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Martin Bell SQL Server MVP Blog:

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Bell SQL Server MVP Blog:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Bell SQL Server MVP Email: Blog:

2  Windows PowerShell is a powerful scripting shell  The Windows PowerShell language supports more complex logic than Transact-SQL scripts

3  The SQL Server provider enables a simple navigation mechanism similar to file system paths  A set of SQL Server cmdlets  SQLPS is a closed mini-shell

4  The sqlps utility that is used to run Windows PowerShell sessions that include the SQL Server snap-ins

5 cmdlet Canonical alias cmd aliasUNIX shell aliasDescription Get-Locationglpwd Gets the current node. Set-Locationslcd, chdir Changes the current node. Get-ChildItemgcidirls Lists the objects stored at the current node. Get-Itemgi Returns the properties of the current item. Move-ItemmimovemvMoves an object. Rename-ItemrnirnrenRenames an object. Remove-Itemridel, rdrm, rmdirRemoves an object.

6 cmdletDescription Invoke-Sqlcmd Runs a script containing the languages and commands supported by the SQL Server sqlcmd utility i.e.T-SQL or XQuery syntax. Invoke- PolicyEvaluation Invoke-PolicyEvaluation applies/reconfigures policy-based management policies. Encode-SqlName Reformats a SQL Server identifier into a representation that will work in Windows PowerShell. Decode-SqlName Converts an encoded SQL Server identifier back to the original identifier. Convert- UrnToPath Converts SMO URN strings to a Windows PowerShell path.

7  For SQLPS install the SQL Server 2008 client components to run SQL Server features for Windows PowerShell  The SQL Server provider for Windows PowerShell can connect to instances of SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005 (SP2 or later), or SQL Server 2000 (SP4).  Some functionality is limited on SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000

8  Manage SQL Server instances  Manage Policies, Start Services...  Manage Databases  Backup, Create, Change Delete...  Manage Jobs  Use SMO, WMI...

9  Finding your way around SQLPS

10  Quest- PowerGUI and Scripts  Idera – Free Powershell Scripts Tools/PowerShell-scripts/  SQLPSX -  SQL Server Books Online - 604  Powershell Owners Manual nter/topics/winpsh/manual/start.mspx

11  Martin Bell’s Blog -  Bill Ramos’ Blog -  Carpe Datum – Buck Woody’s Blog -  Allen White’s Blog -  Michiel Wories WebLog –  And…

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