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External Environment Events and conditions which surround and affect the functioning of an organization.

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Presentation on theme: "External Environment Events and conditions which surround and affect the functioning of an organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 External Environment Events and conditions which surround and affect the functioning of an organization.

2 Open System Model Inputs Transformation Outputs Environment

3 Components of the External Environment General economy Customers Suppliers Competitors Social Factors Legal and political factors Technology

4 Environmental Uncertainty Low Perceived Uncertainty Few factors which remain the same Complexit y SimpleComplex Static Dynamic Rate of change Moderately Low Perceived Uncertainty Many factors which remain the same Moderately High Perceived Uncertainty Few factors which are in a state of change High Perceived Uncertainty Many factors which are in a state of change

5 Managing Environmental Uncertainty Organizational structure Vertical integration Mergers and acquisitions Strategic alliances

6 Technology The activities, equipment and knowledge necessary to transform inputs into goods and services

7 Perrow’s Types of Technology ExceptionsProblemsTechnological Type FewEasy to analyzeRoutine technology Difficult to analyzeCraft technology ManyEasy to analyzeEngineering technology Difficult to analyzeNon-routine technology

8 Thompson’s Types of Technology Technology TypeTask InterdependenceIntegration MediatingPooledStandardization (banks) Long-linkedSequentialHierarchy of (assembly line)Authority IntensiveReciprocalMutual (hospital)Adjustment

9 Advanced Information Technology The accumulation, storage, processing and transmission of data made possible by computers

10 Advanced Information Technology Advanced Manufacturing Technology –Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing –Computer Integrated Manufacturing Office Technology –Word processing –Communication (e-mail, fax) –Data bases, spreadsheets –Information storage and retrieval

11 Impact of Automation on Job Design Manufacturing –Less skill on the shop floor –New jobs require skills in programming and electronics –Task lines blur between skill areas Office technology –Initially some de-skilling –Ability to develop multiple skills in applications

12 Impact of Automation on Organizational Structure Manufacturing –Flatter, more flexible structures –Increased need for coordination –Functional structures may be counter- productive Office Technology –Flatter –Decentralized

13 Organization Culture The cognitive framework of attitudes, values, norms, and expectations shared by members of the organization

14 Dimensions of Culture Innovativeness Stability People orientation Results orientation Informality Conscientiousness Collaborativeness

15 Transmission of Culture Symbols and slogans Stories Ceremonies Mission statements Social learning

16 Impact of Culture Strong vs weak cultures Performance Person-organizations fit

17 Backwards and Forwards Summing up: We examined the affect of environments that surround organizations and their core technologies. Moving to advanced information technologies means considering the impact on job design. Looking ahead: A consequences of poor person-organization fit can be stress. What strategies exist to cope with and reduce stress? Next time, we study conflict and stress

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