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1 Uniform Sampling from the Web via Random Walks Ziv Bar-Yossef Alexander Berg Steve Chien Jittat Fakcharoenphol Dror Weitz University of California at.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Uniform Sampling from the Web via Random Walks Ziv Bar-Yossef Alexander Berg Steve Chien Jittat Fakcharoenphol Dror Weitz University of California at."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Uniform Sampling from the Web via Random Walks Ziv Bar-Yossef Alexander Berg Steve Chien Jittat Fakcharoenphol Dror Weitz University of California at Berkeley

2 2 Motivation: Web Measurements Main goal: Develop a cheap method to sample uniformly from the Web Use a random sample of web pages to approximate: –search engine coverage –domain name distribution (.com,.org,.edu) –percentage of porn pages –average number of links in a page –average page length Note: A web page is a static html page

3 3 The Structure of the Web (Broder et al., 2000) tendrils & isolated regions right side left side large strongly connected component indexable web 1/4

4 4 Why is Web Sampling Hard? Obvious solution: sample from an index of all pages Maintaining an index of Web pages is difficult –Requires extensive resources (storage, bandwidth) –Hard to implement There is no consistent index of all Web pages –Difficult to get complete coverage –Month to crawl/index most of the Web –Web is changing every minute

5 5 Our Approach: Random Walks for Random Sampling Random walk on a graph provides a sample of nodes Graph is undirected and regular  sample is uniform –Problems: The Web is neither undirected nor regular Our solution –Incrementally create an undirected regular graph with the same nodes as the Web –Perform the walk on this graph

6 6 Related Work Monika Henzinger, et al. (2000) –Random walk produces pages distributed by Google’s page rank. –Weight these pages to produce a nearly uniform sample. Krishna Bharat & Andrei Broder (1998) –Measured relative size and overlap of search engines using random queries. Steve Lawrence & Lee Giles (1998, 1999) –Size of the web by probing IP addresses and crawling servers. –Search engine coverage in response to certain queries.

7 7 Random Walks: Definitions probability distribution q t q t (v) = prob. v is visited at step t Transition matrix A q t+1 = q t A Stationary distribution Limit as t grows of q t if it exists and is independent of q 0 Mixing time # of steps required to approach the stationary distribution Markov process The probability of a transition depends only on the current state. v u From node v pick any outgoing edge with equal probability. Go to u. vu

8 8 Straightforward Random Walk on the Web Gets stuck in sinks and in dense Web communities Biased towards popular pages Converges slowly, if at all Follow a random out-link at each step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9 9 WebWalker: Undirected Regular Random Walk on the Web Fact: A random walk on a connected undirected regular graph converges to a uniform stationary distribution. w(v) = deg max - deg(v) 1 2 3 1 4 0 2 3 0 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 5 Follow a random out- link or a random in- link at each step Use weighted self loops to even out pages ’ degrees

10 10 WebWalker: Mixing Time Theorem [Markov chain folklore]: A random walk ’ s mixing time is at most log(N)/(1 - 2 ) where N = size of the graph 1 - 2 = eigenvalue gap of the transition matrix Experiment (using an extensive Alexa crawl of the web from 1996) WebWalker ’ s eigenvalue gap: 1 - 2  10 -5 Result: Webwalker ’ s mixing time is 3.1 million steps Self loop steps are free Only 1 in 30,000 steps is not a self loop step (deg max  3 x 10 5, deg avg = 10) Result: Webwalker ’ s actual mixing time is only 100 steps!

11 11 WebWalker: Mixing Time (cont.) Mixing time on the current Web may be similar –Some evidence that the structure of the Web today is similar to the structure in 1996 (Kumar et al., 1999, Broder et al., 2000)

12 12 WebWalker: Realization (1) Problems The in-links of v are not available deg(v) is not available Partial sources of in-links: Previously visited nodes Reverse link services of search engines Webwalker(v): Spend expected deg max /deg(v) steps at v Pick a random link incident to v (either v  u or u  v) Webwalker(u)

13 13 WebWalker: Realization (2) WebWalker uses only available links: –out-links –in-links from previously visited pages –first r in-links returned from the search engines WebWalker walks on a sub-graph of the Web –sub-graph induced by available links –to ensure consistency: as soon as a page is visited its incident edge list is fixed for the rest of the walk

14 14 WebWalker: Example covered by search engines not covered by search engines available link non-available link v1v1 w v5v5 v2v2 v4v4 v6v6 v3v3 v1v1 v5v5 v2v2 v4v4 v6v6 v3v3 Web Graph WebWalker ’ s Induced Sub-Graph 0 1 1 1 1 2

15 15 WebWalker: Bad News WebWalker becomes a true random walk only after its induced sub-graph “stabilizes” Induced sub-graph is random Induced sub-graph misses some of the nodes Eigenvalue gap analysis does not hold anymore

16 16 WebWalker: Good News WebWalker eventually converges to a uniform distribution on the nodes of its induced sub-graph WebWalker is a “close approximation” of a random walk much before the sub-graph stabilizes Theorem: WebWalker’s induced sub-graph is guaranteed to eventually cover the whole indexable Web. Corollary: WebWalker can produce uniform samples from the indexable Web.

17 17 Evaluation of WebWalker’s Performance Questions to address in experiments: Structure of induced sub-graphs Mixing time Potential bias in early stages of the walk: –towards high degree pages –towards the search engines –towards the starting page’s neighborhood

18 18 WebWalker: Evaluation Experiments Run WebWalker on the 1996 copy of the Web –37.5 million pages –15 million indexable pages –deg avg = 7.15 –deg max = 300,000 Designate a fraction p of the pages as the search engine index Use WebWalker to generate a sample of 100,000 pages Check the resulting sample against the actual values

19 19 Evaluation: Bias towards High Degree Nodes Deciles of nodes ordered by degree High Degree Low Degree Percent of nodes from walk

20 20 Evaluation: Bias towards the Search Engines Search engine size 30%50% Estimate of search engine size

21 21 Evaluation: Bias towards the Starting Node’s Neighborhood Deciles of nodes by distance from starting node Close to Starting Node Far from Starting Node Percent of nodes from walk

22 22 WebWalker: Experiments on the Web Run WebWalker on the actual Web Two runs of 34,000 pages each Dates: July 8, 2000 - July 15, 2000 Used four search engines for reversed links: AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos, Go

23 23 Domain Name Distribution

24 24 Search Engine Coverage

25 25 Web Page Parameters Average page size: 8,390 Bytes Average # of images on a page:9.3 Images Average # of hyperlinks on a page:15.6 Links

26 26 Conclusions Uniform sampling of Web pages by random walks Good news: –walk provably converges to a uniform distribution –easy to implement and run with few resources –encouraging experimental results Bad news: –no theoretical guarantees on the walk’s mixing time –some biases towards high degree nodes and the search engines Future work: –obtain a better theoretical analysis –eliminate biases –deal with dynamic content

27 27 Thank You!

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