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1 Emerging Industrial Clusters in the Global Information Sector - GIS Clusters, Networks & Alliances in the Telecommunication Sector 11 June 2003 Dr. Emanuela.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Emerging Industrial Clusters in the Global Information Sector - GIS Clusters, Networks & Alliances in the Telecommunication Sector 11 June 2003 Dr. Emanuela."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Emerging Industrial Clusters in the Global Information Sector - GIS Clusters, Networks & Alliances in the Telecommunication Sector 11 June 2003 Dr. Emanuela Todeva, University of Surrey Prof. David Knoke, University of Minnesota Donka Keskinova, Plovdiv University

2 2 Relational Analysis Clusters – co-presence as a relationship Alliances – resource linkages Networks – sets of relationships and transactions

3 3 Structuring of the Organisational Field

4 4 Typology of Industry Groupings & Clusters Porter Vertical production chains Aggregation of input connected sectors Regional clusters Industrial districts Business networks Innovative Milieus Taylor, Beaverstock, Pandit, & Cook New industrial district – small locally owned firms Satelite industrial platform – concentration of foreign subsidiaries Hub-and-Spoke – firms that supply a major client/corporation State-Anchored district – subcontractors and partners to government Sticky Mixes

5 5 Industry Groups & Strategic Choices Industry context (wider business Environment) Industry structure Strategic choices - Industry groups - Value chain - Niche product markets - Location of factors of production -Target markets -Location -Product portfolio -Technologies -Value capture -Resource dependencies first order effect second order effect sources and measures

6 6 Global Information Sector (GIS) clusters annual Fortune 500, Fortune 1000 and Global 500 lists 152 core firms in this global information sector from 1989-2000 data on the primary and multiple secondary SIC codes for each firm in 1999 from Standard & Poor SPSS / UCINET cluster analysis

7 7 Comparisson: Ward’ method, Sq. Euclidian measure, * sorting by primary SIC code, ascending (C4) with ^sorting by name, descending (C8)

8 8 Correspondence Analysis by Counts of SIC code & 23 Industrial clusters Measure of Diversification Moderate Vs. extremist

9 9 Communication Based Business Networks

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