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16.360 Lecture 9 Last lecture Power flow on transmission line.

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1 16.360 Lecture 9 Last lecture Power flow on transmission line

2 16.360 Lecture 9 Last lecture: Power flow on a lossless transmission line Instantaneous power Time-average power i(z) = V(z) = V 0 ( ) + +  e jzjz - e -j  z (e(e + V0V0 Z0Z0 e jzjz  ) At load z = 0, the incident and reflected voltages and currents: V = V 0 + i = i + V0V0 Z0Z0 i V = V 0 - r i = - V0V0 Z0Z0 r

3 16.360 Lecture 9 Instantaneous power + i P(t) = v(t) i(t) = Re[V exp(j  t)] Re[ i exp(j  t)] i i = Re[|V 0 |exp(j  )exp(j  t)] Re[|V 0 |/Z 0 exp(j  )exp(j  t)] ++ + = (|V 0 |²/Z 0 ) cos²(  t +  ) + + - r P(t) = v(t) i(t) = Re[V exp(j  t)] Re[ i exp(j  t)] r r = Re[|V 0 |exp(j  )exp(j  t)] Re[|V 0 |/Z 0 exp(j  )exp(j  t)] +- + = - |  |²(|V 0 |²/Z 0 ) cos²(  t +  +  r ) + +

4 16.360 Lecture 9 Time-average (|V 0 |²/Z 0 ) cos²(  t +  )dt + + Time-domain approach: P av = i T 1 0 T P (t)dt i = 22  0 T = (|V 0 |²/2Z 0 ) + P av r = -|  |² (|V 0 |²/2Z 0 ) + = P av i P av + P av r = (1-|  |²) (|V 0 |²/2Z 0 ) + Net average power:

5 16.360 Lecture 9 Time-average Phasor-domain approach P av r = -|  |² (|V 0 |²/2Z 0 ) + = (1-|  |²) (|V 0 |²/2Z 0 ) + = (½)Re[V i*] P av P av = (1/2) Re[V 0 V 0 * /Z 0 ] i ++ = (|V 0 |²/2Z 0 ) P av

6 16.360 Lecture 9 = (½)Re[V i*] P av

7 16.360 Lecture 9 Today Smith chart parameter equations input impedance

8 16.360 Lecture 9 Parameter equations. B Open Circuit load Short Circuit load Unit circuit

9 16.360 Lecture 9 Normalized impedance Parameter equations

10 16.360 Lecture 9 Parameter equations

11 16.360 Lecture 9 An example Smith Chart Input impedance Smith Chart Wavelength toward generator (WTG)

12 16.360 Lecture 9 An example Smith Chart find Zin (-0.1 ) Constant |  | circle, SWR Circle

13 16.360 Lecture 9 Next lecture: SWR Voltage maxima and minima Impedance to Admittance transformations

14 16.360 Lecture 9 Recall: Smith Chart If when 2  z +  r = 2n . | V 0 | [ 1 - |  |], + |V(z)| min = when 2  z +  r = (2n+1) . | V 0 | [ 1+ |  |], + |V(z)| max = SWR, voltage maximum and minimum


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