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A New Approach to the Maximum-Flow Problem Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert E. Tarjan Presented by Andrew Guillory.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Approach to the Maximum-Flow Problem Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert E. Tarjan Presented by Andrew Guillory."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Approach to the Maximum-Flow Problem Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert E. Tarjan Presented by Andrew Guillory

2 Outline Background Definitions Push-Relabel Algorithm Correctness / Termination Proofs Implementation

3 Maximum Flow Problem Classic problem in operations research Many problems reduce to max flow  Maximum cardinality bipartite matching  Maximum number of edge disjoint paths  Minimum cut (Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem) Machine learning applications  Structured Prediction, Dual Extragradient and Bregman Projections (Taskar, Lacoste-Julien, Jordan JMLR 2006)  Local Search for Balanced Submodular Clusterings (Narasimhan, Bilmes, IJCAI 2007)

4 Relation to Optimization Special case of submodular function minimization Special case of linear programming Integer edge capacities permit integer maximum flows (constructive proof)

5 History of Algorithms Augmenting Paths based algorithms  Ford-Fulkerson (1962) O(mU)  Edmonds-Karp (1969) O(nm 3 )  … O(n 3 ) O(nmlog(n)) O(nmlog(U)) Push-Relabel based algorithms  Goldberg (1985) O(n 3 )  Goldberg and Tarjan (1986) O(nmlog(n 2 /m))  Ahuja and Orlin O(nm + n 2 log(U))

6 Outline Background Definitions Push-Relabel Algorithm Correctness / Termination Proofs Implementation

7 Definitions Graph G = (V, E)  |V| = n  |E| = m G is a flow network if it has  source s and sink t  capacity c(v,w) for each edge (v,w) in E  c(v,w) = 0 for (v,w) not in E

8 Definitions (continued) A flow f on G is a real value function on vertex pairs  f(v,w) <= c(v,w) for all (v,w)  f(v,w) = -f(w,v)  ∑ u f(u,v) = 0 for all v in V - {s,t} Value of a flow |f| is ∑ v f(v,t) Maximum flow is a flow of maximum value

9 Definitions (continued again) A preflow f on G is a real value function on vertex pairs  f(v,w) <= c(v,w) for all (v,w)  f(v,w) = -f(w,v)  ∑ u f(u,v) >= 0 for all v in V - {s} Flow excess e(v) = ∑ u f(u,v) Intuition: flow into a vertex can exceed flow out

10 Outline Background Definitions Push-Relabel Algorithm Correctness / Termination Proofs Implementation

11 Intuition Starting with a preflow, push excess flow closer towards sink If excess flow cannot reach sink, push it backwards to source Eventually, preflow becomes a flow and in fact the maximum flow

12 Residual Graph Residual capacity r f (v, w) of a vertex pair is c(v, w) – f(v, w) If v has positive excess and (v,w) has residual capacity, can push δ = min(e(v), r f (v, w)) flow from v to w Edge (v,w) is saturated if r f (v, w) = 0 Residual graph G f = (V, E f ) where E f is the set of residual edges (v,w) with r f (v, w) > 0

13 Labeling A valid labeling is a function d from vertices to nonnegative integers  d(s) = n  d(t) = 0  d(v) <= d(w) + 1 for every residual edge If d(v) < n, d(v) is a lower bound on distance to sink If d(v) >= n, d(v) - n is a lower bound on distance to source

14 Push Operation Push(v,w) Precondition: v is active (e(v) > 0) and r f (v, w) > 0 and d(v) = d(w) + 1 Action: Push δ = min(e(v), r f (v, w)) from v to w f(v,w) = f(v,w) + δ; f(w,v) = f(w,v) – δ; e(v) = e(v) - δ; e(w) = e(w) + δ;

15 Relabel Operation Relabel(v) Precondition: v is active (e(v) > 0) and r f (v, w) > 0 implies d(v) <= d(w) Action: d(v) = min{d(w) + 1 | (v,w) in E f }

16 Generic Push-Relabel Algorithm Starting from an initial preflow > While there is an active vertex Chose an active vertex v Apply Push(v,w) for some w or Relabel(v)

17 Example 0/3 0/1 0/2 Flow Network ST

18 Example 4 00 0 3/3 0/1 0/2 ST Initial preflow / labeling

19 Example 4 0 0 0 3/3 0/1 0/2 ST Select an active vertex

20 Example 4 1 0 0 3/3 0/1 0/2 Relabel active vertex ST

21 Example 4 1 0 0 3/3 0/1 0/2 Select an active vertex ST

22 Example 4 1 0 0 3/3 1/1 0/2 Push excess from active vertex ST

23 Example 4 1 0 0 3/3 1/1 0/2 Select an active vertex ST

24 Example 4 1 1 0 3/3 1/1 0/2 Relabel active vertex ST

25 Example 4 1 1 0 3/3 1/1 0/2 Select an active vertex ST

26 Example 4 1 1 0 3/3 1/1 1/2 Push excess from active vertex ST

27 Example 4 1 1 0 3/3 1/1 1/2 Select an active vertex ST

28 Example 4 5 1 0 3/3 1/1 1/2 Relabel active vertex ST

29 Example 4 5 1 0 3/3 1/1 1/2 Select an active vertex ST

30 Example 4 5 1 0 1/3 1/1 1/2 Push excess from vertex ST

31 Example 4 51 0 1/3 1/1 1/2 Maximum flow ST

32 Outline Background Definitions Push-Relabel Algorithm Correctness / Termination Proofs Implementation

33 Correctness Lemma 2.1 If f is a preflow, d is a valid labeling, and v is active, either push or relabel is applicable to v Lemma 3.1 The algorithm maintains a valid labeling d Theorem 3.2 A flow is maximum iff there is no path from s to t in G f (Ford and Fulkerson [7])

34 Correctness (continued) Lemma 3.3 If f is a preflow and d is a valid labeling for f, there is no path from s to t in G f  Proof by contradiction  Path s, v 0, v 1, …, v l, t implies that d(s) <= d(v 0 ) + 1 <= d(v 1 ) + 2 <= … <= d(t) + l < n  Which contradicts d(s) = n

35 Correctness (continued) Theorem 3.4 If the algorithm terminates with a valid labeling, the preflow is a maximum flow  If the algorithm terminates, all vertices have zero excess (preflow is a flow)  By Lemma 3.3 the sink is not reachable from the source  By Theorem 3.2 the flow is maximum

36 Termination Lemma 3.5 If f is a preflow and v is an active vertex then the source is reachable from v in G f Lemma 3.6 A vertex’s label never decreases

37 Termination (continued) Lemma 3.7 At any time the label of any vertex is at most 2n – 1  Only active vertex labels are changed  Active vertices can reach s  Path v, v 0, v 1, …, v l, s implies that d(v) <= d(v 0 ) + 1 <= d(v 1 ) + 2 <= … <= d(s) + l <= n + n - 1

38 Termination (continued) Lemma 3.8 There are at most 2n 2 labeling operations  Only the labels corresponding to V-{s,t} may be relabeled  Each of these n – 2 labels can only increase  At most (2n – 1) (n – 2) relabelings

39 Termination (continued) Lemma 3.9 The number of saturating pushes is at most 2nm  For any pair (v,w) d(w) must increase by 2 between saturating pushes from v to w  Similarly d(v) must increase by 2 between pushes from w to v  d(v) + d(w) >= 1 on the first saturating push  d(v) + d(w) <= 4n - 3 on the last  At most 2n - 1 saturating pushes per edge

40 Termination (continued) Lemma 3.10 The number of nonsaturating pushes is at most 4n 2 m  Φ = ∑ v d(v) where v is active  Each nonsaturating push causes Φ to decrease by at least 1  The total increase in Φ from saturating pushes is (2n – 1) 2nm  The total increase in Φ from relabeling is (2n – 1)(n – 2)  Φ is 0 initially and Φ at termination

41 Termination Theorem 3.11 The algorithm terminates in O(n 2 m) Total time = # nonsaturating pushes + #saturating pushes + #relabeling operations 4n 2 m + 2nm + 2n 2 = O(n 2 m)

42 Outline Background Definitions Push-Relabel Algorithm Correctness / Termination Proofs Implementation

43 At each step select an active vertex and apply either Push or Relabel Problem: Determining which operation to perform and in the case of Push finding a residual edge Solution: For each vertex maintain a list of edges which touch that vertex and a current edge

44 Push/Relabel Operation Push/Relabel(v) Precondition: v is active Action: If Push(v,w) is applicable to current edge (v,w) then Push(v,w) Else if (v,w) is not the last edge advance current edge Else reset the current edge and Relabel(v)

45 Push/Relabel Operation Lemma 4.1 The push/relabel operation does a relabeling only when relabeling is applicable Theorem 4.2 The push/relabel implementation runs in O(nm) time plus O(1) time per nonsaturating push operation

46 O(n 3 ) bound We can select vertices in arbitrary order Certain vertex selection strategies give O(n 3 ) bounds  First-in, first-out method (proved in paper)  Maximum distance method (proved here)  Wave method

47 Maximum distance method At each step, select the active vertex with maximum distance d(v) Theorem The maximum distance method performs at most 4n 3 nonsaturating pushes Corollary The maximum distance method runs in time O(n 3 ) using the push/relabel implementation

48 Proof Consider D = max x d(x) where x is active D only increases because of relabeling D increases at most 2n 2 times D starts at 0 and ends nonnegative D changes at most 4n 2 times There is at most one nonsaturating push per node per value of D

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