiment  Costs are growing Devices get more technical Java 3D

6 The growth of Mobile gaming 1997-1999: embedded games emerge 1999-2002: WAP, SMS-games 2002: Downloadable games finally arrive

7 The growth of Mobile gaming Downloadable games profit growth prediction

8 Who are involved? Game developers Publishers Game distributors Markerting Game console manufacturers

9 Where the money goes and where does it come from? Distributors (20-25 % of total revenue) : + Fees (flat/subscription/usage) + Additional feature sales e.g. extra levels + Network access and trasfers fees - Personnel costs - Infrastructure building and operating costs - License fees to publisher

10 Where the money goes and where does it come from? Publishers (50-60% of total revenue) : + Flat fees/per sale/per usage + Advertising and sponsoring – including ads into games - Personnel costs - License fees to brand owners/console manufacturers - Payments to developers

11 Where the money goes and where does it come from? Game developers (10-15% of total revenues) : + Flat fee payments from publishers + Commissions per game usage/sales - Personnel costs - Hardware and software(licences) - License fees to brand owners

12 Where the money goes and where does it come from? Mobile console manufacturers + Mobile console sales - Personnel costs - R&D - Marketing costs - Distribution costs

13 Economics

14 Which technology will I use? Bluetooth (WLAN) G3 GPRS WAP

15 Downloading mobile applications PC -> mobile phone (serial, infrared, bluetooth) OTA

16 Types of OTA downloading Direct Carrier-assisted

17 Direct download

18 Carrier-assisted download

19 Game traffic and carrier platforms Should I use carrier platform services?  Networked game  Independent

20 Networked game architecture

21 Independent model

22 Benefits of carrier platform based games Developers don’t have start from scratch Focus on innovation, design and testing

23 Different platforms Most powerful:  Symbian C++  Visual C++ .Net Compact Framework Most used:  J2ME  BREW

24 BREW -Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless C++ based Platform for handsets based on CDMA  CDMA = 1/5 GSM Automatic support for content downloading and billing

25 J2ME Most popular platform Supported by all major GSM manufacturers  Nokia’s CDMA  Motorola’s WM-devices Automatic memory management Easy-to-use APIs Market share over 80% Problem: how to port games to different devices?

26 ”Write once, run everywhere” Nice dream Devices and models have differencies:  Screen size  Memory size  CPU speed  UI features  JRE-problems

27 Future & Conclusions Young but growing business Costs for developing a game are increasing Low barrier to enter the market A few problems The future is looking bright on mobile games

28 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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