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Conceptual Overview 7 step design Chapter 4 Database Design for Mere Mortals.

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1 Conceptual Overview 7 step design Chapter 4 Database Design for Mere Mortals

2 Importance of completing the Design Process It is necessary to go through the entire design process The level of structural integrity and data integrity is in direct proportion to how thoroughly the design process is followed The less time spent on the design process, the greater the risk of encountering problems with the database

3 Defining a Mission Statement and Mission Objectives (1) Establishes the purpose and provides a focus Every database created for a specific purpose Will ensure appropriate design and appropriate data is collected to support purpose of database

4 Mission Objectives general tasks to be performed support mission statement aid in determining structure of database

5 People involved group 1 (define mission statement) –database developer –head of organization –management group 2 (define mission objectives) –database developer –Management –end-users

6 Analyzing the Current Database (2) Legacy database –in existence for several years –inherited database Paper-based database –Forms –index cards –manila folders …

7 Gather information on type and condition of database manageability usage how data currently gathered (forms) how data currently presented (reports) software application used conduct interviews to see how users interact with database

8 Question for users –how do you currently use the database –information requirements Questions for management –information they currently receive –information requirements Fundamental data requirements (results) –Starting point

9 Creating Data Structures (3) Define Tables Define fields Establish Keys

10 Determining and Establishing Table Relationships (4) Interview users and management identify relationships identify relationship characteristics establish relationship-level integrity

11 Determining and Defining the Business Rules (5) Interviews Identify limitations on database Establish business rules Define and implement Validation Tables Ongoing process

12 Determining and Establishing Views (6) Interviews Identify ways in which data is viewed Establish Views

13 Reviewing Data Integrity (7) Review each table for proper design Check Fields in table Check Validity of each relationship Check Business Rules

14 Are We Done? For the time being Design Process is NEVER really complete Database structure will always need refinement as organization grows

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