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The Production Decision of a Monopoly Firm Alternative market structures: perfect competition monopolistic competition oligopoly monopoly.

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Presentation on theme: "The Production Decision of a Monopoly Firm Alternative market structures: perfect competition monopolistic competition oligopoly monopoly."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Production Decision of a Monopoly Firm Alternative market structures: perfect competition monopolistic competition oligopoly monopoly

2 The following market attributes characterize the case of monopoly: –There is a single seller of a product having no close substitutes; there is only one source of supply. –There is complete information regarding price and product availability. –There are barriers to new firms entering the market.

3 Reasons for barriers to entry include the following: Government franchises and licenses Patents and copyrights Ownership of the entire supply of a resource Economies of scale (natural monopoly)

4 Generally, a firm has monopoly power if by producing more or less of the good, the market price is affected. A firm with monopoly power is a price-maker. Such a firm is not able to choose price and quantity.

5 The firm’s marginal revenue from selling an additional unit will be less than the price received for that unit; MR < P. Marginal revenue for a firm with monopoly power Suppose a firm’s demand curve is downward sloping and all units of the good are sold at the same price.

6 Marginal revenue is the additional revenue that results from the sale of an additional unit. MR = P - (reduction in price)(previous quantity) $8.30 = $9.10 - (.10 $/unit)(8 units) = $9.10 - $0.80

7 Explanation for why MR < P: To sell additional units, the firm must lower price. There is an associated revenue loss resulting from the infra-marginal units being sold at a lower price than would otherwise have been the case.

8 FACT: Marginal revenue can be negative even when price is positive. MR = P - (reduction in price)(previous quantity) -$0.10 = $4.90 - (.10 $/unit)(50 units) = $4.90 - $5.00

9 Q Q Q3Q3 Q Q1Q1 Q1Q1 Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Q2Q2 Q2Q2 Q3Q3 Q3Q3 Q4Q4 Q4Q4 Q4Q4 Q5Q5 Q5Q5 Q5Q5 $ $/Q P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P4P4 P5P5 P TR D MR elastic demand inelastic demand TR 1 TR 2 TR 4 TR 3 TR 5 Marginal Revenue and the price elasticity of demand. Q Q3Q3 $/Q MR D

10 Marginal Revenue and the price elasticity of demand. D P Q Unit elastic demand Inelastic demand Elastic demand MR

11 FACT: A firm having monopoly power will never choose to produce a level of output corresponding to an inelastic point on its demand curve. Π = TR - TC If demand is price inelastic, reducing the level of output will result in an increase in TR and a reduction in TC, implying an increase in profits, Π.

12 Q $ per unit MC AVC P1P1 Q1Q1 D MR What level of output will the firm produce? Q2Q2

13 Profit maximizing output rule: A profit-maximizing firm will produce the level of output where MC = MR, provided that the corresponding total revenue is at least as large as than associated total variable cost (i.e., P > AVC). If the price corresponding to the output where MR = MC is less than the corresponding AVC, the firm will shut down.

14 Q P $ per unit MC AVC 10,000 $2.00 $2.50 $5.00

15 In the long-run, a monopolist may exit or adjust its scale of production (i.e., adjust its mix of inputs). Profits will be nonnegative in the long-run. If a firm continues to produce, it will do so at the lowest average cost possible.

16 Q P $/Q MC Q1Q1 P1P1 Q2Q2 D MR Marginal value to buyer (and society) Marginal private (and social) cost Marginal value to monopolist The Welfare Cost of Monopoly

17 Q P $/Q MC Q1Q1 P1P1 Q2Q2 D MR deadweight loss Q P $/Q MC Q1Q1 P1P1 Q2Q2 D MR monopoly output efficient quantity The Welfare Cost of Monopoly monopoly output efficient quantity

18 Perfect Price Discrimination A monopolist who knows each buyer’s demand (willingness to pay) and is able to charge each buyer a different price for each unit purchased is said to be able to perfectly price discriminate.


20 Q P $/Q Q1Q1 P1P1 D MR MR with no price discrimination MR with perfect price discrimination Marginal Revenue with and without Perfect Price Discrimination

21 Q P $/Q MC = AC Q1Q1 P1P1 Q2Q2 D = MR Profit Maximization in the Case of Perfect Price Discrimination

22 Q P $/Q MC = AC Q1Q1 P1P1 Q2Q2 D MR Profit Maximization in the Case of No Price Discrimination Consumers surplus Producer surplus (monopoly profits)

23 Q P $/Q MC = AVC Q1Q1 P1P1 Q2Q2 D = MR Distributional Consequences of Perfect Price Discrimination

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