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11-ICAL, Aussois, June 22-25, 2009 PAn morphology in phylogenetic perspective Laurent SAGART CNRS, Paris.

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Presentation on theme: "11-ICAL, Aussois, June 22-25, 2009 PAn morphology in phylogenetic perspective Laurent SAGART CNRS, Paris."— Presentation transcript:

1 11-ICAL, Aussois, June 22-25, 2009 PAn morphology in phylogenetic perspective Laurent SAGART CNRS, Paris

2 Sagart, L. (2004) The higher phylogeny of Austronesian and the position of Tai-Kadai. Oceanic Linguistics 43,2 (2004): 411-444.

3 updated in Sagart, L. (2008) The expansion of setaria farmers in east asia: a linguistic and archaeological model. In Sanchez-Mazas A, Blench R, Ross M, Peiros I, Lin M, eds. Past human migrations in East Asia: matching archaeology, linguistics and genetics, 133- 157. Routledge Studies in the Early History of Asia, London: Routledge.

4 Higher An phylogeny based on numerals PAn

5 Pathway of An settlement of Taiwan PMP PAN pitu '7' lima '5' enem '6' walu '8', Siwa '9' puluq '10' NE Formosan Malayo-Polynesian, Tai-Kadai

6 This paper Three morphological innovations

7 I. Replacement of 3rd person pronouns ► Ross (2006) ► Two reconstructible sets:

8 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*Cia ► nominative plural*Cia ► genitive singular*ni-Cia ► genitive plural *ni-a-Cia

9 The *sia set (Atayal, MP) ► nominative singular*sia ► nominative plural*sia ► genitive singular*nia ► genitive plural *nia

10 ► The *Cia set is analytical, unbalanced ► The *sia set is synthetic, balanced ► signs that phonological reduction and analogy have played a role

11 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*Cia ► nominative plural*Cia ► genitive singular*ni-Cia ► genitive plural *ni-a-Cia

12 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*Cia ► nominative plural*Cia ► genitive singular*nCia ► genitive plural *ni-a-Cia

13 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*Cia ► nominative plural*Cia ► genitive singular*nsia ► genitive plural *ni-a-Cia

14 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*sia ► nominative plural*sia ► genitive singular*nsia ► genitive plural *ni-a-Cia

15 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*sia ► nominative plural*sia ► genitive singular*nsia ► genitive plural *nsia

16 The *Cia set (Saisiat, Pazeh) ► nominative singular*sia ► nominative plural*sia ► genitive singular*nia ► genitive plural *nia

17 This sequence of changes completed after divergence of Saisiat and Pazeh

18 II. Loss of *-en in PF /perfective Patient focus perfective verbs: ► Paz, Sai, Thao, Sir: V-en ► Elsewhere: V Which is PAn ?

19 Loss of *-en ► motivation is simplification ► Perf PF verbs common in discourse ► decrease marking of common forms ► without loss of a distinction: ► no verbs marked simply with ► no verbs marked simply with

20 motivation for gain of *–en ?

21 Prohibition of *-en in PF - PERF verbs ► ► fixed after the divergence of Pazeh, Saisiat, Thao and Siraya

22 III. extension of ki- prefixation to verb roots Teng, S. and E. Zeitoun (ms c. 2005) The passive ki- in Rukai, Paiwan and Puyuma: borrowing, shared innovation or parallel development?

23 ki- + noun > ‘get N’, ‘collect N’ ► Saisiat kaehoey ‘tree, wood, brushwood’ vs. ki-kaehoey ‘gather brushwood’, ► Kanakanavu tamemi ‘sweet potato’ vs. ki-tamemi ‘gather sweet potatoes’, ► Puyuma daqi ŋ 'a share' vs. ki-daqi ŋ 'claim one's share'

24 ki + verb > get ‘V-ed’ ► Nanwang Puyuma bekas ‘to interrogate’ vs. ki-bekas ‘to get interrogated’ ► Tona Rukai avase ‘to rob’ vs. ki-avase ‘to get robbed’ ► Paiwanseqas ‘to cut’ vs. ki-seqas ‘cut oneself’ ► Rukai, Bunun, Kavalan, Paiwan, Puyuma, Amis, MP

25 parallel of English ‘get’ ► ► originally from Old Norse getan ‘to obtain, reach’ ► ► transitive verb taking nominals as its objects. ► ► development of ‘get V-ed’ is mid-17th c. (OED).

26 Three morphological innovations

27 This tree ► ► not fully compatible with numerals-based tree:   need to allow prohibition of *-en to happen twice (Atayalic, Enemish) ► ► but tells a very similar story:   homeland in NW Formosa   settlement of west coast precedes settlement of south and east coast   MP subgroups with SE coast.

28 Converging evidence for this scenario ► ► archaeology: west coast neolithic older than east coast neolithic ► ► Gray’s computational method (when Chinese is the sole outgroup) ► ► population genetics...?

29 Thank you for your attention

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