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Revised Graduate Programs Proposal. OutlineOutline Need Analysis (Why?)Need Analysis (Why?) Features of Proposed Programs.Features of Proposed Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Revised Graduate Programs Proposal. OutlineOutline Need Analysis (Why?)Need Analysis (Why?) Features of Proposed Programs.Features of Proposed Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revised Graduate Programs Proposal

2 OutlineOutline Need Analysis (Why?)Need Analysis (Why?) Features of Proposed Programs.Features of Proposed Programs. Proposed programs objectives and outcomes.Proposed programs objectives and outcomes. Programs requirements.Programs requirements.

3 Need for Revision New under graduate programs ( ISE and CISE) New under graduate programs ( ISE and CISE) Relevance. Relevance. New trends in the discipline. New trends in the discipline.

4 Input for Revision Employer, Alumni and graduating students input.Employer, Alumni and graduating students input. The input received from the Department Industrial Advisory Committee (IAD).The input received from the Department Industrial Advisory Committee (IAD). Review of top international programs in the area of Industrial and Systems Engineering.Review of top international programs in the area of Industrial and Systems Engineering. The current strengths and weaknesses of the existing programs.The current strengths and weaknesses of the existing programs. The upgrade of the IE/OR option to a BS program in Industrial and Systems Engineering.The upgrade of the IE/OR option to a BS program in Industrial and Systems Engineering.

5 Features of Proposed Programs Analytic: the program provides students with advance courses in modeling and analysis. These courses are: SE 501: Deterministic Operations Research, SE 502 Stochastic models in IE.Analytic: the program provides students with advance courses in modeling and analysis. These courses are: SE 501: Deterministic Operations Research, SE 502 Stochastic models in IE. Two master programs that are needed by industry offered in two modes ( MS & ME)Two master programs that are needed by industry offered in two modes ( MS & ME) Interdisciplinary approach that utilizes existing courses in other graduate programs.Interdisciplinary approach that utilizes existing courses in other graduate programs. Add more flexibility through electivesAdd more flexibility through electives Providing a wide variety of electives in different areas of concentration with flexibility in electives selection.Providing a wide variety of electives in different areas of concentration with flexibility in electives selection.

6 Programs Proposed The MS programs are in the following areas: Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE). Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE). Maintenance and Engineering and Management (MEM). Maintenance and Engineering and Management (MEM). Each MS will have two major core courses in addition to four courses from the program area and two electives free electives Each MS will have two major core courses in addition to four courses from the program area and two electives free electives

7 Programs Proposed The ME programs are in the following areas: Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE). Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE). Maintenance and Engineering and Management (MEM). Maintenance and Engineering and Management (MEM). Each ME will have two major core courses in addition to eighteen (18 credit hours) courses from Each ME will have two major core courses in addition to eighteen (18 credit hours) courses from the program area and four courses (12 credit hours) free electives. the program area and four courses (12 credit hours) free electives.

8 ISE Master of Engineering Program Two major core course Two major core course Eighteen area courses (ISE) Eighteen area courses (ISE) Twelve credit hours electives. Twelve credit hours electives. Two reports. Two reports.

9 ISE Master of Engineering Program Two major core course Two major core course Eighteen area courses (ISE) Eighteen area courses (ISE) Twelve credit hours electives. Twelve credit hours electives. Two reports. Two reports.

10 ISE Program Objectives The objective of the master program in ISE is to prepare graduates with the necessary skills to improve systems productivity and quality and formulate operations research models to solve real world problems and have the necessary analytical skills and depth to select the right model, algorithm and to make the correct results interpretation. The objective of the master program in ISE is to prepare graduates with the necessary skills to improve systems productivity and quality and formulate operations research models to solve real world problems and have the necessary analytical skills and depth to select the right model, algorithm and to make the correct results interpretation.

11 ISE MS Program Outcomes Formulate OR models to address real world problems in the private and public sector. Formulate OR models to address real world problems in the private and public sector. Select or develop efficient algorithms to solve OR models.Select or develop efficient algorithms to solve OR models. Improve systems productivity and quality. Improve systems productivity and quality. Conduct literature review and research specific topics and develop a cohesive approach to analyze and solve a specific decision problem. Conduct literature review and research specific topics and develop a cohesive approach to analyze and solve a specific decision problem.

12 MEM Master Program Two major core course Two major core course Four area courses from core area courses Four area courses from core area courses Two free electives from general area courses but could be from other courses subject to advisor approval. Two free electives from general area courses but could be from other courses subject to advisor approval.

13 ISE Master of Engineering Program Two major core course Two major core course Eighteen area courses (ISE) Eighteen area courses (ISE) Twelve credit hours electives. Twelve credit hours electives. Two reports. Two reports.

14 MEM Programs Objectives The overall objective of the MEM program is to provide state of the art knowledge in maintenance engineering & management and equip students with the necessary tools and methodologies to, review the literature, engineer and manage complex maintenance systems. The overall objective of the MEM program is to provide state of the art knowledge in maintenance engineering & management and equip students with the necessary tools and methodologies to, review the literature, engineer and manage complex maintenance systems.

15 MEM Programs Outcomes Develop effective maintenance strategies and continuously improve maintenance systems. Develop effective maintenance strategies and continuously improve maintenance systems. Develop planned maintenance programs.Develop planned maintenance programs. Develop and evaluate plants' reliability programs.Develop and evaluate plants' reliability programs. Address maintenance capacity planning issues and estimate required resources for effective and efficient maintenance.Address maintenance capacity planning issues and estimate required resources for effective and efficient maintenance. Select and utilize effectively computerized maintenance management systems.Select and utilize effectively computerized maintenance management systems. Utilize state of the art condition monitoring models and techniques to develop effective maintenance policies.Utilize state of the art condition monitoring models and techniques to develop effective maintenance policies. Conduct literature review and research specific topics and develop a cohesive approach to analyze and solve specific maintenance problem. Conduct literature review and research specific topics and develop a cohesive approach to analyze and solve specific maintenance problem.

16 Programs Proposed Every student enrolled in any one of the master programs shall take the following courses: ISE501Deterministic OptimizationISE501Deterministic Optimization ISE 502Stochastic Models in ISEISE 502Stochastic Models in ISE

17 Maintenance Program Maintenance Core AreaMaintenance Core Area ISE 529 Maintenance Management.ISE 529 Maintenance Management. ISE 509 Reliability EngineeringISE 509 Reliability Engineering ISE 507 Mathematical Models in MaintenanceISE 507 Mathematical Models in Maintenance SE 511 Condition Monitoring Technologies SE 511 Condition Monitoring Technologies ISE 531System Reliability and MaintainabilityISE 531System Reliability and Maintainability ARE 511Construction and Maintenance ModelingARE 511Construction and Maintenance Modeling ARE 517Building Defects and MaintenanceARE 517Building Defects and Maintenance ARE 524Facilities Maintenance ManagementARE 524Facilities Maintenance Management ME573Probabilistic ModelingME573Probabilistic Modeling ARE 511Construction and Maintenance ModelingARE 511Construction and Maintenance Modeling

18 Maintenance Program Maintenance General AreaMaintenance General Area ISE 529Maintenance Management. ISE 529Maintenance Management. ISE 509 Reliability EngineeringISE 509 Reliability Engineering ISE 507 Mathematical Models in MaintenanceISE 507 Mathematical Models in Maintenance ISE 511 Condition Monitoring Technologies ISE 511 Condition Monitoring Technologies ISE 539 Life cycle costingISE 539 Life cycle costing ISE 594Special topics in MM& EISE 594Special topics in MM& E ISE 480Reliability & MaintainabilityISE 480Reliability & Maintainability ISE 531System Reliability and Maintainability ISE 531System Reliability and Maintainability ISE 533Advanced Work Management & AnalysisISE 533Advanced Work Management & Analysis ISE 520Analytical Methods in Facilities Location and LayoutISE 520Analytical Methods in Facilities Location and Layout ISE 539Industrial safetyISE 539Industrial safety ISE 595Independent study in ISEISE 595Independent study in ISE ACCT 501 Financial AccountingACCT 501 Financial Accounting MGT 501 Principles of managementMGT 501 Principles of management ME572Manufacturing processesME572Manufacturing processes ME573Probabilistic ModelingME573Probabilistic Modeling ARE 511Construction and Maintenance ModelingARE 511Construction and Maintenance Modeling ARE 512Building Life Cycle CostingARE 512Building Life Cycle Costing ARE 513Building systems Evaluation & SelectionsARE 513Building systems Evaluation & Selections ARE 514Post Occupancy EvaluationARE 514Post Occupancy Evaluation ARE 515Facilities Operations & MaintenanceARE 515Facilities Operations & Maintenance ARE 517Building Defects and MaintenanceARE 517Building Defects and Maintenance ARE 522Facilities Planning and RelocationARE 522Facilities Planning and Relocation ARE 524Facilities Maintenance ManagementARE 524Facilities Maintenance Management ARE 529Quality assessment of Facilities Management.ARE 529Quality assessment of Facilities Management.

19 Programs Review External review External review Industry review Industry review KFUPM other departments inputKFUPM other departments input

20 Ph. D Revision Minor revision Minor revision Students can meet the 10 course requirement by taking one independent study and two research directed research. Students can meet the 10 course requirement by taking one independent study and two research directed research.

21 ConclusionConclusion The programs will contribute to KFUPM graduate programsThe programs will contribute to KFUPM graduate programs Attack more graduate students from local industry.Attack more graduate students from local industry. Contribute positively to KFUPM research mission.Contribute positively to KFUPM research mission. Seeks the approval of the council.Seeks the approval of the council.

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