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CURE International Keith Wagner Clayton Hughes Tyler Alexander Ryan Tierney.

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Presentation on theme: "CURE International Keith Wagner Clayton Hughes Tyler Alexander Ryan Tierney."— Presentation transcript:

1 CURE International Keith Wagner Clayton Hughes Tyler Alexander Ryan Tierney

2 Executive Summary Introduction Overview Application Demonstration Application Impact Strengths / Weaknesses Sponsor Organization Assessment Lessons Learned

3 Introduction Implementing barcodes into CURE’s current database system. They are also looking into making their current database more flexible and allow it to do more. The benefits include a better way of organizing all the donated healthcare materials, help with auditing situations, and increased ease of manifest for creation for containers that are sent to locations worldwide.

4 Overview Milestone 1: Conversed with organization to determine project scope and increments Acquired Access database Started project website Strengths of Milestone: We have enough information to determine this as a viable project We have enough information to go ahead with the development of the project Weaknesses of Milestone: Project scope changed over the course of multiple conversations with the organization, but this turned out for the better. Communication has been key in getting to this point.

5 Overview Milestone 2: Created requirements document Delivered barcode scanner proposal to CURE for their selection Updated project website Strengths of Milestone: The requirements document gave us a direction and focus Getting the barcode scanner proposal to CURE will help us move forward by having the actual tools we will need to use. Weaknesses of Milestone: Upon creating the proposal, we found that we will have to do more work in the creation of an interface between the scanner and the Access database. This should not, however, delay our schedule.

6 Overview Milestone 3: Created UML data model of Access database Listed business rules Designed low-fidelity prototype Obtained Symbol barcode scanner CS 2000 from CURE Updated project website Strengths of Milestone: Modeling the existing database gave us a much firmer grasp on how it works – how the tables are related, where different information is stored, etc. Designing the lo-fidelity prototype will help us demonstrate the scanner user interface to CURE and get feedback on ways to improve it. Weaknesses of Milestone: Finding structural integrity problems with the database due to inconsistent design means that we will have to some repairs before integrating the barcode scanning that was not a part of our original plan. However, these should not take much work to fix.

7 Overview Milestone 4: Modified existing CURE Access database Designed/created user interface for barcode syncing software Created prototype of barcode syncing software Updated project website Strengths of Milestone: We successfully completed increment 1, which consisted of modifying the existing Access database to allow barcode input/modification, designing and creating the user interface for our barcode syncing software, and creating the first version of this software. Weaknesses of Milestone: None.

8 Overview Milestone 5: Implemented our increment 2 Created application test plan Followed test plan and documented results Updated project website Strengths of Milestone: We successfully completed increment 2, which consisted of modifying the database to fulfill the functionality required to manage inventory through the utility developed in increment 1. We also updated the application from increment 1 to incorporate some changes CURE wanted. Weaknesses of Milestone: None.

9 Overview Milestone 6: Completed database application implementation Final acceptance test done by CURE Transition of application to CURE User manual Updated project website Strengths of Milestone: We successfully completed the barcode application and delivered it to CURE. The organization is happy with the results. Weaknesses of Milestone: None

10 Application Demonstration Main office application Remote hospitals application

11 Application Impact CURE is 95% confident that they will be implementing our system It eliminates human error in the data entry aspect of the data control system. Allows for speedier shipping.

12 Strengths / Weaknesses Strengths: Delivers requested barcode functionality. Allows remote hospitals to update inventory. Weaknesses: Amount that the project focus changed over the course of the semester.

13 Sponsor Organization Assessment CURE is very pleased with what we have done. They are 95% sure they will be implementing our system in the near future.

14 Lessons Learned Must have flexibility when working with software created by others How to efficiently work in a team setting How to interface hardware and software to achieve a productive result

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