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Conducting the Online Class Threaded Discussion Chatrooms Discussion Boards Conferencing.

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1 Conducting the Online Class Threaded Discussion Chatrooms Discussion Boards Conferencing

2 Two Kinds of Education Instrumental education –Learner acquires new knowledge or skills Transformative –Behavior modification

3 Research Community Social Presence Interactivity Trad vs. ftf Student centered Factors that effect the mix of technology

4 Chatroom Community Any number of people come in Live text-based chat

5 Threaded Discussion Board Threaded discussion boards are a way to facilitate online discussions. Ability to communicate with one another online without having to coordinate your schedules. E-mail Inbox will not become inundated by voluminous amounts of mail

6 Threaded Discussion Allows for assimilation, reflection & critical thinking Students need more guidance with asynchronous tools

7 Discussion Boards Non-threaded –Messages that won’t have further discussion Items for sale, help wanted, events, classified ads Semi-threaded –does not allow user to reply directly to already existing replies. Replies are grouped together w/their associated message topics. Threaded –Reply to already existing reply –Grouping of replies can be displayed

8 Discussion Boards Disadvantages Non-threaded –Harder to follow a group of related messages Semi-threaded –does not allow user to reply directly reply to replies. Threaded –Must have Java enabled browsers

9 Instance Messaging Simple one-on-one chat Can be voice, text or call-&-respond AOL, Yahoo & MSN

10 Instance Messaging Imagine that you are on the Web or phone with an student. She asks you a question that you do not know the answer to, but you know your another instructor in the next room would know. Instead of asking her to hold while you run around the office looking for the person with the answer, you stall while sending an instant message to your colleague. Seconds later, the instructor responds with the answer.

11 Conferencing Virtual meeting Use text, audio and video Whiteboarding & shared applications One-way is called “Webcasting”

12 Conferencing Uses Software demos Brainstorming sessions Meetings Orientation Training Presentations Distance learning

13 Key Issues in Asynchronous Learning (Threaded) Access Group dynamics –No more than 7 in a group Course Content Workload Training Evaluation (must post or absent)

14 Enhancing Communication Students share perspectives –Students can combine new opinions with their own Students experience sense of equality –Shy, anxious students –Gender bias –Other bias

15 Netiquette ALL CAPS Don’t type junk (lk;fa;sfasdf) Don’t change your nickname Don’t change fonts and colors too much

16 Lessons Learned Student procrastinate more online Social presence –Use emoticons Schedule participation time Use strict guidelines Grades are dependent on timely participation

17 Hindering Environment Students do not want to leave their best ideas online Students feel they are “cheating” when they see other students’ ideas Students feel it is difficult to follow a discussion online without leadership

18 Guidelines Create an outline of different types of activities that challenge students to utilize –Personal introductions –Chapter summaries –Literature reviews –Quick pools of relevant “debates” in your field –Group debates –Students creating questions from class material

19 Guidelines (con’t) –Field work assignments (case studies) –Short research projects –Proposal writing –Peer review

20 Guidelines (con’t) Require students to login at least 3 times week Base quizzes on posted student info Make students defend their posts Praise students for quality answers –Can do privately through email Provide time for groups to work before posting

21 Guidelines (con’t) Metaphors for various discussion –“The Water Hole” –“The Library” –“Techies Anonymous” Individual standards of behavior –Formal or informal –Move from structured to unstructured

22 Guidelines (con’t) Students should come online at the same time Make computer conferencing a high priority Don’t assume students know how to collaborate Got to plan a framework ahead of time Don’t squeeze too much in a discussion

23 Examples of Good Use of Online Discussion & Critical ThinkingRubric See handouts

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