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Care of the ageing and patients with chronic diseases. Mette Rønning and Kirsten Halse.

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Presentation on theme: "Care of the ageing and patients with chronic diseases. Mette Rønning and Kirsten Halse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Care of the ageing and patients with chronic diseases. Mette Rønning and Kirsten Halse

2 The whole program lasts for 11 weeks for the Norwegian students and 12 weeks for the foreign students. Three weeks’ theoretical studies Eight weeks’ clinical studies

3 The course has been arranged for our international class consisting of 90 students Three foreign students attend the progam and one guest lecturer from the Netherlands

4 Exchange students Dovile Petrulionyte (Lithuania), Iva Safrankova (Czeck Republic) Heidi Lehti (Finland). Photo: Kari Kavlie.

5 Cees Salentijn from The Netherlands gave a lecture about caring for people with dementia. Photo: Kari Kavlie.

6 The theoretical course started on 8th of March and lasted for three weeks The three foreign students had one introductory week

7 The content of the theoretical course consists of Lectures Tutorials Group activities Self studies

8 All students are divided into groups. The three foreign students were placed in one group. Within their groups the students worked on compulsory studies of special topics

9 Lectures: Geriatric diseases Gerontology Long-term care Community health care

10 Each of the three foreign students was allocated their own tutor. The facilitators for the students in the clinical setting were offered an English course in advance.

11 Experiences so far…. From the theoretical course: Evaluation using a questionnaire Number of students present The students did not ask so many questions as they usually would.

12 Experiences so far…. Clinical setting: The students always work together with either their academic tutor or their facilitator. The students chose English speaking primary patients. The greatest challenge is to hold a successful conversation in English in the student group.

13 To obtain the ECTS for this period: All compulsory studies must be approved In the clinical setting all the learning activities must be fullfilled


15 In March every year we plan to arrange the English course. Hope that more foreign students and guest lecturers will participate

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