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Promoting Awareness & Benefits of GEO EGIDA – WP3.

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1 Promoting Awareness & Benefits of GEO EGIDA – WP3

2 Goal of WP3 EGIDA aims to create incentives and promote GEO in S&T Communities by providing direct support to the GEOSS S&T Roadmap and the relevant activities of GEO Task ST-09-02

3 WP3 Outline Task 1. Data citation Task 2. Geo-label Task 3. Interface with S&T Communities Task 4. Show GEOSS at Work Task 5. Enhance Registration Task 6. Funding Resources

4 Task 3.1 GET GEO/GEOSS better acknowledged (Data Citation) Version 1.0 of the Data Citation Standard produced & reviewed (Deliverable 3.1) During the STC-16 the STC presented the V1.0 to the ExCom. ExCom provided feedback & requested that it be further developed in coordination with other relevant activities before being presented to the GEO Plenary.

5 Task 3.1 cont’d Mark Parsons (ESIP) recommended V2.0 take into account the further development of these guidelines. ESIP extremely interested in the testing that would result from the implementation of the standard in GEOSS. ESIP offered cooperation for the implementation in GEOSS.

6 Task 3.1 cont’d Producing V2.0 now, then have it accepted by ID-03, then discuss with the new management body for the infrastructure how to implement the testbed (all this early in 2012). Plan to submit a well-developed and tested version to ExCom in summer 2012 and have the Plenary look at it at GEO-IX.

7 Task 3.2 Establish a “GEO label” Outcomes of meeting between ST-09-02/EGIDA/GeoViQua The goals of the GEO label have changed since inception & should be revisited. A user survey regarding the GEO label is urgently required (led by GeoViQua). Voluntary labeling will likely not achieve desired results. An external certification body is needed that can independently apply such valuation on data (internal or GEO valuation will not be accepted by data providers). A user rating system should be implemented

8 Task 3.2 cont’d Draft Deliverable 3.2 is in progress (a summary of Geo label discussions to date) GeoViQua leading a user-survey to collect user needs from a Geo label Close links built re. Geo label between ST- 09-02, EGIDA, GeoViQua, ESA, QA4EO

9 Task 3.3 Interface with S&T communities Currently ad-hoc (perhaps more an issue of communication than real problem) Deliverable 3.3. Master Plan for scientific sessions focusing on the GEOSS to S&T relationship Need to revisit this & establish methodology

10 T3.4 Show GEOSS at work EGIDA proposes a new approach in the identification of examples based on organizing and running workshops on well-defined themes (e.g. national/regional initiatives). Deliverable 3.4 This approach was demonstrated in a workshop organized largely with National contributions across a wide range of SBAs (particularly focused on gaps in the current GEOSS Portfolio, i.e. Energy, Health, Disasters and Weather) that presented more than ten potential compelling examples of GEOSS.

11 Task 3.4 cont’d Follow-up continues, assisting presenters to submit their GEOSS examples to ST- 09-02 for consideration as compelling examples

12 T3.5 Enhance registration of scientific data sets Currently stalled/ad-hoc process Link with the GEO Data Sharing Task Force (DSTF) activities? Need to establish methodology? Incentives are key (make visible)!!! Support data providers with tutorials!!! Deliverable is due!!!

13 T3.6 Catalyze research and development resources Deliverable D3.6 “Framework concept for European funding agencies” Document not widely distributed nor consolidated within the GEO community, though content based on dialog within/outside GEO community (STC meeting Rome 2010, GEO/EGIDA Workshop Bonn 2011, OECD Oslo Workshop, 2011 etc.) Deliverable forms basis for further process within the framework of EGIDA including its Advisory Committee and Stakeholder Network, with representatives from across the entire research system, as well as the GEO task groups ST-09-01 and ST-09-02.

14 WP3 Summary Delivered initial findings – i.e. ver 1.0 Data citation guidelines, compelling examples, European Funding, etc. Majority of deadlines at end of 1st year! EGIDA well placed within GEO network – strong linkages to many GEO Projects & Initiatives: BalkanGEONet, GeoViQua, QA4EO and others… Now focusing on updating Deliverables, and on stalled activities and incentives!

15 EGIDA Project

16 Task 3.3 cont’d Up to now, these activities resemble a bottom- up approach, depending largely on the initiative of national groups and individuals. There is a lack of a comprehensive and focused outreach and engagement, to which these necessary bottom-up activities could be linked, and on which the promotion, fostering, and facilitating of necessary top-down activities could be based.

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