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Balance Training Tower System Analysis Describing device to customer.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance Training Tower System Analysis Describing device to customer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance Training Tower System Analysis Describing device to customer

2 Usage Top View Tower 1 Tower 2 Patient Screen for PT to set up game and then get readings from at the end PT Distance to Patient Ideal: Electrical Technology Back up 1. Laser Tape Measure Back up 2: Electrical Tape Measure Back up 2. Matt Distance to Patient Ideal: Electrical Technology Back up 1. Laser Tape Measure Back up 2: Electrical Tape Measure Back up 2. Matt

3 Capacitance Button LED Lights above and below buttons. 5’ 7.5” 5”.5” Rounded Corners Removable Base Design -30lbs 15lbs per side Removable Base Design -30lbs 15lbs per side Usage Side View Assuming 27” Tower weight 25lbs Red- incorrect Green- achieved Yellow- goal Red- incorrect Green- achieved Yellow- goal

4 User’s Manual Screen Removable Battery Recharge outside of the system Specialized battery with instructions on where to buy. Removable Battery Recharge outside of the system Specialized battery with instructions on where to buy. Buttons underneath associated will be specific to the current menu. Usage Back View On/Off Switch

5 Tower Connect (Rotate Colors while searching, Green LED’s & success MSG on connect Tower Connect (Rotate Colors while searching, Green LED’s & success MSG on connect PT Configuration Options Choose available targets Choose timeouts(10 sec default) # of levels? (default 5 buttons) PT Configuration Options Choose available targets Choose timeouts(10 sec default) # of levels? (default 5 buttons) PT Configuration Options Choose timeout(10 seconds) PT Configuration Options Choose timeout(10 seconds) Future game Idea: # of misses Determines Enough of game Future game Idea: # of misses Determines Enough of game Proximity Touch Power off capacitance buttons Power on IR sensors Power off capacitance buttons Power on IR sensors Information Output to PT Closest distance attained LED’s indicate current location Red: part way Yellow: closer Green: target obtained Information Output to PT Closest distance attained LED’s indicate current location Red: part way Yellow: closer Green: target obtained Power off IR sensors Power on capacitance sensors Power off IR sensors Power on capacitance sensors Information Output to PT # of targets successfully hit out of total Total elapsed time total Time it took to hit button from time light turn on Location of success/failures Information Output to PT # of targets successfully hit out of total Total elapsed time total Time it took to hit button from time light turn on Location of success/failures Common: Calibrate initial variables Patient to tower Tower to tower Angle? “Play again” prompt @ end of round PT Options Power Output Information Powered On (Switch! Not low power mode) Powered On (Switch! Not low power mode) Timed Touch

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