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Information Technology Systems EN230-1 Justin Champion C208 – 3273

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Presentation on theme: "Information Technology Systems EN230-1 Justin Champion C208 – 3273"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Technology Systems EN230-1 Justin Champion C208 – 3273

2 IT Systems Contents Introduction to the course Discussion of what is expected Discussion of the assessment Introduction to Logic Summary

3 IT Systems The course Looking at all parts of IT systems Allows us to understand what is happening within a computer Look at how a computer takes 1’s and 0’s and produces this

4 IT Systems Structure of the course 1 lecture a week Material will be put onto my website 1 Tutorial a week in D10 Tutorial material will be provided Straight forward assembler will be looked at We are using the 68HC11 Motorola boards AS11 Assembler Your time You are expected to carry out some study in your time These lectures will give you a understanding of the subject area Self-study allows YOU to focus on a particular interest area

5 IT Systems Assessment in 2 parts In class test carried out in this lecture slot in week 12 Multiple choice test, with no negative marking Based on the material used in lectures and tutorials Practical assessment A small program written in assembler to show ability to use the 68HC11 processor This will be given out about week 6 to be handed in on week 12 You will be expected to use the tutorial times and your own time to complete this assignment.

6 IT Systems - Logic George Boole 1815 to 1864 Boole approached logic in a new way reducing it to a simple algebra, incorporating logic into mathematics. He also worked on differential equations, the calculus of finite differences and general methods in probability.

7 IT Systems - Logic Boolean Logic Something is either True or False 1 or 0 Correct or Wrong Computers use this to make decisions We use this kind of logic every single day

8 IT Systems You can only get into the club if you have a colour suit True Get into Club False Refused Entry to Club

9 IT Systems Logic As seen you use this all the time If (suit coloured) then Entry to club Else Refused Entry You can also put multiple conditions together Conditional Logic If (Suit Coloured and fish on head) then Entry to club Else Refused Entry

10 IT Systems You can only get into the club if you have a coloured suit and a Fish on the head! False Refused True Accepted False Refused False Refused

11 IT Systems Logic Conditions Available AND OR NOT Logic Symbols used in Logic diagrams AND. OR+ NOT

12 IT Systems Use of The Logic Symbols If person wearing a shirt and a tie then enter Entry = Shirt.Tie If person wearing a shirt which is not white and a tie then enter Entry = (shirt.white).tie

13 IT Systems Example Truth Tables ABA.BA+BA 000011 010110 111100 100100

14 IT Systems Try a truth table yourself Create a truth table for If man has long hair and not a member entry refused

15 IT Systems Answer Create a truth table for If person has long hair and not a member entry refused Long HairMemberNot MemberLong Hair.Member 010Accepted 001 110 101Refused

16 IT Systems What this logic looks like in electrical circuits First the truth table ABX 000 010 100 111

17 IT Systems What this logic looks like in electrical circuits X = A.B A = 0, B = 0, X=0 Light is off

18 IT Systems What this logic looks like in electrical circuits X = A.B A = 1, B = 1, X=1 Light is on

19 IT Systems The logic used can also be drawn out on a diagram

20 IT Systems And Gate - X = A.B

21 IT Systems Alarm System A = Alarm Set B = Door Sensor Opened X = Alarm Sounding

22 IT Systems OR Example X = A + B

23 IT Systems Why we learn this Boolean logic is used in electronics and computers to carry out actions

24 IT Systems Summary of what we have discussed Intro to the course Assessment Boolean Logic

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