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 John Maynard Keynes  Increasing government deficit and spending to stimulate economy  FDR and the New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: " John Maynard Keynes  Increasing government deficit and spending to stimulate economy  FDR and the New Deal."— Presentation transcript:


2  John Maynard Keynes  Increasing government deficit and spending to stimulate economy  FDR and the New Deal

3  Economic Stimulus Act of 2008- $170 Billion  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009- $787 Billion  American Jobs Act????  Solyndra

4  Believes in government spending to stimulate Economy  Trying to pass American Jobs Act

5  Attacking American Jobs Act  Cut Taxes – especially on small businesses  Establish incentive funds to encourage hiring of employees  Invest in education

6  Cut Spending  Reduce Taxes  Stop regulation from EPA such as Cap and Trade  Simplify complicated IRS tax code

7  Reduce Taxes Spending Regulation Government Programs  Increase Trade Energy Production Human Capital Labor Flexibility

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