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© PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Day: Thursday 10th November Session: 11.00 - 12.30 Speaker: Graeme Rush Topic:Australian Perspective.

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1 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Day: Thursday 10th November Session: 11.00 - 12.30 Speaker: Graeme Rush Topic:Australian Perspective

2 The PSMA Australia Perspective Incorporating Sustainable Development Objectives into ICT Enabled Land Administration Systems Expert Group Meeting 9 – 11 November 2005 Department of Geomatics, The University of Melbourne Presented by Graeme Rush Director, PSMA Australia

3 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 PSMA Australia Limited A Brief History Born from the 1992 ABS need for mapping for statistics Produced mapping products for 1996 Census Initially a consortium of all State, Territory and Commonwealth governments of Australia Initial Leadership & Vision by Prof. Don Grant Incorporated as a limited liability company in June 2001

4 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Vision ‘The creation of a national asset of comprehensive, quality and accessible spatial knowledge’. Mission ‘To return economic, environmental and social benefits to the nation through the coordination, assembly and delivery of standards – compliant, national datasets’.

5 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Executive Chairman – Ollie Hedberg Executive Chairman of PSMA Australia Information Management and Land Administration Consultant Member of the NSW Land and Property Information Advisory Board Chairman of the Southern Regional Natural Resource Management Committee (Tasmania) Chairman of the Victorian Spatial Council

6 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 PSMA Australia’s Marketplace for National Datasets PSMA Australia: –only produces National or Multi-jurisdictional datasets –prefers to develop a dataset/product in celebration with a significant user –does develop other dataset/products that are believed to be in the National Interest

7 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Sourcing Data from Custodians PSMA Australia firmly believes that, in order to be able to maintain datasets, data must be sourced from Custodians …easy to say …difficult to achieve

8 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Institutional Arrangements to Support Data inputs Data management Data distribution PSMA Australia is a Relationship Manager Suppliers (Custodians) Contractors (Data Integrator/Data Manager) Clients (mainly VARs)

9 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Land Administration & Land Management 1998 FIG Publication “Cadastre 2014” Statement 1 Cadastre 2014 will show the complete legal situation of land, including public rights and restrictions. Statement 2 The separation between maps and registers will be abolished. Statement 3 The cadastral mapping will be dead. Long live modelling. Statement 4 Paper and pencil cadastre will have gone. Statement 5 Cadastre 2014 will be highly privatised. Public and private sector are working closely together. Statement 6 Cadastre 2014 will be cost recovering. X X X

10 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Cadastre The cadastre paradigm is one about the relationship between LAND, PEOPLE and TAXES This paradigm is heavily slanted towards an ECONOMIC mindset Land is a commodity that can be bought, sold, mortgaged and taxed This cadastral paradigm is consistent with a Land Administration mindset However, it is only part of the picture that is encompassed in the emerging Land Management paradigm that is emerging in Australia

11 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Unbundling of Interests in Land Native Title Water Rights Vegetation Rights Contaminated Land etc.

12 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Each of these interests is being separately regulated through separate pieces of legislation that don’t always recognise that the management activity needs to relate to the LAND Many of these interests in land are not recorded on the title documentation Consequently Statement 1: –“Cadastre 2014 will show the complete legal situation of land, including public rights and restrictions” is not being achieved in Australia

13 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 Rights, Obligations and Restrictions What we can doRIGHTS What we must doOBLIGATIONS What we cannot doRESTRICTIONS

14 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 The mindset behind these RORs is a more holistic view of land, rather than the narrower economic focus The Land Management paradigm encompasses the quadruple bottom line, encompassing: –economic; –social; –environmental; and –spiritual consideration of our land environment The way these processes come together is in the actions that are taken “on the ground” in the form of the Land Management practices undertaken on the land

15 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 PSMA Australia’s Role in Land Management PSMA Australia’s datasets assist Property Managers to manage their resources: –Topography –Cadastral Boundaries –Administrative Boundaries –etc.

16 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 PSMA Australia’s Role in Land Management PSMA Australia attempts to “value add” to data collected by Custodians, some of whom play other roles in the Land Management environment For example in the generation of G-NAF, sources geocode information from jurisdictional DCDB data, and property address from Local Government Another example is the Roads layer of the Transport & Topography dataset This dataset is generated in part from the jurisdictional DCDB data and Local Government street names

17 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 PSMA Australia’s Role in Land Management To date PSMA Australia has not attempted to play an active role in the Land Management arena, because this is primarily the responsibility of the various State and Territory jurisdictions However, PSMA Australia has attempted to capitalise on the data that has been generated by these jurisdictions to produce information products that meet the needs of other users

18 © PSMA Australia Limited 2005 PSMA Australia’s Role in Land Management PSMA Australia is aiming for the ubiquitous use of its datasets within Australia, and that these datasets are comprehensive, diverse and needs- driven

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