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Process Evaluation and The Year One Report Paul Spicer, PhD Lori Jervis, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Process Evaluation and The Year One Report Paul Spicer, PhD Lori Jervis, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Evaluation and The Year One Report Paul Spicer, PhD Lori Jervis, PhD

2 A Brief Introduction to the Process Evaluation Process evaluation is focused on what we have been calling outputs Were programs able to do what they hoped to? What kept programs from completely accomplishing their delivery or implementation goals? What helped programs to overcome the challenges they faced in this area?

3 What is the Story of Your Program? Our goal in developing the process evaluation, is to work with you tell the story (or stories) of your program We will use a wide range of methods, including surveys and administrative data, as well as more open-ended approaches This year’s progress report and assessment tool are our first efforts in this area

4 You Have Already Encountered Challenges Looking at your planning year helps us to understand what is involved in gearing up for an effort of this size Grappling with and successfully resolving challenges in this year may be related to what happens down the line We have crafted the progress report and assessment tool to help you begin to tell us this story

5 Two Components for This Year’s Continuing Review Progress report (brief textual information) Assessment tool (quantitative information on key activities in the planning year) Just a few words of introduction on each, with reference to some specific items

6 Some Items from the Progress Report Hiring and staffing Attendance and participation in the collaborative process of intervention development at the bimonthly planning meetings Identification, planning, and implementation of training activities and technical assistance for your staff Development and implementation of a plan to ensure ongoing input by providers and local stakeholders

7 Some Items from the Progress Report Development of plans for local data collection Development of local plan for recruitment and retention of participants Development of plans for local data collection. Development of local plan for recruitment and retention of participants

8 Some Items from the Assessment Tool How many staff do you anticipate needing for the project (full or part time FTE)? Number ______ How many of these staff have been hired to date? Number ______ How many program staff have you lost over the planning year? Number ______

9 Some Items from the Assessment Tool Which of the following activities do you plan to use in your recruitment plan for the intensive component of your project (check YES or NO for each of the following elements): Recruitment activitiesPlan to use: Registry of people with diabetes (CVD Group only)□ YES □ NO Registry of people with prediabetes (DP Group only)□ YES □ NO Referrals from clinic□ YES □ NO Program staff referrals □ YES □ NO Search on RPMS or other form of patient records□ YES □ NO Community events□ YES □ NO Media campaigns□ YES □ NO

10 Some Items from the Assessment Tool How supportive are your clinical staff of your competitive grant program activities? □ Very Supportive □ Somewhat supportive □ Neutral □ Not very supportive □ Not at all supportive How supportive is your community of your competitive grant program activities? □ Very Supportive □ Somewhat supportive □ Neutral □ Not very supportive □ Not at all supportive

11 Some Items from the Assessment Tool Which of the following types of trainings have your staff participated in during the Planning Year (check YES or NO for each of the following types of trainings): Types of TrainingsStaff Participated Grantee Planning meetings□ YES□ NO Other conferences and workshops□ YES□ NO Hired a consultant to provide specific □ YES□ NO assistance to your project Training materials accessed through the □ YES□ NO IHS DDTP web site Web-based training□ YES□ NO CD-ROM based training□ YES□ NO Written training guides, manuals and materials□ YES□ NO

12 These Materials Come to CC as Well as IHS Here we will use them to begin to tell the story of each of your programs in the early phases of this exciting effort While we believe that each of these areas is important, we know this will not be the full story of your planning year We look forward to continued dialogue on how to best tell the stories of each of your programs

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