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Mark Svoboda, Climatologist National Drought Mitigation Center School of Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln Developing Partnerships and Tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Svoboda, Climatologist National Drought Mitigation Center School of Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln Developing Partnerships and Tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Svoboda, Climatologist National Drought Mitigation Center School of Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln Developing Partnerships and Tools for Monitoring Drought Across the United States UNL/USGS Partnerships in Climate Change Science Workshop Lincoln, NE October 25, 2007

2 New and Enhanced Tools Enhancement of Drought Impact Reporter v2 (RMA/UNL-CSE) Economic Impacts of Drought (RMA/UNL-CSE) Coming up with better quantification Systematic methodology for states to adapt/follow Drought Plans for Producers (RMA/UNL-CSE) (Underway) VegDRI/VegOUT expansion/development (RMA/UNL-CSE) Building remote sensing applications Rangeland emphasis over the next 2-3 years Development of new Drought Risk Atlas (RMA/UNL-CSE) (2008) Site specific (climate and hydrology) Frequency, magnitude, trends (precipitation + streamflow) Drought Monitor/Decision Support System (RMA/UNL-CSE)(2008) One-stop shopping Interactive analysis (GIS) Integrates most of the tools above and others



5 USDM Listserve Participants (as of July 2007)



8 Moving toward state-level trend analysis capabilities (left) and providing more county-level drought assessment information (right).

9 The goal of the atlas is to provide usable tools and products for users at all levels by giving them the ability to visualize and assess their drought risk (climatologically/hydrologic) through a variety of web-based options. The example above shows how producers and other decision makers can assess drought at a variety of time scales and at user-defined spatial levels.




13 Drought Impact Reporter

14 Reports Received

15 Assessing Impacts



18 Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Regional/Watersheds WGA (2004), NIDIS Act (2006), USGEO (2006), NIDIS IP (2007) Preceded by: Western States Water Policy Commission (1998), NDMC, National Drought Bill efforts (2000) Slide 3

19 NIDIS VISION and GOALS “A dynamic and accessible drought information system that provides users with the ability to determine the potential impacts of drought and the associated risks they bring, and the decision support tools needed to better prepare for and mitigate the effects of drought.” Implementation requires: Coordinate a national drought monitoring and forecasting systemCoordinate a national drought monitoring and forecasting system Creating a drought early warning systemCreating a drought early warning system Providing an interactive drought information delivery system for products and services—including an internet portal and standardized products (databases, forecasts, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), maps, etc)Providing an interactive drought information delivery system for products and services—including an internet portal and standardized products (databases, forecasts, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), maps, etc) Designing mechanisms for improved interaction with public (education materials, etc.)Designing mechanisms for improved interaction with public (education materials, etc.) Slide 4


21 Showcase Portlets: 1.) U.S. Drought Monitor (NOAA, USDA, NDMC) 2.) Drought Impacts Reporter (NDMC) 3.) Climate Prediction Center Seasonal Forecast (NOAA) 123


23 New Partnerships and Research National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) NOAA leadership Implementation Team (NDMC, DOI, DOC, USDA, RCCs, SCs) Portal development ( LAUNCH: End of Oct. NASA: JPL, USGS (Center for EROS), NDMC, PSD, DFO Use of Remote Sensing in Making the Drought Monitor NOAA Regional Integrated Science and Assessment (RISA) Missouri Basin Drought and Climate Initiative NDMC, HPRCC, SNR, Steve Hu (SNR), Univ. Maryland (CRCES) UNL Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research /UNL Public Policy Center

24 New Partnerships and Research NASA: GSFC-NCDC: Integrating GRACE Water Storage into the USDM/NADM NASA: University of Illinois: Developing Seasonal Predictive Capability for a Drought Mitigation/DSS NWS: Low Flow Studies using AHPS First of its kind database Upper Mississippi Upper Platte Upper Missouri Upper Trinity Red/Souris Upper Colorado (next) NOAA-Developing a Drought DSS/Portal for the Republican River Basin of CO, NE, and KS (NRD’s) Working with Lower, Middle and Upper Republican NRDs

25 Where to from here? How can we strengthen USGS’s role in NIDIS and the NIDIS Portal? Access/exchange of data on water resources via USGS or CUAHSI? Tools to pull data for derivative applications and products? Can we invest/leverage/embellish on How can we strengthen USGS’s role in the Drought Monitor USDM and NADM Add USGS field personnel to drought expert group USGS authorship? What research questions with regards to drought/water/landuse can we help investigate and answer?

26 Any Questions? Please contact me at: Mark Svoboda National Drought Mitigation Center 402-472-8238 Thank You Any Questions ?

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