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Status of TOB Modules & Rods J. Incandela For the US CMS Tracking Group Tracker Week, Feb. 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of TOB Modules & Rods J. Incandela For the US CMS Tracking Group Tracker Week, Feb. 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of TOB Modules & Rods J. Incandela For the US CMS Tracking Group Tracker Week, Feb. 2004

2 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 2 US CMS Tracker Group Brown University R. Hooper, G. Landsberg, C. Nguyen, H. Nguyen University of California, Riverside (UCR) P. Gartung, G. Hanson, G.Y. Jeng, G. Pasztor University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) A. Affolder, S. Burke, C. Campagnari, F. Garberson, D. Hale, J. Incandela, P. Kalavase, S. Kyre, J. Lamb, R. Taylor, D. Stuart, D. White + technicians University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) E. Chabalina, C. Gerber, L. Nigra, T. Ten Fermilab (FNAL) M. Demarteau, A. Ronzhin, K. Sogut, L. Spiegel, S. Tkaczyk + technicians University of Kansas (KU) P. Baringer, A. Bean, L. Christofek, D. Coppage Mexican Consortium: Cinvestav: H. Castilla, R. Perez, A. Sanchez Puebla: E. Medel, H. Salazar San Luis Potosi: A. Morelos University of Rochester (UR) R.Demina, R. Eusebi, E. Halkiadakis, A. Hocker, S. Korjenevski, P. Tipton 20 joined group this past year – few more needed at both sites 10 left the group (includes KSU) 20 joined group this past year – few more needed at both sites 10 left the group (includes KSU)

3 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 3 TEC R7 TEC R6 TEC R5P TEC R5S TOB r-phiTOB stereo Module Types Built in US

4 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 4 Perspective Good parts are arriving Deliveries will not be smooth – hybrids in particular are a worry Prof. David Stuart (UCSB) to take establish parallel US vendor The schedule requires Higher than expected peak production rates Extremely robust and stable production lines Well trained personnel with backups Previous demonstrated module rate 15/day/site Module production rates now required: FNAL: 18/day sustainable and 24/d peak UCSB: 21/d sustainable and 30/d peak Hybrids wirebonding and thermal testing Several improvements have been made that reduce the cycle time of the test-stand to around 30’ (was ranging from 45 to 70 minutes)

5 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 5 Preparations Studied and then improved production work flow Analyzed failure modes of all systems Find everything that could interrupt production: Acquire spares Cross-train technicians All persons with critical tasks must have backups Detailed written procedures for every task Specific training required. Lines of responsibility established. A list of 25 procedures can be found at: US Workshop held at UCSB January 21-22 Purpose: Exchange experience – standardize procedures Novel Format: Minimum of powerpoint, counterpoints met directly and in the lab around in equipment in many cases, to exchange ideas Led to a consideration of a new structure for communication in US

6 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 6 FNAL Assembly Capacity Added second curing cabinet 8 plates/day peak rate. provide moisture in winter. 10 TOB assembly plates: 6 R-Phi and 4 stereo. New people Two technicians in March

7 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 7 UCSB Assembly Plate/Capacity  Total of 24 plates! (#) = plates added in 2004 Module type Completed Plates Plates In Process Total Daily Capacity (# modules) TOB r-phi7 (2)721 TOB stereo3 (1)39 TEC R5P2 (2)139 TEC R5S2 (2)139 TEC R65 (4)515 TEC R72 (2)139

8 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 8 Modules Enter Bonded, Untested Modules Shelf ARCS Testing If Failed If Passed Can We Fix It? Yes Repairs Repaired Modules Shelf Needs Repair Shelf in Bonding Room Failed Modules Shelf No Good ARCS Tested Modules Shelf LT Testing Bad Thermal Cycle, Needs Retest Shelf Chosen for LT Test? TEC or TOB? TEC or TOB? TEC Thermal Cycled Ready For Shipping Shelf TOB Thermal Cycled Ready For Rod Assembly TEC Not Thermal Cycled Ready For Shipping Shelf TOB Not Thermal Cycled Ready For Rod Assembly No Yes If Passed If Failed TEC TOB Is the Problem Understood? Undiagnosed Modules Shelf YesNo TECTOB Module Testing: Example of Flow Plan

9 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 9 Testing time trial Question Can (30 hybrids + 30 modules)/day be comfortably sustained ? Results All hybrids and modules completely tested in a standard 8 hour day Only used 2 of 3 module test stands available Further reductions of testing times have been accomplished since the trial Found that having full complement of testers in the room at one time actually improved efficiency and communication We were able to solve problems faster by shifting manpower and using the integrated experience of all the testers Answer: REQUIRED TESTING THROUGHPUT IS SUSTAINABLE Aside: Hybrids wirebonding and thermal testing Several improvements have been made that reduce the cycle time of the test- stand to around 30’ (was ranging from 45 to 70 minutes) FNAL and UCSB up and running

10 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 10 Module LT Systems LT systems in final form. The last steps included Backplane modification: FNAL. CCU6 to CCU25: UCSB. Operation is now stable I2C errors, missing records & HV problems are gone. Running a 12 scenario. Allows 20 modules/d/site

11 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 11 Module Production Summary Resumed module production late 2004/early 2005 Pair v4 (type 18) with ST and v5 (type 19) with HPK sensors We need ST sensors (>=lot 4). FNAL:127 modules 108 HPK: 84 L3&4, 24 L5&6 1 (marginal) Gantry placement failure, 2 handling accidents 19 STM: 12 L1&2(r  ), 7 L3&4 UCSB: 65 modules – paused to study bias connection 26 HPK: 24 L3&4, 2 L5&6 1 IV failure 33 R5S (TEC) 6 R5N (TEC) All modules test grade A Version 3  sub-type 17 Version 4  sub-type 18 Version 5  sub-type 19

12 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 12 Current Focus/Issues Bias connection: Ag epoxy studied intensely at UCSB. 3 sensors (ST) out of 28 TOB modules were found to have poor or open connections to the HV pad. 20% of sensors on 36 subsequent modules found to have unexpectedly high impedance bias line connections Performed numerous tests and have consulted many experts Yesterday found an important clue Gantry placement doesn’t disrupt the surface of the epoxy bead We will now be able to devise a systematic remedy Completing encapsulation studies Extreme thermal cycles of hybrids completed – no problems seen Modules heavily irradiated No problems yet identified with encapsulation Sent to UCSB for further study 75 modules encapsulated and to be tested at UCSB Will now cycle 50 times -30 to + 50C (+80C)

13 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 13 Encapsulation for Reinforcement Mainly protects bonds but also an alternative to module reinforcement. Ideally hybrid bond encapsulation would be done by the vendor or at CERN. Other bonds would be encapsulated after the LT test. December UCSB did drop tests No damage for up to 60 g

14 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 14 ARCS Noise Issue Tests of recent FNAL production with HPK sensors found lower average noise - especially for 4-APV modules. Practical problem: Great modules fail the ARCS low noise cut! Production with STM sensors also showed lower noise. Ruled out ARCS version and any hardware changes. Previously produced modules have unchanged noise performance. Points to new hybrid versions: may be batch related We should switch from absolute to relative cuts. Absolute levels should nevertheless be used to flag and thus monitor variations

15 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 15 ARCS Noise Reluctant to upload XML files for ‘failing’ modules

16 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 16 Rods Rod assembly well understood An issue with the stiffer hybrid cable has been resolved Single rod testing is under control Adding a few more "kinks" we get back to where we were with the softer tails. More details in a presentation by Susanne Kyre to US rod testing meeting: Multi-rod Have had and resolved many problems with software and hardware Achieved major milestones Still have some problems to solve Need experience with many rods to determine if there are issues with components.

17 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 17 Stiff Tail Solution Stiffer tail deflects the intercconnect card (top left) Adding additional kinks to the tail eliminates the problem (top right)

18 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 18 ROD Testing Status All equipment on hand at FNAL and UCSB Single rod test stands Multi-rod stands with capacity of 8(6) single (double)-sided rods Have been struggling with DAQ stability problems for long term (3 days) burn-in test Much progress recently Frequent communications with Wim B.  SW fixes Improved grounding  I2C communication much more reliable For the past week systems have been quite stable Not sure that we are out of the woods yet But we are clearly on the right track Starting to address bad channel diagnostic procedures Drawing on US experience with module testing Expect to be ready at start of full production

19 US Production Status, CMS Tracker Week, Feb. 4, 2005 J. Incandela 19 Summary Have studied all possible threats to production stability Purchased or manufactured spares Manpower not yet at comfortable level FNAL 2 new technicians to start in March UCSB 1 technician just hired at UCSB, 2 more being sought Have 4 new students plus 2 coming spring/summer Hiring 2-3 post-docs Further increased capacity to ~50 modules/day Systems All stages of production have been exercised and are near to final except rod testing Multi-rod stands rapidly converging

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