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CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design Prof. Richard E. Haskell – –Tel: 248-370-2861 –Web site: Follow.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design Prof. Richard E. Haskell – –Tel: 248-370-2861 –Web site: Follow."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design Prof. Richard E. Haskell –Email: –Tel: 248-370-2861 –Web site: Follow CSE 378 -> CSE 378 link Office Hours: –Tues. and Thurs., 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. –115 Dodge Hall

2 CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design Lecture: 5:30 - 7:17 p.m., Tues., Thurs. –Room: 350 Hannah Hall of Science Lab: Tues. 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., or Tues. 7:30 - 10:30 p.m., or Thurs. 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. –Room: 133 SEB

3 Course Goals Learn to design digital systems using VHDL Learn to synthesize VHDL designs to Xilinx Spartan 3 series FPGAs Learn to use VHDL design tools: –Xilinx ISE 6.2i –Aldec Active-HDL Simulator Learn to design dedicated microcontrollers

4 Course Objectives Design combinational circuits using VHDL Design sequential circuits using VHDL Synthesize VHDL designs to Xilinx FPGAs Simulate VHDL designs using Aldec Active-HDL Design dedicated microcontrollers using VHDL and synthesize it to a Xilinx FPGA

5 List of Topics Digital Logic Basics Combinational Logic Circuits & Design Sequential Circuits Registers and Counters RAMs and ROMs Xilinx FPGAs Register Transfers and Datapaths Sequencing and Control Design of dedicated microprocessors

6 Text and Materials Text: Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL by Enoch O. Hwang, Thomson, 2006. Optional: Spartan-3 board available from Enter OU378 in the Value code field Required: A USB portable storage device with capacity of 64 MB or more.

7 Labs Ten weekly labs –Results must be demonstrated to the lab instructor by the due date for full credit –VHDL listing and simulation results must be signed by and turned into the lab instructor

8 Projects Groups of three or four will design and implement a digital system based on a dedicated microprocessor The project will be demonstrated to the class at the end of the term Results will be described in a written project report, a poster, and an oral PowerPoint presentation to the class

9 Course Web Site Course materials can be downloaded from the following course website – –follow the CSE 378 -> CSE 378 link

10 Grading based on Labs-- 25% Homework-- 10% 2 Exams-- 20% each VHDL project –Project design-- 10% –Written report-- 10% –Oral Presentation-- 5%

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