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Verification of Hierarchical Component-Based Designs in FRESCO Tom Henzinger, Marius Minea, Vinayak Prabhu.

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Presentation on theme: "Verification of Hierarchical Component-Based Designs in FRESCO Tom Henzinger, Marius Minea, Vinayak Prabhu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verification of Hierarchical Component-Based Designs in FRESCO Tom Henzinger, Marius Minea, Vinayak Prabhu

2 Context Overall Approach –use component hierarchy to limit complexity –design for verifiability Application Domain –primarily embedded systems Verification Goals –refinement checking –assume-guarantee reasoning

3 FRESCO: Formal Real-Time Software Components formal: components are mathematical objects that can be analyzed real-time: behavior contains discrete and continuous executions over time components model software + hardware + environment Masaccio: high-level component view Giotto: processes executing on real-time OS

4 Components in Masaccio Component = interface + behavior Interface: specifies interaction with other components –input and output variables + dependence relation –control locations + entry conditions Behavior: set of executions –entry (jump | flow)*(a,  ) –entry (jump | flow)* exit(a, , b) –components are deadlock-free x y a z b

5 Atomic Components Atomic discrete component Atomic continuous component ab xy y’ = f(x, y) ab xy y = f(x, y).

6 Operations: Parallel Composition synchronous conjunction of component behaviors same entry locations one component may preempt another (determines exit location) aa || cbbc a

7 Operations: Serial Composition disjunction of component behaviors entry conditions for common entry locations are disjoint can represent different execution modes of the system a + cb a g1g2 bc a g1  g2

8 Operations: Hiding and Renaming Location hiding –makes location internal to a component –strings together component executions –typically used with serial composition Location renaming Variable hiding Variable renaming abbcca

9 Building Components All components can be built from atomic components using the six basic operations Example: control of a robot motor, with obstacle sensor e x left:=right:=T  obst obst left: bool right: bool obst: bool

10 Refinement of Components Generalizes trace inclusion Component A refines component B iff: –A and B have compatible interfaces (A may have more variables, stronger dependence relation) –every behavior of A has as prefix a behavior of B (possibly ending in a different exit location) caab refines abbc + \ b = ca because

11 Example: A Simple Robot Motor Controller || Motor + || FollowLead + || Motor ++ StraightTurnMoveWait

12 Compositionality All components operations are compositional: –A  B  A + C  B + C –A  B  A || C  B || C –A  B  A \ a  B \ a –A  B  A [a := b]  B [a := b] –A  B  A \ x  B \ x –A  B  A [x := y]  B [x := y]

13 Assume-Guarantee Reasoning C[A1,B2]  C[A2,B2] C[A2,B1]  C[A2,B2] C[A1,B1]  C[A2,B2]    B2A1 C B2A2 C B2A2 C B1A2 C B2A2 C B1A1 C

14 Assume-Guarantee: Example Consider reimplementation of robot controller. Prove: C A [Control I A ]||C B [Control I B ]  C A [Control A ]||C B [Control B ] discharged by assume-guarantee: C A [Control I A ]||C B [Control B ]  C A [Control A ]||C B [Control B ] C A [Control A ]||C B [Control I B ]  C A [Control A ]||C B [Control B ] first premise rewritten as: Control I A ||Motor A ||Control B ||Motor B  Control A ||Motor A ||Control B ||Motor B discharged by compositional reasoning: Control I A ||Control B  Control A ||Control B rewritten as: (Control I A + Follow A )\e L \e F ||Control B  (Control A + Follow A )\e L \e F ||Control B

15 Assume-Guarantee: Importance Assume-guarantee rule for parallel composition: well studied [Abadi & Lamport, Alur & Henzinger, McMillan] For serial composition: only recently [Alur & Grosu ‘00] In Masaccio: first combination of the two Exploits compositionality and hierarchy of formalism

16 Ongoing and Future Work Related: –rich application interfaces (real-time, QoS) (Luca) –time-triggered implementation of Giotto (Ben, Christoph) Compositionality and Assume-Guarantee (w. Vinayak) –evaluation on examples Refinement of Timed Behavior –reduce to refinement of time-abstract quotients –use to show refinement between Masaccio and Giotto Exploiting Hierarchy in Verification –reachability analysis without flattening design

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