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Jim McCune Corporate Director
“Approaches & Appointments The First 90 Days” “Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch, By Helping People Reach Their Goals”
Two Reasons People Like Us Do This Kind of a Business:
We want something we can control, be our own boss, with no overhead, employees, or risk. We want long-term, reliable, willable residual income. Remember the 80/20 Rule? To be successful, a business must be doable by the 80%, not just the 20%. SUCCESS FACTOR MELALEUCA 1. Company Track Record 2. Financially Sound 3. Strong Management 4. Unique, Highly Consumable Products by All 5. Competitively Priced 6. High Re-order Rate 7. Low Personal Production Requirement 8. Low Entry Fee 9. Low Attrition 10. Timing 11. No Breakaways 12. No Risk: Money, Time, Reputation, Relationships SCORE 12
Two Reasons People Like Us Do This Kind of a Business:
We want something we can control, be our own boss, with no overhead, employees, or risk. We want long-term, reliable, willable residual income. Remember the 80/20 Rule? To be successful, a business must be doable by the 80%, not just the 20%. SUCCESS FACTOR MELALEUCA AMWAY QUIXTAR 1. Company Track Record 2. Financially Sound 3. Strong Management 4. Unique, Highly Consumable Products by All 5. Competitively Priced NO 6. High Re-order Rate 7. Low Personal Production Requirement 8. Low Entry Fee 9. Low Attrition 10. Timing 11. No Breakaways 12. No Risk: Money, Time, Reputation, Relationships SCORE 12 4
Two Reasons People Like Us Do This Kind of a Business:
We want something we can control, be our own boss, with no overhead, employees, or risk. We want long-term, reliable, willable residual income. Remember the 80/20 Rule? To be successful, a business must be doable by the 80%, not just the 20%. SUCCESS FACTOR MELALEUCA AMWAY QUIXTAR JUICE PLANS 1. Company Track Record 2. Financially Sound 3. Strong Management 4. Unique, Highly Consumable Products by All NO 5. Competitively Priced 6. High Re-order Rate 7. Low Personal Production Requirement 8. Low Entry Fee 9. Low Attrition 10. Timing 11. No Breakaways 12. No Risk: Money, Time, Reputation, Relationships SCORE 12 4 3 WHICH ONE OF THESE 12 POINTS WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO TAKE OFF THE PAGE AND STILL THROW YOUR TIME, ENERGY AND REPUTATION INTO IT?
Two Reasons People Like Us Do This Kind of a Business:
We want something we can control, be our own boss, with no overhead, employees, or risk. We want long-term, reliable, willable residual income. Remember the 80/20 Rule? To be successful, a business must be doable by the 80%, not just the 20%. SUCCESS FACTOR MELALEUCA AMWAY QUIXTAR JUICE PLANS WATER / COFFEE 1. Company Track Record NO 2. Financially Sound 3. Strong Management 4. Unique, Highly Consumable Products by All 5. Competitively Priced 6. High Re-order Rate 7. Low Personal Production Requirement 8. Low Entry Fee 9. Low Attrition 10. Timing 11. No Breakaways 12. No Risk: Money, Time, Reputation, Relationships SCORE 12 4 3 2
Two Reasons People Like Us Do This Kind of a Business:
We want something we can control, be our own boss, with no overhead, employees, or risk. We want long-term, reliable, willable residual income. Remember the 80/20 Rule? To be successful, a business must be doable by the 80%, not just the 20%. SUCCESS FACTOR MELALEUCA AMWAY QUIXTAR JUICE PLANS WATER / COFFEE TELECOM PLANS 1. Company Track Record NO 2. Financially Sound 3. Strong Management 4. Unique, Highly Consumable Products by All 5. Competitively Priced 6. High Re-order Rate 7. Low Personal Production Requirement 8. Low Entry Fee 9. Low Attrition 10. Timing 11. No Breakaways 12. No Risk: Money, Time, Reputation, Relationships SCORE 12 4 3 2 5
Two Reasons People Like Us Do This Kind of a Business: We want something we can control, be our own boss, with no overhead, employees, sor risk. We want long-term, reliable, willable residual income. Remember the 80/20 Rule? To be successful, a business must be doable by the 80%, not just the 20%. SUCCESS FACTORssssssss MELALEUCA AMWAY QUIXTAR JUICE PLANS WATER / COFFEE TELECOM PLANS PARTY PLAN 1. Company Track Record NO 2. Financially Sound 3. Strong Management 4. Unique, Highly Consumable Products by All 5. Competitively Priced 6. High Re-order Rate 7. Low Personal Production Requirement 8. Low Entry Fee 9. Low Attrition 10. Timing 11. No Breakaways 12. No Risk: Money, Time, Reputation, Relationships SCORE 12 4 3 2 5 WHICH ONE OF THESE 12 POINTS WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO TAKE OFF THE PAGE AND STILL THROW YOUR TIME, ENERGY AND REPUTATION INTO IT?
Choose Success with us”…….
Your First 90 Days Step 4 Here is the way to get your business started right and start your journey to Financial Freedom! Become a Director III in 3 Months and you are on your way to Senior and Executive Director. Step 3 Enroll 20 in you first 2 months. (20/20 Club) and you are at least a Pacesetter Director II. Steps 1 & 2 “Your life today is the result of your Attitude and the Choices you have made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your Attitude and the Choices you make today. Choose Success with us”……. Jim McCune Get Started With a Career or Value Pacesetter Pack. Enroll 8-10 in the first 2 Weeks – You’re a Pacesetter Director and have Developed Your Story.
Three Steps Step 3 Step 2 Step 1
Always work the 7 Critical Activities with your personal enrollees who will work it with you. When you have achieved this with 60+ active personal enrollees you will have the financial freedom to do whatever you want! Enroll 3rd Group of 20 PE’s – You’re an Exec. Director w/10-12 Directors - 50 in group – Custs – $10,000-$20,000 per month (Avg = $148,000+ / yr) Step 2 Enroll 2nd Group of 20 PE’s – You’re a Senior Director w/5-6 Directors - 20 in group – Customers – $3000-$6000 per month (Avg = $54,000+ / yr) Step 1 I believe they all can be Directors. I expect them all to do it, but I don’t count on any one person, so I’m never disappointed or discouraged if they don’t do it. George McCune Enroll 1st Group of 20 PE’s – You’re a Director II or III w/2-3 Dirs and approx Customers – $300-$2000 per month
Senior or Exec. DIRECTOR in 12
Goals Senior or Exec. DIRECTOR in 12 12 MONTHS Exec. 12 MONTHS ACTIVITY LEVEL No. of hours per week 10-20 20+ No. of new customers put in by you (not all personals) 8 20 No. of personal Directors 1 every 2 months 1 every month No. of group meetings per wk (In-homes of 3+ people in group) 2X3 = 6 5X3 = 15 No. of 1 on 1’s or 2 on 1’s per wk. 6 15 6+6 = 12 Total people presented (assuming 2/3 enrolled) 15+15 =
Quick Start Find 8 to 20 people who take a bath, wash their clothes, brush their teeth and want to make an extra $2-10K a month. Then help them invite others to in-home meetings, one on one presentations or online webcast briefings.
Changing the Culture Add at least one prospect to your list daily and make at least one call for an appointment each day. If you make at least one call a day six days a week X 50 weeks equals 300 calls which should lead to 150 appointments and 75 enrollments. The average Executive Director has about 60 enrollments.
Professional Inviter
Approaching Prospects
Don’t worry about people saying “NO” to you… Worry about them saying “YES” to someone or something else. Understand that lots of folks are like “a deer in the headlights” Some are wondering what the government is going to do for them. Others are wondering what the government is going to do to them. Everyone needs a “Plan B” in this economy!
The Do’s and Don'ts of Approaches
Have Posture Give a Compliment Make it Personal Use a Script but don’t sound scripted Don’t Give the presentation Try to explain specifics Beat around the bush Seem needy or desperate Have doubt, if they all knew what you and I know, they would be asking you to join. Stay away from Product information, let the presentation do that. ‘The one’s you least expect will surprise you!’
Prospect Leaders: Target Professionals, Friends, Family & Relatives:
Know their concerns and needs (Sick & Tired of being sick and tired). Most are in a rut; to work and back. Many are now looking for a ‘Plan B’ in today’s economy. Pick up business cards. *Ask friends for successful people’s names and numbers: I need your help. I’m looking for... Who do you know? Trade shows and job fairs, not as an exhibitor—take cards Network at Chamber events, mixers and professional leads organizations Prospect Leaders: Meet people from other networking companies and stay in touch Look for professionals having lunch or coffee locally Attend financial or investment seminars Reverse recruit on direct sales ads
Prospecting Questions
One of the simplest things to do with relatives and close friends is to tell them you are starting a new business and you need someone to practice your presentation on. Can I come over and practice on you today or tomorrow? Or ___________, would you be interested in developing another stream of income? Great, come on over tomorrow evening at 7:00 and we’ll talk about it. Or just pop in on your friends and relatives and show them your business. If they ask, What is it? “It’s Melaleuca. It’s kinda like a catalog company. There is no selling, no stocking or inventory, no picking up or delivering, and no risk whatsoever! People all over the country are making $2,000 to $10,000 a month and more with them. Just take a look and if you want to do it fine, if not, that will be ok too. ________, I guarantee I won’t waste your time.”
Prospecting Questions
Listen to them! Find a why, then repeat that to them and then use this qualifying question: If I could honestly and I mean honestly show you… - how to pay all of your monthly bills without using your primary income….. - something that made complete sense and you didn’t have to sell anything, and it wasn’t Amway or one of those MLM deals….. - how to stay home with your children……….. - how to have more time with your family…… - how to have more energy and feel better….. how to develop a “Plan B” in today’s economy.... how to ‘Bridge The Gap’ between closings, sales, etc. …would you give me 30 minutes of your time to show you how to do that? Great! Which would be better for you, _____ or _____? or
Realtor or Mortgage Professionals Approach
•“Hi ___, My name is ________. Is __________You don't know me, but I am looking at your business card.” •“___, I’m looking to team up with a few Real Estate Professionals who would be open to looking at an additional stream of income that would help “Bridge The Gap” between Closings. I like to set a time to run it by you, would Tues. or Wed. be better for you? (If they say tell me about it, just say, “that’s why I want to get together, which would work better for you, Tues or Wed.?” If you get more resistance, say, “____, you and I both know that property values in some parts of the country are down 50% and people can have a credit score of 700 and still can’t get a loan.” What I want to show is the perfect answer for you. •“Are you open to looking at other business ventures to create an additional income stream working from your home office without interfering with what you‟re currently doing?”
More On Working Referrals
•“Hi ___ my name is _____, you don’t know me but we have a mutual friend (______ _______). Do I catch you at a good time? I just need a minute.” •”_______told me you are a terrific leader with a sharp business mind and someone who’s really motivated and she thought you’d be a perfect fit for the business I am with –have you ever heard of a company called Melaleuca?” •“They have created a unique revenue-sharing concept that allows average consumer, –like you and me –to create serious income working from home. Are you open to another income stream? I think we all need a Plan B in today’s economy, don’t we?” •“If it is alright with you, I’d like to bounce the high points off you and see what you think -it takes about an hour and is done by appointment only. What is better for you this week Tuesday or Thursday?”
Make it a point to call and network with them. Establish your drip list Know what to say: Hi is _____. Did I catch you at a good time? Are you still with _____? How long have you been with ________? Are you pursuing this full time or part time? Are you open to taking a look at something that would compliment what you are already doing and give you another stream of income? Let's have lunch tomorrow or would Wednesday be better for you?
"I was just speaking with my business partners and they asked me who I know that is outgoing and really motivated that would make a terrific leader with our I immediately thought of you and that you would be a perfect fit for the business I am with –have you ever heard of Melaleuca, The Wellness Company?” “I can’t do it justice over the phone and it would not be fair to you, however, I can give you my personal guarantee -this will be worth your time.” “This may or may not be for you –you be the judge, but at the very least maybe you can point me in the right direction of someone who would make a perfect fit for my business –fair enough?”
Business Approaches •"Would you be open-minded to creating an alternate source of income that would not interfere with your primary job?“ •“If I could show you a business idea to turn ordinary household expense, into a monthly income stream, would you give me an hour of your time?” •“I‟d love to talk to you about a great business idea…as a “Plan B” in today’s economy to generate an additional income stream…are you open-minded to take a look?”
Handling Resistance The best way to handle resistance is to simply say: I understand, I thought so too. Just give me 30 minutes. I promise I won't waste your time. You be the judge. If they push for immediate information, just say: It's a visual presentation. I promise I won't waste your time. Just take a look and you be the judge. As a last resort, use the following: I'm not asking you to get involved. Just take a look. You be the judge. You may be able to help me with some other people and I'd like to get your opinion.
Responding to Resistance:
I'm too busy. “I know how you feel. I was a very busy High School Principal when I looked at this business, but when I saw that I didn't have to sell anything, stock or inventory anything and there was no risk, I was willing to take a look. I am sure glad I did and you will be too.” “That's OK, so am I. I promise I won't waste your time. In fact, if our appointment goes any longer than 15 minutes, it'll be because you want it to. When can we get together, this evening or tomorrow?" “ I know that you are a busy person, and that is why I want to share this with you. Lets get together for lunch—you eat, and I will talk! When is best for you, tomorrow or the next day?”
Overcoming Enrollment Concerns or Objections
The best way to overcome objections is to handle them throughout the presentation. Take the following objections away in the beginning when you tell your story. “Is this like” “I don’t have time” or “I’m too busy” As you cover the products you can take away the “I don’t think I will use that much” concern, as you make sense out of “just switching stores”
What You Are Trying To Do In Your Presentation
Get them dreaming. If there is No Why! — there is No Way! Take all of their excuses away at the beginning and throughout the presentation. Help them realize that they are already someone’s customer. Help them realize that they and everyone is spending $60 to $150 monthly already. In fact over the next 10 years they are going to spend $10,000 to $12,000 plus on the types of products that Melaleuca manufactures. They are either going to buy them at retail from WalMart or 30 to 40% discount from themselves through Melaleuca. Show them how it “just makes sense” to switch to better, safer, more economical products and have them delivered right to their door! Help them understand that the company takes the orders, collects the money, ships the products, does the paperwork and sends you a check for your referrals.
If You Had A Choice Close…
Melaleuca 2010MELALEUCA 4/17/2017 6:12 PM If You Had A Choice Close… If you could get Safe Products rather than ones that had in capital letters on the label: HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS, which would you choose? If you could get Safe Products at Retail or Safe Products at Wholesale, which would you choose? If you could get Safe Products at Wholesale or Safe Products for Free, which would you choose? If you could get Safe Products for Free, or Safe Products for Free and get a Check, which would you choose? You do want a check don’t you? Let’s get you started. Speaker's Name.pptPRESENTATIONTITLE.ppt
Structuring Your Business
Customers Family & Friends Cat. 3 Business Builder Cat. 3 Business Builder Cat. 3 Business Builder Possible Support Builder True Category 2’s & 3’s – Three Keys: 1. Purchase a Career / Value/ Pacesetter Pack 2. Take Immediate Action
Your 5 x 7 Organizational Potential
Your Gens. When you place a Marketing Executive on your 1st genera-tion, you earn commissions on their 1st six generations as their 6th is your 7th) Their Gens. X
Your Gens. Their Gens. X When you place a Marketing Executive on your 2nd generation you only earn commissions on their 1st five generations. As their 5th is now your 7th)
You can do this business! Everything you want is on the other side of
FEAR “The thing you fear to do is the next thing you need to do.” If fear knocks at the door, let faith answer and there won’t be anyone there. The only way to lose is to quit! Your life can be changed and transformed by making simple decisions to act. Act or Lose!
IT’S YOUR CHOICE! Mindset makes the difference All things are hard before they’re easy. Great achievers all practice continually. We become good at things through practice, so never, never resent the practice. Were in it for the long haul! When you’re a little down from rejections and setbacks just put them in the “Practice Room” and say, “HEY, IT’S All PRACTICE!”
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