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Simple plane pendulum. Principle of Superposition is a solution.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple plane pendulum. Principle of Superposition is a solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple plane pendulum

2 Principle of Superposition is a solution

3 not a solution

4 Theoretical Methods Topological Analytical Numerical

5 Some Mathematica / Maple functionalities to be demonstrated : Analytic differentiation Analytic and numerical integration Taylor series Algebraic manipulations Plots Analytic and numerical solutions to ODEs and PDEs Series summations Animations Sound

6 Getting Mathematica Help General help 1.Enter shift-F1 to open the Help Browser 2.Menu-Bar: Help  Tutorial 3. 4.Books. E.g., a)J.W.Gray, "Mastering Mathematica", AP (1994) b)T.B.Bahder, "Mathematica for Scientists & Engineers", Addison Wesley (1995) c)R.L.Zimmerman, F.I.Olness, "Mathematica for Physics", Addison Wesley (1995)

7 Specific help 1.Use search in Help Browser 2.Place cursor on word and press F1 3.Execute the command ?nameor ??name Wild card * accepted

8 Use Of Mathematica / Maple 1.Easy access to number crunching and plotting 2.Permit computer experimentation 3.Reduce mistakes 4.Encourage exploration

9 1.2.1. Examples of Mathematica Operations Differentiation and Integration01-1 Taylor Expansion01-2 Trigonometric and Algebraic Manipulations01-3 Plotting Data and Functions01-4 Numerical Solution for the Eardrum ODE01-5 Animation and Sound01-6 A Classical Mechanics Example01-7

10 Spencer’s Notes

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