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Challenges for EURISOL and the EURISOL Design Study Yorick Blumenfeld.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges for EURISOL and the EURISOL Design Study Yorick Blumenfeld."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges for EURISOL and the EURISOL Design Study Yorick Blumenfeld

2 OUTLINE The « Standard » scientific case The EURISOL concept and performances Technical Challenges and the Design Study Task 10 : Physics and Instrumentation Goals of the Workshop

3 The Nuclear Chart and Challenges

4 ab initio calculations for light nuclei Systematic study of light nuclei (A<12) shows the necessity of including a 3-body force R.B. Wiringa and S.C. Pieper, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 182501

5 Modification of magic numbers far from stability 4 3 2 1 0 12162024 N 12 Mg 16 S 20 Ca E* (MeV) Lowest 2 + state

6 Effect of shell closures on element abundances

7 46 Ar(d,p) 10 MeV/A @ SPIRAL with MUST L. Gaudefroy, thèse

8 Neutron-proton pairing n-p pairing can occur in 2 different states: T=0 and T=1. The former is unique to n-p. It can be best studied in N=Z nuclei through spectroscopy and 2-nucleon transfer reactions.

9 Collective Modes Atomic nuclei display a variety of collective modes in which an assembly of neutrons moves coherently [e.g Low-lying vibrations and rotations. Challenge:Will new types of collective mode be observed in neutron-rich nuclei in particular? Will the nucleus become a three- fluid system-made up of a proton and neutron core plus a skin of neutrons? We will then get collective modes in which the skin moves relative to the core. From W. Gelletly

10 Proton energy and angle correlations  di-proton emission? Q 2p = 1.14 MeV T 1/2 = 3.8 ms   Two-proton decay J. Giovinazzo et al., PRL89 (2002) 102501 Two-proton radioactivity near the proton drip-line

11 294 118  Synthesis of new elements/isotopes (Z  120)  Spectroscopy of Transfermium elements (Z  108)  Shell structure of superheavy nuclei GSI Z  112 RIKEN Z=113 DUBNA Z to 118? Super heavy elements : discovery and spectroscopy

12 Studying the liquid-gas phase transition far from stability Muller Serot PRC 1995 Bonche Vautherin NPA 1984 Neutron rich nuclei: isospin distillation Proton rich nuclei: vanishing limiting temperatures pressure asymmetry  p /  n From Ph. Chomaz and F. Gulminelli

13 Radioactive beam production: Two complementary methods GANIL/SISSI, GSI, RIKEN, NSCL/MSU GANIL/SPIRAL, REX/ISOLDE, ISAAC/TRIUMF High energy, large variety of species, Poor optical qualities, lack of energy flexibility good beam qualities, flexibility, intensity Low energy, chemistry is difficult

14 NuPECC recommends the construction of 2 ‘next generation’ RIB infrastructures in Europe, i.e. one ISOL and one in-flight facility. The in-flight machine would arise from a major upgrade of the current GSI facility, while EURISOL would constitute the new ISOL facility The NuPECC Recommendation

15 The EURISOL Road Map Vigorous scientific exploitation of current ISOL facilities : EXCYT, Louvain, REX/ISOLDE, SPIRAL Construction of intermediate generation facilities : MAFF, REX upgrade, SPES, SPIRAL2 Design and prototyping of the most specific and challenging parts of EURISOL in the framework of EURISOL_DS.


17 The EURISOL Concept

18 Total cost : 613 M€

19 Some beam intensities Calculations for EURISOL : Helge Ravn 6 He 5X10 13 pps 18 Ne 5X10 12 pps

20 Kr isotopes Intensity (pps) a) Yield for in-flight production of fission fragments at relativistic energy Yields after acceleration Comparison between facilities

21 Experimental Areas Low Energy Astrophysics Structure Reactions

22 The Major Technological Challenges for EURISOL 5 MW proton accelerator also capable of accelerating A/Q = 2. Target(s) sustaining this power and allowing fast release of nuclei Efficient and selective ion sources producing multi-charged ions Multi charge state acceleration of radioactive beams with minimal losses Radioprotection and safety issues

23 The EURISOL_DS in the 6 th framework Detailed engineering oriented studies and technical prototyping work 21 participants from 14 countries 21 contributors from Europe, Asia and North America Total Cost : 33 M€ Contribution from EU : 9.16 M€

24 11 Tasks Physics, beams and safety –Physics and instrumentation (Liverpool) –Beam intensity calculations (GSI) –Safety and radioprotection (Saclay) Accelerators : Synergies with HIPPI (CARE) –Proton accelerator design (INFN Legnaro) –Heavy ion accelerator design (GANIL) –SC cavity development (IPN Orsay): SC cavity prototypes and multipurpose cryomodule Targets and ion sources : Synergies with spallation sources –Multi-MW target station (CERN) : mercury converter –Direct target (CERN) : Several target-ion source prototypes –Fission target (INFN Legnaro) : UC x target BB : Synergies with BENE –Beam preparation (Jyväskylä) : 60 GHz ECR source –Beta-beam aspects (CERN)

25 TASK 10 : Physics & Instrumentation Robert Page, Angela Bonaccorso, Nigel Orr Expected Deliverables –Broad scientific goals selected –Key experiments selected –Evaluation of feasibility –Conceptual design of apparatus –Costing of instrumentation –Definition of beam properties

26 Goals of the Workshop Update the Physics Case : new ideas and new concepts. What are the key experiments which will test these concepts? What are the requirements of the facility : species, energy, …. How do we carry forward the involvement of theoreticians in the Design Study, and more generally in the EURISOL road map.

27 Combination of beta beam with low energy super beam Unique to CERN- based scenario combines CP and T violation tests e   (  +) (T)    e (  + ) (CP) e   (  -) (T)    e (  - )

28 300 MeV  Neutrinos small contamination from e (no K at 2 GeV!) A large underground water Cerenkov (400 kton) UNO/HyperK or/and a large L.Arg detector. also : proton decay search, supernovae events solar and atmospheric neutrinos. Performance similar to J-PARC II There is a window of opportunity for digging the cavern starting in 2008 (safety tunnel in Frejus or TGV test gallery) CERN-SPL-based Neutrino SUPERBEAM Fréjus underground lab.

29 CERN :  -beam baseline scenario

30 Time scales Project definition Construction Exploitation 2005 2007 2010 2012 2016 FAIR

31 AGATA (Advanced GAmma Tracking Array) 4 π γ -array for Nuclear Physics Experiments at European accelerators providing radioactive and high-intensity stable beams Main features of AGATA Efficiency: 40% (M γ =1) 25% (M γ =30) today’s arrays ~10% (gain ~4) 5% (gain ~1000) Peak/Total: 55% (M γ =1) 45% (M γ =30) today~55% 40% Angular Resolution: ~1º  FWHM (1 MeV, v/c=50%) ~ 6 keV !!! today~40 keV Rates: 3 MHz (M γ =1) 300 kHz (M γ =30) today 1 MHz 20 kHz 180 or 120 large volume 36-fold segmented Ge crystals in 60 or 40 triple-clusters Digital electronics and sophisticated Pulse Shape Analysis algorithms allow Operation of Ge detectors in position sensitive mode  γ -ray tracking Demonstrator ready by 2007 Construction of full array from 2008 ?? J. Simpson

32 The Rare Isotope Accelerator (USA) RIA (USA)


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