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If the effective field is E =800,000 N/C over a gap length of 2.5 cm, what is the electron’s final velocity, v ? Electron Gun Heated filamentPositively.

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Presentation on theme: "If the effective field is E =800,000 N/C over a gap length of 2.5 cm, what is the electron’s final velocity, v ? Electron Gun Heated filamentPositively."— Presentation transcript:

1 If the effective field is E =800,000 N/C over a gap length of 2.5 cm, what is the electron’s final velocity, v ? Electron Gun Heated filamentPositively charged can (1.6  10 -19 C)(8  10 5 N/C) 9.11  10 -19 kg  0 + 2(1.405  10 -19 m/s 2 )(0.025 m)  7.025  10 15 m 2 /s 2 v  8.38  10 7 m/s

2 Triple Gun Assembly (R,B,G beams) of a color television tube

3 - As this electron enters the E-field, it will 1) speed up. 2) slow down. 3) maintain constant speed.

4 - As this electron enters the E-field, Its path will be deflected (nudged) 1) up. 2) down. 3) neither,only accelerated forward.

5 v o = 8.4  10 7 m/sec m e = 9.11  10 -31 kg 1 e = 1.60  10 -19 C E max = ? Electron Gun -e-e 2 centimeters 0.3 cm

6 2 centimeters 0.3 cm -e-e vo vo The time each individual electron spends between the two plates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7 2 centimeters 0.3 cm -e-e vo vo x = v ox t + ½a x t 2 y = v oy t + ½a y t 2 0 0

8 Concept Review h = 1 m A man lifts a 5 kg rock 1 meter off the ground. The potential energy of the rock is about A) 5 J B) 50 J C) 100 J D) 500 J About how much work did the man have to do? A) 5 J B) 50 J C) 100 J D) 500 J E) cannot answer from the information given

9 Concept Review Test The balls in the figure are identical. When released from rest, which has a greater kinetic energy when it gets to the bottom of its ramp? A) B) C) both the same

10 Electric Energy A proton and an electron are each accelerated over the same distance across a region of constant electric field, E. Which experiences the greater acceleration? (1) proton (2) electron (3) both have equal acceleration (4) neither, there is no acceleration at all

11 Electric Energy A proton and an electron are each accelerated over the same distance across a region of constant electric field, E. Which experiences the bigger increase in Kinetic Energy? (1) proton (2) electron (3) both have the same increase in KE (4) neither -- KE = 0 for both

12 Electric Potential Difference V = Work q  PE q

13 Which point has the largest potential?Which point has the largest potential? Electric Potential 1 3 2 4 5 +Q

14 Electric Potential Which two points have the same potential? (1) A and C (2) B and E (3) B and D (4) C and D (5) no pair A C B D E +Q

15 ConcepTest + If the magnitude of the electric field at point A is E o, then the electric field at point B is 1) ¼E o 2) ½E o 3) E o 4) 2E o 5) 4E o If the electric potential at point A is V o, then the electric potential at point B is 1) ¼V o 2) ½V o 3) V o 4) 2V o 5) 4V o

16 1) speed up. 2) down. 1) 2) 50 J 3) both the same (2) electron 5) has the largest potential (4) C and D 2) ½V o 1) ¼E o Answers to preceding Multiple Choice questions

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