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Oral Dosage of Drugs Chapter 10.

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1 Oral Dosage of Drugs Chapter 10

2 Dosage Calculations Ratio and Proportion Method
Step 1. Convert Ensure measurements are in same system and units are in same size. If not, use ratio and proportion to convert. Step 2. Think Estimate what is a reasonable dose.

3 Dosage Calculations Ratio and Proportion Method
Step 3. Calculate Calculate drug dose using a proportion. Look for a known ratio [usually the dosage on hand] Set up a proportion Known ratio is equivalent to ratio for desired drug.

4 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Ordered: V-Cillin 500 mg Available: V-Cillin 0.5 g per tablet What do you notice? Same system Different size units Needs to be converted

5 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Math Tip In most cases, it is more practical to convert to smaller unit. Usually eliminates decimal or fraction, keeping calculation in whole numbers.

6 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Equivalent: 1g = 1,000 mg 1 g . 5 g = 1, m g X m g X = 1, . 5 X = 5 m g

7 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Let’s review order Ordered: V-Cillin 500 mg Available: V-Cillin 0.5 g per tablet After converting, what is ordered and available are the same amount: 500 mg

8 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Ordered: Phenobarbital gr p.o.q. 12 hr Available: Phenobarbital 15 mg per tablet What do you notice? Different system Needs to be converted

9 Converting to the Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Math Tip Convert apothecary and household measurements to their metric equivalents Metric system is the predominant system of measurement for drugs

10 Converting to the Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Equivalent: gr 1 = 60 mg g r 1 g = = 6 m g X m g X - 6 X = 6 m g g r = g r = 3 m g

11 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method
Let’s review order Ordered: phenobarbital gr p.o.q. 12 hr Available: phenobarbital 15 mg per tablet After converting 30 mg was ordered

12 Converting to Same System Ratio and Proportion Method

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