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1 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour.

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Presentation on theme: "1 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour

2 2 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching 2 Week Day Hour

3 3 stool stool with blood diarrhea small volume DiarrheaVomitingOther SymptomsRisk Factors big volume Stool Volume and Characteristics stool with mucus  times (max.) times (avg.) ≈ ?

4 4 vomiting blood in vomitus DiarrheaVomitingOther SymptomsRisk Factors 24 hours nausea  times (maximum) times (average) ≈ vomiting ?

5 5 urine outputSmall Volume DiarrheaVomitingOther SymptomsRisk Factors Big Volume Fluid Input and Output fever abdominal pain light headedness drinkingSmall VolumeBig Volume

6 6 recent recreational fresh water exposure foreign travel DiarrheaVomitingOther SymptomsRisk Factors hospitalization GE Risk Factors? antibiotics

7 7 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour

8 8 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour

9 9 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching 3 Week Day Hour

10 10 Known Exposure to Strep fever Sore Throat cough sore throat normal severe difficulty swollen neck glands

11 11 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour

12 12 stool vision impaired small volume SymptomsVomitingOther SymptomsRisk Factors big volume Stool Volume and Characteristics contact lens ? Affected eye?

13 13 vomiting blood in vomitus DiarrheaVomitingOther SymptomsRisk Factors 24 hours nausea  times (maximum) times (average) ≈ vomiting ?

14 14

15 15 AgeGender Chief Complaints congestion fever pain Abdominal pain other diarrhea nausea cough fatigue itching Week Day Hour

16 16 Age Chief Complaints fever Abdominal pain other diarrhea nauseafatigue Week Day Hour

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