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L. Greiner1PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Detector Project Status
L. Greiner2PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Talk Outline Project history – current CD status Cost and schedule Risk areas and mitigation Testing plans Summary
L. Greiner3PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Short Project History CD-0 Review 02/2008 CD-0 Approval07/2009 CD-1 Review11/2009 CD-1 Approval? - soon Proposed CD-2/3 Review11/2010 - ?
L. Greiner4PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR WBS Structure 1.2.2 PXL Electronics – Phase-1 Sensor Phase-1 Prototype Phase-1 Production – PXL Sensor PXL Sensor Prototype PXL Sensor Production – Ladder Cable Infrastructure Test Cable Prototype Ladder Cable (FR-4) Ladder Cable (Kapton + Cu conductor) Ladder Cable (Kapton + Al conductor) Ladder Cable PXL Sensor – Phase-1 Ladder Assembly Ladder Mechanical / Electrical Prototypes – Read-out Electronics RDO Board Mass Termination Board RDO PCs Control PC System – PXL Sensor Ladder Production
L. Greiner5PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Electronics Development Plan Develop sensor chips, 3 generation program (WBS Develop readout electronics (WBS –STAR compatible readout system - limited channel count –Upgrade to full detector capability Develop flex PC readout cable (WBS –copper version –aluminum version Develop chip testing and characterization system (WBS, –Individual sensor –probe test Production testing of ladders (WBS
L. Greiner6PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Cost Estimate and Schedule Current cost estimates are based on CD-1 needs (establish cost range). BOE will be documented by CD-2/3. For CD-2/3 we will probably need to re-baseline. This will mostly consist of a simple time shift. The funding profile provided from DOE is the driving factor behind the schedule. Current Status
L. Greiner7PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Costs Contributed Labor is not costed in this estimate. (LG + 2 postdoc)
L. Greiner8PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Cost Estimate and Schedule Project Estimated Cost Shop CostTechPostdocEngineering Eng (cont)M&S CostTotals 2009$0 2010$15,170$44,020$0$44,976$0$79,308$183,474 2011$24,484$187,443$0$108,756$0$334,150$654,834 2012$13,588$237,697$0$118,221$0$621,710$991,216 2013$816$70,130$0$9,477$0$261,500$341,923 2014$0$28,052$0$1,944$0$32,200$62,196 Base Cost$2,233,643 Project Estimated Contingency Shop CostTechPostdocEngineering Eng (cont)M&S CostTotals 2009$0 2010$5,040$33,696$0$2,400$0$9,000$50,136 2011$21,314$78,686$0$17,694$0$94,150$211,844 2012$17,978$48,929$0$55,089$0$217,150$339,146 2013$4,082$28,810$0$13,122$0$92,000$138,014 2014$0 Contingency$739,141 Percent 33.1% Details are on the handout or available as an Excel file
L. Greiner9PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Detailed Subsystem Milestones MilestoneDate Receive Phase-2 sensorsQ1 - 2010 Prototype RDO productionQ2 - 2011 Install Prototype detectorQ1 - 2012 Receive prototype PXL sensors Q1 - 2011 RDO Final productionQ2 - 2012 Receive production PXL sensors Q3 - 2012 Install final detectorQ3 - 2013 Full details are on the handout or available as an Project file A complete resource loaded schedule will be produced for CD-2/3
L. Greiner10PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Risk WBSByDateDescription Technical Consequence Schedule Consequ ence Cost Impact ($K) Type of Risk Impact low,mod erate,hig h from table 1 Probabili ty (table 2) Severity (table 2) Mitigation Startegy Risk Expira tion Sensors - Multiple iterations to meet spec - delay possible delayunknown Cost/Sched ulemoderate20low schedule float, implement testing early to allow for minimum iteration time, monitor progress FY11 not meet spec depends on performance possible delayunknowntechnicalmoderate15low redesign FY10 Ladder Cable - Al conductor fabricationCu conductors possible delaynonetechnicalhigh40high schedule float, visit vendor and work collabratively and test production capabilities early FY11 Cable meet spec could require more conductor in low mass regionnone technicalmoderate40moderate techincal design choice - simulate effect using thicker rad. Length FY11 PXL Sensor Ladder Production - Al based RDO cable fabricationCu conductors possible delaynonetechnicalhigh40high simulate effect using Cu cables (add.2% to rad length). Use fast simulations to study thickness.FY13 Read-out Electronics - part obsolescence none profile may be affected cost/schedu lelow15low procurement of parts scheduled for obsolescence Preliminary Risk Table as per DOE template
L. Greiner11PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Testing Plans SEU and Latch-up Testing at LBNL 88” Cyclotron Date Mimosa-26, Ladder and MTB Parts Q3 - 2010 SUZE memories, final ladder/MTB parts/changes Q4 - 2010 PXL Sensor prototypeQ2 - 2011 Final PXL SensorQ3 - 2012 Beam TestingDate Phase-2 telescopeQ1 - 2011 Sector of Phase-2 based prototype detector Q3 - 2011 Phenix Beam Test?
L. Greiner12PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Summary The sensor and RDO project costs and schedule are understood at a level that allows for the creation of a resource loaded schedule that will be completed before CD-2/3 review. The risks are understood and addressed. We have a development and testing plan that addresses the needs of the project.
L. Greiner13PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Backup
L. Greiner14PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Full PXL risks WBSByDateDescription Technical Consequence Schedule Consequence Cost Impact ($K) Type of Risk Impact low,moderate,hig h from table 1 Probability (table 2) Severity (table 2) Mitigation Startegy Risk Expiration PXL Sensor - Multiple iterations to meet spec - delaynonepossible delaynoneCost/Schedulehigh30high schedule float, implement testing early to allow for minimum iteration time, monitor progress FY13 Fluctuation in $/Euronone up to 30% fab costCostmoderate40moderate FY13 not meet spec depends on performancepossible delayunknowntechnicalhigh30high redesign FY12 particle density too high depends on density, increase sensor performancepossible delayunknowntechnicalhigh?25?moderate measure particle density at 2.5 cm from interaction point with prototype run. FY12-FY13 Phase-1 Sensor - Multiple iterations to meet spec - delay possible delayunknownCost/Schedulemoderate20low schedule float, implement testing early to allow for minimum iteration time, monitor progress FY11 not meet spec depends on performancepossible delayunknowntechnicalmoderate15low redesign FY10 Ladder Cable - Al conductor fabricationCu conductorspossible delaynonetechnicalhigh40high schedule float, visit vendor and work collabratively and test production capabilities early FY11 Cable meet spec could require more conductor in low mass regionnone technicalmoderate40moderate techincal design choice - simulate effect using thicker rad. Length FY11 PXL Sensor Ladder Production - Al based RDO cable fabricationCu conductorspossible delaynonetechnicalhigh40high simulate effect using Cu cables (add.2% to rad length). Use fast simulations to study thickness.FY13 Read-out Electronics - part obsolescence none profile may be affectedcost/schedulelow15 low procurement of parts scheduled for obsolescence
L. Greiner15PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Effort by FY and category BASE Shop TimeTechPostdocEngineering Eng (cont)M&S Cost 200900000$0 201012839623003122276$79,308 2011208182436148363612$334,150 2012120248028229583322$621,710 2013874068078772$261,500 2014029620216222$32,200 CONT00000$0 STAR00000$0 CONTINGENCY Shop TimeTechPostdocEngineering Eng (cont)M&S Cost 200900000$0 201040288561688$9,000 2011176789332140408$94,150 2012148460108414160$217,150 201340304280108120$92,000 201400000$0 CONT00000$0 STAR00000$0
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