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1 HIRING PROCESS Human Resource Management College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2008 William Holmes.

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Presentation on theme: "1 HIRING PROCESS Human Resource Management College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2008 William Holmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 HIRING PROCESS Human Resource Management College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2008 William Holmes

2 2 ELEMENTS OF HIRING PROCESS 1.Need Justification 2.Position Approval 3.Advertising/Recruitment 4.Receipt and Processing of Applications 5.Selection of Applicants 6.Interviewing 7.Final Approval

3 3 RECIPT AND PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS Mode of Submission Content of Submission Initial Sorting of Submissions Short-listing Applicants

4 4 MODES OF SUBMISSION Snail Mail Email Web-forms Walk-ins

5 5 CONTENT OF SUBMISSION Contact Information Education/Training Experience Special Skills

6 6 SORTING OF SUBMISSIONS Rejection of Unqualified Fit with Needs Priority of Qualifications Tradeoff of Qualifications Ranking of Applicants

7 7 ADDITIONAL FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION: 1 Health and Safety Working Conditions Befits Compensation Need for non-Job related skills Automation of Selection

8 8 ADDITIONAL FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION: 2 Need for Speed Special Interests Selection Ratio Labor/Management Agreements Application Content Resume Content

9 9 INTERVIEW FUNCTIONS Identify Unqualified Identify Strengths Identify Weaknesses Identify Possibilities for Other Jobs Validate Oral Communication Skills Examine Decision-making skills

10 10 MEANS OF INTERVIEW Phone—speed and focus Face-to-Face—trust and interpersonal skills Videotaped—comparability and focus Online—mixed media information

11 11 SELECTION TESTS Standardized Objective Normed Reliable Valid Job Related

12 12 TYPES OF INTERVIEWS Unstructured Structured Behavioral One-on-one Group Board Multi-stage

13 13 CONTENT OF INTERVIEW Candidate knowledge, skills, abilities, willingness Education relevance, performance, extracurricular activities Interpersonal skills Personal qualities Fit with culture and values Expectations

14 14 INTERVIEW ISSUES Inappropriate questions Premature judgments Interviewer domination Rehearsal of interview Background checks and Due Diligence Notification of rejectees

15 15 EXAMINING HIRING PROCESS: 1 Recording key factors in selection Documenting recruiting and selecting costs Documenting time involvement Identifying yield rate Identifying selection rate

16 16 EXAMINING HIRING PROCESS: 2 Identifying acceptance rate Identifying success rate Determining costs/success by source Determining costs/success by criteria Determining costs/success by mode of interview

17 17 INTERVIEW EXERCISE You are about to interview an applicant for a data entry clerk position. Write three questions you think will help identify a good candidate. Pair off, interview your pair using your three questions. Note in what ways the answers help or do not help you select the candidate.

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