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JEMADARI Research Project: Final Results Larry M. Gant, Ph.D. School of Social Work, University of Michigan Carol J. Boyd, Ph.D, Janie Slayden, M.A., James.

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Presentation on theme: "JEMADARI Research Project: Final Results Larry M. Gant, Ph.D. School of Social Work, University of Michigan Carol J. Boyd, Ph.D, Janie Slayden, M.A., James."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEMADARI Research Project: Final Results Larry M. Gant, Ph.D. School of Social Work, University of Michigan Carol J. Boyd, Ph.D, Janie Slayden, M.A., James A. Cranford, Ph.D. Substance Abuse Research Center, University of Michigan Annual Meeting of the JEMADARI Research Project May 2 nd, 2006

2 Goals of the JEMADARI Research Project 1. To reduce drug-related risk behaviors. A. Alcohol use B. Marijuana use C. Cocaine use

3 Goals of the JEMADARI Research Project 2. To reduce HIV-related risk behaviors. A. Giving or receiving money in exchange for sex B. Under influence of alcohol during sex C. Unplanned sex after alcohol or drug use D. Condom use

4 Research Design for JEMADARI Pre- Test InterventionPost-Test 1 (1 week after final intervention) Post-Test 2 (6 months after pre-test) Experimental Group – AIDS Education X HIV Risk- Reduction X X Control Group – Nutrition & Fitness X Nutrition & Fitness X X

5 Research Design for JEMADARI Pre- Test N=471 InterventionPost-Test 1 N=231 Post-Test 2 N=181 Experimental Group – AIDS Education n=226 HIV Risk- Reduction n=121N=78 Control Group – Nutrition & Fitness n=245 Nutrition & Fitness n=110N=103

6 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 1. To reduce drug-related risk behaviors. A. Alcohol use B. Marijuana use C. Cocaine use

7 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Alcohol Use Experimental and control groups showed reductions in alcohol consumption from pre-test to post-test 2.


9 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 1. To reduce drug-related risk behaviors. A. Alcohol use B. Marijuana use C. Cocaine use

10 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Marijuana Use Experimental and control groups showed reductions in marijuana use from pre-test to post-test 2.


12 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 1. To reduce drug-related risk behaviors. A. Alcohol use B. Marijuana use C. Cocaine use

13 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Cocaine Use Experimental and control groups showed reductions in cocaine use from pre-test to post-test 2.


15 Summary Did the intervention reduce drug-related risk behaviors? YES IT DID. But.....beneficial effects were not confined to the experimental group.

16 Goals of the JEMADARI Research Project 2. To reduce HIV-related risk behaviors. A. Giving or receiving money in exchange for sex B. Under influence of alcohol during sex C. Unplanned sex after alcohol or drug use D. Condom use

17 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Giving/Receiving Money in Exchange for Sex Experimental and control groups showed reductions in giving and receiving money in exchange for sex from pre-test to post-test 2.


19 Goals of the JEMADARI Research Project 2. To reduce HIV-related risk behaviors. A. Giving or receiving money in exchange for sex B. Under influence of alcohol during sex C. Unplanned sex after alcohol or drug use D. Condom use

20 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Under the Influence of Alcohol During Sex Experimental and control groups showed reductions in incidence of sex while under the influence of alcohol, from pre-test to post-test 2. AND... Effects appear to be stronger for the experimental group.


22 Goals of the JEMADARI Research Project 2. To reduce HIV-related risk behaviors. A. Giving or receiving money in exchange for sex B. Under influence of alcohol during sex C. Unplanned sex after alcohol or drug use D. Condom use

23 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Unplanned Sex After Alcohol or Drug Use Experimental and control groups showed reductions in unplanned sex after alcohol/drug use from pre-test to post-test 2.


25 Goals of the JEMADARI Research Project 2. To reduce HIV-related risk behaviors. A. Giving or receiving money in exchange for sex B. Under influence of alcohol during sex C. Unplanned sex after alcohol or drug use D. Condom use

26 Final Results: Cohorts 1 – 12 Condom Use During Most Recent Sex Experimental and control groups showed increases in condom use from pre-test to post-test 2.


28 Summary Did the intervention reduce sexual risk behaviors? YES IT DID. some cases, effects were stronger for the experimental versus the control group.

29 CONCLUSIONS 1. Results indicate that the intervention reduces alcohol /drug- related and sexual risk behaviors. 2. The intervention may have stronger effects on sexual risk behaviors.


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