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Developing Hypotheses Chapter 3 Psychology 301. Developing Ideas Wallas’s 4 stages  Preparation  Incubation  Illumination  Verification.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Hypotheses Chapter 3 Psychology 301. Developing Ideas Wallas’s 4 stages  Preparation  Incubation  Illumination  Verification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Hypotheses Chapter 3 Psychology 301

2 Developing Ideas Wallas’s 4 stages  Preparation  Incubation  Illumination  Verification

3 Creating Hypotheses Using reasoning  Inductive reasoning Generalizing from a few specific observations or experiences to a general “law”  Deductive reasoning Reasoning that proceeds from general principles or premises to derive particular information. Strong Induction All observed crows are black. Therefore: All crows are black. Weak Induction I always hang pictures on nails. Therefore: All pictures hang from nails. Deduction We learn to behave by watching others. Therefore: Children who watch violent television will be more aggressive.

4 Marital Satisfaction Depression Self-report Therapist Evaluation Dyadic Adjustment Scale Sexual Frequency Making Hypotheses Concrete The Nomological Net

5 Making Hypotheses Testable Need to operationalize variables in a way to measure them reliably and validly  Reliability Test-retest Interrater Internal consistency  Validity Concurrent Discriminant

6 Making Strong Inferences Platt (1964)  Strong inference characterized by 1. Devising alternative hypotheses 1. (making competing predictions based different theories) 2. Devise study(ies) where the occurrence of one outcome would exclude the other 3. Conduct the study(ies) 4. Go back to step 1 and refine theory of supported hypothesis  Example: Is separation due to military deployment harmful to marriages? Absence makes the heart grow fonder  Prediction: deployment will not be harmful Out of sight out of mind  Prediction: deployment will be harmful

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