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NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago NSF Site Visit: Current Research Activities January 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim The.

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1 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago NSF Site Visit: Current Research Activities January 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim The University of Chicago

2 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago People Faculty: Young-Kee Kim Post-docs: –Un-Ki Yang - looking for a faculty position –Vadim Rusu - Fermi Fellow, started Oct. 2003 –Ivan Furic - Fermi Fellow, started Apr. 2004 Chicago Graduate Students: –Wojtek Fedorko (2nd year) –Clarisse Kim (1st year) - will start June 2005 Remaining Berkeley Graduate Student: –Adam Gibson (5th year) Undergraduate Students: –Annie Malkus –Jen Hsin –Jon Walsh –Edmund Berry

3 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago CDF Co-Spokespersons YKK(term duration from June 2004 to June 2006), Luciano Ristori (Pisa) Responsible for scientific program of CDF –CDF is now over 800 collaborators, 12 countries, 62 institutions. –Organized into detector operations, offline operations, and upgrade project, and physics groups –appointing physics and operations leaders. –organizing CDF weekly meetings, collaboration meetings, executive board meetings –appointing godparent committees for all analyses (~40 committees) –special committees: e.g. physics prioritization, internal reviews, … –MOU negociation –primary contact with laboratory (particle physics, accelerator physics, computing, directorate), high energy community, funding agencies, media, … –…… Being co-spokesperson means I am effectively at Fermilab full time.

4 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Physics Groups, Publications Internal review processes by godparent committees after results are approved by physics groups. Status: –2001: Run II began –2003: 4 papers published –2004: 18 papers published or submitted –2005 goal: 40 papers QCDBElectroweak (W,Z + …) TopExotic (New Phenomena) dileptonl+jetsall hadronicmass physics groups: analysis groups: common tools, issues: Joint Physics Meeting: Tracking, e , b-tagging, jet calibration, … Physics Groups Organization: Publications:

5 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago CDF Status Detectors/Triggers/Offline working extremely well –effort to keep them running smoothly - high L, beam accidents, aging,.. Accelerators delivering record luminosities: > 1 x 10 32 Collaboration focused on analysis: –so far ~10% of Run II luminosity. Exciting time has yet to come! Upgrades necessary to keep up with growing luminosity –Detectors: Preshower, EM timing (H. Frisch) –Triggers and DAQ COT(Drift Chamber) TDC - H. Frisch Level-1 COT Track Trigger Level-2 Silicon Vertex Trigger - M. Shochet + YKK Level-2 Decision - M. Shochet + YKK Level-3 Trigger Event Builder Strength of Chicago group is that we are all focused on success of CDF.

6 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Level-2 Decision Upgrade Trigger Rates: –Level 1 output ~ 25kHz –Level 2 output ~ 300 Hz –Level 3 output ~ 60 Hz –Level 2 critical to CDF trigger performance rejection factor ~ 100 Major upgrade to Level-2 Decision is being commissioned. will be used as CDF “real” triggers starting March 2005.

7 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Level-2 Decision Upgrade Primary purpose - faster, modular, more flexible, more robust –Present: One PC Board for every interface (6 kinds) - maintenance issues Custom processor (alpha) + backplane (1990 technology) - slow Chicago has played major role since conception. –Henry Frisch was instrumental in proposing the upgrade. –T. Liu (Fermilab) led the whole effort: Chicago, Fermilab, Penn,Helsinki –Chicago engineers (with T. Liu) designed and built boards (Pulsar: Pulser And Recorder) Harold Sanders, Mircea Bogdan Chicago Personnel (firmware design, simulation, commissioning, …) –Vadim Rusu (Fermi Fellow) a leading postdoc for the full system and essentially 100%. –Wojtek Fedorko (grad. student) –Shawn Kwang (Shochet’s grad. student)

8 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Level-2 Decision Upgrade Overview Pulsar pre-processors L1 Muon L1 Tracks L1 Trigger decsion Central Trigger Distribution L2 CALO (Cluster/ IsoCluster) E Sums Shower Max SVT Muon Cluster Electron Merger SVT L2toTS Merger PC SLINK All boards identical FPGAs reprogrammed for each system e, , , , jet, missing Et, displaced track,…. Triggers formed by combinations in 10-30  s Kwang Rusu Fedorko

9 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Level-2 Decision Upgrade: Current Status Full system installed Muon board fully integrated into Level-2 decision. Parasitic running until February for other boards. Original schedule for installation was Summer 05 - well ahead of schedule

10 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Responsibilities for Level-2 Trigger Chicago group will have continuing responsibilities for CDF Level-2 trigger, especially as luminosity grows. Responsible for –Firmware and trigger simulation –Operations –Monitoring the performances Monitoring program: –Initiated and designed by V. Rusu –Collaborative effort: Rusu, Fedorko, Kwang with Penn, Fermilab. –Monitoring at board level and system level –Invaluable tool for commissioning and testing in beam

11 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago YKK Group’s Physics Program Top Mass SUSY Searches B s Mixing

12 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Initial Analyses (warm-up) on Run II Data (72 pb -1 ) W, Z cross sections –PRL accepted, PRD under Collaboration’s review –Primary authors include G. Veramendi, YKK Forward-Backward Asymmetry using e + e - events –PRD submitted –G. Veramendi (UCB Ph.D. 2003), A. Gibson, YKK, G. Lentdecker

13 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Top Mass and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Worked on Precision Meas.s of M W and M top –Run Ia, Ib: W Mass –Run II: Top Mass Top Mass: –Prior to co-spokesperson’s term, YKK was Top mass group co-leader –Pursuing two methods in lepton+jets channel Template method –Use mass shapes generated by MC –Fit shapes to 0B, 1B, 2B-tagged events Matrix Element method (A. Gibson’s Thesis) –Evaluate likelihood that event kinematics are top like

14 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Top Mass (l+jets) - Template Method First Results: Summer 03 (B tags) –108 pb -1 –UCB: E. Brubaker, A. Gibson –Chicago: U.K. Yang, YKK –Toronto: J.-F. Arguin, P. Sinervo May 2004 (B tags) –162 pb -1 –E. Brubaker’s thesis (UCB Ph.D. 2004) –Chicago: J. Adelman, U.K. Yang, M. Shochet, YKK –Toronto: J.-F. Arguin, P. Sinervo August 2004 (0 + 1 + 2-B tags) –162 pb -1 –Chicago: J. Adelman, E. Brubaker, U.K. Yang, M. Shochet, YKK with Toronto, Dubna, Fermilab 174.9 +7.1 -7.7 (stat) ± 6.5 (syst) GeV

15 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Top Mass - Template Method (Aug. 2004) M top = 177.2 +6.0 -5.5 (stat) ± 7.1 (syst) GeV

16 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Top Mass - Template Method (Publication) Higher statistics (305 pb -1 ) Much smaller uncertainty in jet energy scale (x2) - better understanding –calorimeter simulation (Undergrad: D. Hoffman - pion responses) –Detector (Undergrad: A. Malkus, UCB grad: A. Gibson -  -jet balance studies) –method in estimating uncertainties TimeRun I Summer 2004 Spring 2005 Lum110 pb -1 162 pb -1 305 pb -1  m top stat 5.1 GeV5.7 GeV4.2 GeV  m top jet E 4.4 GeV6.8 GeV3.4 GeV  m top others 2.9 GeV2.2 GeV1.8 GeV  m top total 7.3 GeV8.5 GeV5.6 GeV PRD draft written - being reviewed by godparent committee. The numbers and figures will be finalized in a few months. Un-Ki Yang is leading this effort.

17 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago SUSY Searches Signature based search using like-sign dilepton –Include trilepton events (Chargino-Neutralino) - flagship analysis for discovering SUSY at Tevatron –V. Rusu with Penn and Fermilab –Results by Spring conferences Stop searches –2 photons + 2 jets + missing Et –A. Malkus (undergrad), YKK, with Liverpool –APS/DPF abstract submitted M  = 60 GeV 100 GeV 150 GeV Expected # of events w/ 400 pb -1 by A. Malkus

18 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago B s Mixing World limit:  m s > 14.4 ps -1 SM pred. (99% prob.): 15 <  m s < 27 ps -1 Fully reconstructed B s (all hadrons) provide the greatest reach in  m s (Boost is known) triggered by SVT unique to CDF due to SVT and high bandwidth triggers

19 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago B s and SVT Upgrade Ivan Furic (Fermi Fellow - started April 2004) –Co-convener of B physics working group (BPAK). –BPAK responsibilities tool development group for B s mixing ++ Particle ID tools: TOF, dE/dx Tracking evaluation: L00, event primary vertex Review and bless common tools in analyses Foster development and evaluation of new & improved triggers (large effort) Clarisse Kim (Grad. Student - starting June 2005) Edmund Barry (Undergrad. - started Dec. 2004) Ultimate goal: B s mixing SVT upgrade work by I. Furic (~50%) and E. Barry - see M. Shochet’s talk Data Analysis Goals by this Spring –Done: Reconstructed B s, B 0, B ±  D  signals Measured relative decay rates PRL under collaboration’s review –Ongoing work: Measuring B 0, B ± lifetimes Measuring B d mixing First B s mixing limit for spring conferences

20 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Hadronic B 0, B ±, B s Decays to D  (with MIT, INFN Padova) First observation with large statistics Understanding of spectrum composition, trigger modeling necessary for B s lifetimes, mixing Measure ratios of branching fractions First measurements (PRL draft under collab.’s review) Br(B s  D s  ) / Br(B 0  D -  ) = 1.38 ± 0.19 (stat.) ± 0.10 (syst.) ± 0.36 (Br) ± 0.10 (PR) Br(B +  D 0  ) / Br(B 0  D -  ) = 1.95 ± 0.10 (stat.) ± 0.14 (syst.) ± 0.14 (Br) B s  D s  B 0  D +  

21 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Towards B s Mixing: B 0, B ± Lifetimes (with MIT, Cantabria) Simultaneous unbinned likelihood fit for mass and lifetime Difficulty: trigger and analysis selection sculpt c  distribution Lifetime fits for B ±, B 0 lifetime in good agreement with world average c  (B 0 ) = 454.4 ± 10.3(stat.)  m (PDG: 460.5 ± 4.2  m) c  (B + ) = 519.5 ± 12.7(stat.)  m (PDG: 501 ± 5  m) B 0  K + 

22 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Towards B s Mixing: B d Mixing Measurement (with MIT, Cantabria) Add tagging information to lifetime distribution (SST tagger) Fit for B d mixing Next step for B s mixing: test fitter, calibrate taggers Expected B s mixing sensitivity by this spring (hadronic modes only): –95% CL at  m s > 10 ps -1 (pessimistic),  m s > 20 ps -1 (optimistic)  m d agrees with world average. BdBd  m d = 0.59 ± 0.07(stat) ps -1 (PDG: 0.59 ± 0.07 ps -1 )

23 NSF Site visit, Jan. 14-15, 2005 Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago Conclusion Collider program has high potential for major discovery.. Important to harvest results from previous large investment in CDF. –~10% of luminosity so far - strong support over next 4 years critical. Chicago group continues leadership role in CDF –hardware, physics, management –Quality and impact of group (post-docs and students) is very high. –Faculty actively engaged - important for CDF’s success. –Leads several high-profile analyses. YKK group active in fundamental physics measurements –Top mass –B s mixing –SUSY Chargino-Neutralino YKK co-spokesperson through June 2006. Planning to move to ATLAS after CDF spokesperson’s term ends.

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