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1 Mobility Management in Rural Environments October 21, 2008 1:45 – 3:15 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mobility Management in Rural Environments October 21, 2008 1:45 – 3:15 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mobility Management in Rural Environments October 21, 2008 1:45 – 3:15 p.m.

2 2 Session Topic Mobility Management & Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

3 3 Today’s Presenter  Todd Allen, Director of Business Development & Community Relations, RouteMatch Software, Raleigh, NC

4 4 Today’s Discussion Points  RouteMatch Software - Overview  Mobility Management & Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)  Case Studies: Lower Savannah COG & Paducah Area Transit System  Questions & Comments

5 5 RouteMatch Software - Overview  Founded in 1999 and incorporated in January 2000; with a razor-sharp focus on the demand-response and transit ITS industries.  A dedicated, customer-focused staff of 70+ engineers, consultants, and customer support representatives.  Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, with offices in Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Kansas, Colorado, Chicago and Washington State.  Over 240 installed public, private, and non- profit transportation organizations in 42 states nationwide. RouteMatch Corporate Offices, Atlanta, GA

6 6 RouteMatch Software - Overview  Industry: ̶ Public and Human Service Transportation ̶ Brokerage and Managed Care ̶ Non-Emergency Medical ̶ Mobility Management  Technologies: ̶ Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) ̶ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ̶ Computer Assisted Scheduling and Dispatching ̶ Integration of Demand Response and Fixed Route Systems ̶ Inter and Intra-County Coordination ̶ Advanced Data Management, Reporting, Billing ̶ CAD/AVL ̶ Transit Business Intelligence

7 7 RouteMatch Software – ITS Focus Community Transportation Fixed Route Transit Demand Response/ Paratransit/ Dial-a-Ride Vehicle Management Consumer Information

8 8  Demand Response/ Paratransit ITS ̶ Automated Scheduling, Routing, and Dispatching ̶ Billing and Reporting ̶ State and Regional Coordination  Fixed Route ITS ̶ Fixed Route Scheduling and Routing ̶ Demand Response / Fixed Route Integration RouteMatch Software - ITS Components  Wireless Communications ̶ In-Vehicle Mobile Data Computers and Data Collection ̶ Paratransit CAD / AVL ̶ Fixed Route CAD / AVL  “Consumer” Transit ITS ̶ Real-time Passenger Transit Information Systems ̶ Transit Web Portals ̶ Transit IVR and Web–Based Multi- modal Trip Planning Tools

9 9 Mobility Management & Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

10 10 What is ITS? “ITS improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances productivity through the use of advanced communications technologies.” - USDOT Joint Program Office (1)Source: USDOT/JPO,

11 11 What is ITS?  Types of ITS Applications: ̶ USDOT Website:  Today.... We focus on ITS and their use in supporting Mobility Management practices!

12 12 Mobility Management & ITS

13 13 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 1.Enhanced customer and resource management 2.Computer Assisted Scheduling & Dispatching (CASD) 3.Electronic reporting and billing capabilities 4.Customer access to services and information 5.Service coordination 6.Program management (planned vs. actual outcomes)

14 14 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 1.Enhanced customer and resource management

15 15 Manage detailed customer information

16 16 Manage customer program eligibility

17 17 Manage customer services preferences

18 18 Manage vehicle resource information

19 19 Manage driver information

20 20 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 2. Computer Assisted Scheduling & Dispatching (CASD)

21 21 Electronically schedule a customer’s trip reservation

22 22 Utilize GIS-based mapping for scheduling accuracy

23 23 Choose “best option” trip and services for the customer

24 24 Manual or computer optimized scheduling

25 25

26 26 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 3. Electronic reporting and billing capabilities

27 27 Manage contract funding source information

28 28 Develop Accurate and Detailed Invoices & Reports.

29 29 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 4. Customer access to services and information

30 30 Web Trip Planning/Route Information Online ADA eligibility Trip booking Transit Trip Planning

31 31 Your vehicle is 3 miles away and will arrive in 7 minutes. Where is my bus? Locate a provider online or by telephone

32 32 Mobile telephone access to services

33 33 Real Time Passenger Information Real time bus information at MY bus stop and about MY bus. 80% of riders board at 30% of stops. Leverage ITS investment to maximize the greatest impact on the rider’s experience and to attract new passengers.

34 34 Real Time Passenger Information Fixed route stop arrival/ departure display boards. “Smart” fare card media and customer data management.

35 35 USDOT – MSAA: One Integrated Vision Mobility Management & ITS Independence Employment Health Care Recreation Family Education Consumer with Mobility Needs One Call Transportation Service Providers Funding Agencies U.S. State & Local Government Funds, Policies, and Regulations

36 36 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 5. Service coordination

37 37 “Coordinate” customer trips with other providers

38 38 Mobility Management & ITS How does Mobility Management benefit from the use of ITS? ITS can assist in providing... 6. Program management (planned vs. actual outcomes)

39 39  Manage expected Goals and real outcomes.  True “before” and “after” evaluation.

40 40 Mobility Management & ITS Case Studies Lower Savannah Council of Governments, Aiken, SC And Paducah Area Transit System, Paducah, KY

41 41  Lower Savannah Council of Governments, Aiken, SC ̶ First Regional Transp. Mgmt. Agency in SC – a leader ̶ Region = 6 counties ̶ “Mobility management” staff on-site ̶ Coordinates vehicle purchases & service planning ̶ Aging & Disability Resource Ctr. ̶ Regional human service agency ̶ Coordinates with region’s Medicaid transportation broker Case Study: Lower Savannah COG

42 42 Case Study: Lower Savannah COG ̶ Regional collaboration ̶ Arrange for the sharing of vehicles ̶ CMS Systems Transformation recipient ̶ Central Clearing House: Information & Referral ̶ Contracting for Services ̶ MSAA project: Regional TMCC  Mobility Management Practices

43 43  Paducah Transit Authority, Paducah, KY  Location: Paducah, KY  Population: 26,307 (city); - Service area = 127,981  Transportation Services Provided: Fixed Route, ADA Paratransit, Dial-a-Ride, taxi, coordinated human service, regional Medicaid provider (3 counties), airport shuttle, package/movie delivery, UPS/FedEx service, 200 contracts total, downtown trolley, special events, and vanpools.  Other Regional Partners: Fulton Co. Transit, Murray-Calloway Co. Transit, and Easter Seals West Kentucky  MSAA Project: Regional TMCC  211 initiative Case Study: Paducah Area Transit

44 44

45 45

46 46 Question & Comments

47 47 Todd Allen Director of Business Development & Community Relations RouteMatch Software 2301 Stonehenge Dr., Suite 116, Raleigh, NC 27612 Telephone: (919) 676-8327 E-Mail: Internet: Contact Information

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