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26/06/01Confidential. 26/06/01Confidential DS2 Profile and Strategy DS2 Technology Chipsets milestones Conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "26/06/01Confidential. 26/06/01Confidential DS2 Profile and Strategy DS2 Technology Chipsets milestones Conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 26/06/01Confidential

2 26/06/01Confidential DS2 Profile and Strategy DS2 Technology Chipsets milestones Conclusions

3 26/06/01Confidential

4 26/06/01Confidential Fabless silicon design house Mission: to become the leading supplier of IPR (silicon and software) for high speed Powerline Communications (PLC) Experienced in advanced communications chipsets: QAM, OFDM, FFT, IFFT, DSP, ADCs, DACs, etc.

5 26/06/01Confidential Incorporated 1998/February/15 Experienced management and key personnel:IBM, HP, Philips, Matra-MHS, Telefónica, EC-R&D programs, INITEC,etc. Experience in state-of-the-art large critical projects

6 26/06/01Confidential DS2 DS2 is a fabless silicon design house. Foundry Selected foundries produce DS2 chipsets OEM DS2’s customers are OEMs who integrate DS2 chipsets in their systems... to whom DS2 sells and SUPPORTS OEMs produce... HECPE Home Gateway Customer Premises Equipment which is placed in user’s devices in households … and Home Gateways allowing in-home LAN service Utility OEMs supply DS2 PLC and telecom equipment to utilities... and turn them into Network Service Providers... End-User... for a 3000 million End-Users market worldwide Head Ends which are installed in each MV/LV transformer

7 26/06/01Confidential DS2 End-User Utility Systems with DS2 chipsets offer the best performance in the market. Due to this reason, utilities and end-users demand DS2 based systems

8 26/06/01Confidential Capitalize on company skills (communications, DSP, electronic design, silicon,etc.) Alliances and joint developments with customers: –Router and Telecom manufacturers –Silicon foundries, core providers –Electricity utilities –Electrical equipment supply

9 26/06/01Confidential Low cost through VLSI –Early partnership with semiconductor manufacturers –0.25 micron process with 8” wafers –Medium-long term: 0.18 micron process with 12” wafers

10 26/06/01Confidential

11 26/06/01Confidential Home Gateway Head End Device with CPE

12 26/06/01Confidential Voice and data over Powerline –Video on demand Up to 10 movies at the same time –High-speed Internet access –Videoconferencing –VoIP –In-home LAN connection –iTV –Network games

13 26/06/01Confidential Lowest cost equipment compared to competitor technologies Ubiquitous due to electricity grid capillarity No new cabling is needed Shared bus means shared cost New business opportunities diversifying activities In-home LAN allowing multiple new applications Real broadband access to home at the lowest cost

14 26/06/01Confidential

15 26/06/01Confidential OFDM modulation Master / Slave MAC Access and in-home LAN services implemented Summary

16 26/06/01Confidential Imperative need for speed. Competing against ADSL, Cable modem and LMDS. Imperative need for adaptiveness. Every Powerline is different, with lots of taps and multipath propagation. Imperative need for low cost. Solution OFDM Transmission medium shared in time and in frequency

17 26/06/01Confidential Ideal for slow changing multipath channels with high time spread (Powerline case): No need for time equalization (complex FIR Filters). Simple frequency equalization (phase correction) Best Bps/Hz performance Spectrally dense signal Large number of carriers makes things easier: Synchronization is more robust and simple Easier to adapt to notches and ingress Better immunity to impulsive noise Increase the robustness against frequency selective fading channels

18 26/06/01Confidential 1280 OFDM carriers Data rate : Up to 27 Mbps in downstream channel Up to 18 Mbps in upstream channel Data rate per subcarrier adaptable according SNR detected Nº bits per carrier : 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 Different carriers transmit at different data rates Modulation efficiency up to 7,25 bps/Hz Overlapped subchannels : efficient use of the spectrum saving bandwidth

19 26/06/01Confidential

20 26/06/01Confidential Efficiency: Do not pay for capacity unused. Differentiated QoS: Multimedia. Low latency: Voice over IP. Variable bit rate: Packet oriented transmission. Constant bit rate: Streaming media. Solution Master/Slave MAC

21 26/06/01Confidential Master slave MAC. Both up and down streams are controlled by master. Supports both variable and constant bit rates in both up and down streams as well as latency control: –VBR for intelligent resource allocation –CBR for streaming media. Very low-complexity implementation Controlled QoS for each user

22 26/06/01Confidential Three different frequency ranges are used as evolving ETSI/CENELEC standard: –LINK 1: Low frequency band for ACCESS service –LINK 2: High frequency band for IN-HOME service –LINK LAN: In-home service for access technologies 45 Mbs 10 Mhz20 Mhz30 Mhz LINK1LINK2LINK LAN

23 26/06/01Confidential Frequency bands are fully programmable Hardware needed will be: –HE: Manager in LINK1, LINK LAN –CPE: LINK1,LINK2 and LINK LAN –Home Gateway: Manager in LINK2

24 26/06/01Confidential We do not want our neighbours or strangers to eavesdrop 3 main security measures: –Unique identity –Powerline SNR nature –Encryption

25 26/06/01Confidential WAN Slave1Slave3Slave2 Each Slave has an encrypted unique address Master grants permission to recognised addresses Addresses Slave 1 Slave 2 Communication Communication is refused

26 26/06/01Confidential OFDM Modulation Scheme A OFDM Modulation Scheme B The Master shares the same modulation scheme with each Slave SNR conditions change along the powerline Each Slave has SNR figures different from the rest. Therefore modulation scheme is also different

27 26/06/01Confidential DS2 Chipsets provide support to encryption at the link layer Encryption adds higher security to the already existing system High reliable and secure communication channel

28 26/06/01Confidential Programmable PSD notches complaints ?, RA´s ? Bit loading automatically reduced on notches NB-30 todayFCC-levels when evident NB-30 but more repeaters 

29 26/06/01Confidential Highest bit rates (up to 45 Mbps) Highest efficiency (7,25 bps/Hz) OFDM with 1280 carriers Adaptive bpc depending on SNR Lowest cost per bit (high integration) Adaptive QoS (users and services needs) IP and SNMP 100% compatible Access and In-Home service In-Home service for xDSL, cable or wireless service

30 26/06/01Confidential HEs, CPEs and Home Gateways have the same block diagram. DS2 chipsets integrate these different blocks.

31 26/06/01Confidential Data processing block Digital Front End Analog Front End Line Coupler Data processing block Digital Front End Analog Front End DISTRIBUTION POWER LINE DIGITAL INTERFACE Digital Interface interacts with incoming and outgoing data Packets are built adding error correction and other data OFDM digital modulation is implemented Interaction with powerline in the analogue field Protection and filter power signal with maximum power transmission

32 26/06/01Confidential

33 26/06/01Confidential DSS4200 (2Q01) Digital CPE Data processing block Digital Front End Analog Front End Line Coupler Data processing block Digital Front End Analog Front End DISTRIBUTION POWERLINE DIGITAL INTERFACE DSS4200DSS7500 Hermes CPE Mixed Signal ASIC CPE Data processing block Digital Front End Analog Front End Line Coupler Data processing block Digital Front End Analog Front End DISTRIBUTION POWERLINE DIGITAL INTERFACE DSS5100DSS7500 Hermes HE Mixed Signal ASIC HE CPE HE DSS5100 (3Q01) Digital HEDSS7500 (1Q02) AnalogueHermes (2Q02) optimized digitalApolo (2003) mixed signal

34 26/06/01Confidential

35 26/06/01Confidential DS2 technology achieves peak speeds up to 45 Mbps with –50 dBm/Hz injected power and radiation levels well below FCC and NB30 limits.

36 26/06/01Confidential Highest performance implementation. Low radiation levels. Low cost implementation. Specification available to standardisation bodies and manufacturers of telecom equipment Supported in ETSI/CENELEC. Likely to become the de-facto standard

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