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Tuscan Cities The Culture of Death, Judgment, and Punishment.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuscan Cities The Culture of Death, Judgment, and Punishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuscan Cities The Culture of Death, Judgment, and Punishment

2 Obsessio n with Death and Decay

3 Illness and Hopelessness

4 Old Age and the Body: Lots of Reminders of Decay

5 Death Comes Inevitably

6 All Ages Affected

7 Attention to Avoiding Death Even at the Last Moment

8 Moment of Death and Temptation: The Ars Moriendi

9 Miracles Happen: Ascertaining Death

10 Transport of the Cadaver

11 The Casket

12 Death and Sensuality

13 Internment

14 Decay of the Body After Death Emphasized

15 Elaborate and expensive tombs

16 Grave Robbing

17 Office for the Dead Hell

18 Resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment

19 Taken to be Judged

20 Guilt Expiation: Scrovegni Chapel in Padua

21 Universal Judgment: When and Where

22 Justice in the Arena Chapel (Giotto)

23 Two Kinds of Justice (Lorenzetti) Good Government Frescos in Siena

24 Distributive Justice (Lorenzetti)

25 Commutative Justice

26 Purgatory Role of the Blessed Virgin as Intercessor

27 ArtisticOpportunity, Creativity and Sadistic Entertainment

28 Hell and Graphic Torture

29 Clergy and Laity were both included

30 Punishment s fit the crime or sin -- in this case an obsession with Wealth

31 Punishment Fitting the Sin: Clerical Celibacy

32 Eternal and appropriate punishments

33 Sexual obsessions and ideas about the physical body

34 Demons actively and graphicall y punish sinners

35 Serious and comic value. Can these images really terrify?

36 Satan himself helps

37 Simony and Bribery: Common Clerical Sins

38 The End??

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