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Database Access Elizabeth Gallas - Oxford - October 06, 2009 ATLAS Week - Barcelona, Spain What does a job need ? 1. Data (Events) 2. Database (Geometry, Conditions) 3. Efficient I/O (sometime across a network), CPU 4. (A Purpose and a) Place for Output Needs: 1.Food 2.Water 3.Love 4.Place for output
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas2 Outline Overview of Oracle Databases in ATLAS Conditions Database Database replication Database Distribution Technologies Emphasis on “Frontier” Decision for grid-wide Frontier deployment What you need to know and do TAG DB Architecture, Services, Resource planning Ongoing Work (on current topics) Summary and Conclusions Insufficient time to describe many ongoing activities Please see presentations during recent Software week: But a lot of activity since then as well !
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas3 Overview – Oracle usage in ATLAS Oracle is used extensively: every stage of data taking & analysis Configuration PVSS – Detector Control System (DCS) Configuration & Monitoring Trigger – Trigger Configuration (online and simulation) OKS – Configuration databases for the TDAQ Detector Description – Geometry File and Job management T0 – Tier 0 processing DQ2/DDM – distributed file and dataset management Dashboard – monitor jobs and data movement on the ATLAS grid PanDa – workload management: production & distributed analysis Dataset selection catalogue AMI (dataset selection catalogue) Conditions data (non-event data for offline analysis) Conditions Database in Oracle [POOL files in DDM (referenced from the Conditions DB)] Event summary - event-level metadata TAGs – ease selection of and navigation to events of interest
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas4 Thanks to Oracle Operations Support Many applications sharing Oracle resources, can effect operational capacity Supporting the Databases is critical ! Special thanks to CERN Physics Database Services Support Oracle-based services at CERN Coordinate Distributed Database Operations (WLCG 3D) Tier-1 (Tier-2) -- DBAs and system managers ATLAS DBAs: Florbela Viegas Gancho Dimitrov - Schedule/Apply Oracle interventions - Advise us on Application development - Coordinate database monitoring (experts, shifters) - Helping to develop, maintain and distribute this critical data takes specialized knowledge and considerable effort which is frequently underestimated.
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas5 “Conditions” “Conditions” – general term for information which is not ‘event-wise’ reflecting the conditions or states of a system – conditions are valid for an interval ranging from very short to infinity. Sets of Conditions can be versioned (called a COOL Tag) Any conditions data needed for offline processing and/or analysis must be stored in the ATLAS Conditions Database or in its referenced POOL files (DDM) ATLAS Conditions Database (any non-event-wise data needed for offline process/analysis) ZDC DCS TDAQ OKS LHC DQM
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas6 Conditions DB infrastructure in ATLAS Relies on considerable infrastructure: COOL, CORAL, Athena (developed by ATLAS and CERN IT) -- generic schema design which can store / accommodate / deliver a large amount of data for a diverse set of subsystems. Athena / Conditions DB Considerable Improvements in R15 (TWiki): DeliverablesForRelease15 More efficient use of COOL connections Enabling of Frontier / Squid connections to Oracle IOVDbSvc refinements … and much more Continued refinement – by subsystem As we chip away at inefficient usage Thanks to sculpting Coordination by Richard Hawkings COOL Tagging - distinct sets of Conditions making specific computations reproducible Coordination by Paul Laycock Used at every stage of data taking and analysis From online calibrations, alignment, monitoring to offline … processing … more calibrations … further alignment… reprocessing … analysis … to luminosity and data quality
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas7 DB Access Software Components Database Resident Data
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas8 Oracle Distribution of Conditions data Oracle stores a huge amount of essential data ‘at our fingertips’ But ATLAS has many… many… many… fingers May be looking for oldest to newest data Conditions in Oracle – Master copy at Tier-0 replicated to 10 Tier-1 sites Running jobs at Oracle sites (direct access) performs well Important to continue testing, optimize RAC But direct Oracle access on the grid from remote site over WideAreaNetwork Even after tuning efforts, direct access requires many back/forth communications on the network – excessive RTT (Round Trip Time)… SLOW Cascade effect Jobs hold connections for longer … Prevents new jobs from starting … Use alternative technologies, especially over WAN: “caching” Conditions from Oracle when possible Online CondDB Offline master CondDB Tier-1 replica Tier-1 replica Tier-0 farm Computer centre Outside world Isolation / cut Calibration updates
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas9 “DB Release”: make system of files containing data needed. Used in reprocessing campaigns. Includes: SQLite replicas: “mini” Conditions DB with specific Folders, IOV range, CoolTag (a ‘slice’ – small subset of many rows in particular tables) And associated POOL files, PFC “Frontier”: store results in a web cache. developed by Fermilab used by CDF, adopted and further refined for CMS model One/more Frontier / Squid servers located at/near Oracle RAC negotiate transactions between grid jobs and the Oracle DB – load levelling reduce the load on Oracle by caching results of repeated queries reduce latency observed connecting to Oracle over the WAN. Additional Squid servers at remote sites help even more Picture on next slide Technologies for Conditions “caching”
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas10 Client machine ATHENA COOL CORAL FroNTier client squid Tomcat FroNTier servlet Oracle DB server squid Server site IOVDbSvc Get File From ROOT Via POOL OraclesqliteMySQL ATLAS LCG FroNTier for ATLAS (picture: David Front)
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas11 What does a remote collaborator (or grid job) need? Fred Luehring Indiana U Use case: TRT Monitoring (one of MANY examples…) Needs: latest Conditions (Oracle + POOL files) Explored all 3 access methods Talked: in/at hallways … then at meetings (BNL Frontier, Atlas DB).. With experts and many other users facing similar issues… In this process: Many many talented people have been involved in this process from around the globe – impressive collaboration ! Collective realization that Use cases continue to grow for distributed Processing…Calibration…Alignment…Analysis … Expect sustained surge in all use cases w/collision data Frontier technology seems to satisfies the needs of most use cases in a reasonable time Now a matter of final testing to refine configurations, going global … for all sites wanting to run jobs with latest data …
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas12 Very recent results from Japan … TadaAki Isobe reported last week script Athena 15.4.0 3 Methods: SQLiteAccess files on NFS w/ LYON Oracle ~290msec RTT to CC ‐ IN2P3 w/ FroNTier ~200msec RTT to BNL Zip ‐ level: 5 Zip ‐ level: 0 (i.e. no compress), it takes ~15% longer time. Work is ongoing to understand these kinds of tests.
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas13 Frontier/Squid – Grid-wide deployment Thanks to many !!! We have established “Proof of Principle” Much testing and refinement of various components ongoing This is quickly falling into place Requested / Received – Approval from Atlas Computing Management for Full scale deployment enabling grid-wide Frontier access to Conditions data Frontier/Squid servers: Established/Fleshed-out at Tier-1: BNL, FZK New Frontier Service at Tier-0: CERN Additional sites: RAL, TRIUMF, LYON? improve robustness/fail over Squid servers (experience at Indiana, Michigan, SLAC, Glasgow, DESY …) Required at all Tier-1 and Tier-2 sites intending to be an analysis center Complemented by HOTDISK for POOL file subscription Documentation: Frontier installation (needed only at selected Tier-1 sites) Squid installation (all Tier-1, Tier-2, and no limitation beyond that …) Squid testing: TWiki to register Squid Servers on the ATLAS grid (Rod Walker) Hypernews (E-group): Email: Forum: Database Operations TWiki (will be updated)
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas14 Ongoing Work (in Conditions DB Access) Address inefficiencies on individual subsystems is essential for collective long term stability Many use cases many different types of queries Associated with Frontier deployment: Final checks to insure cache is not stale Understanding the ‘scale’ of deployment needed POOL containers smaller IOVs POOL file subscriptions (sites install HOTDISK) PFC (POOL File Catalog) update automation Squid Server – setup, testing, registration Hammercloud tests (JElmsheuser, DvanderSter, RWalker) http://homepages.physik.uni- http://homepages.physik.uni- Gradually expanding to include more sites Ultimate: streamline/unify configuration of grid jobs Configure sites in uniform way according to capability Input to AGIS – ATLAS Grid Information System
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas15 ATLAS TAGs in the ATLAS Computing model Stages of ATLAS reconstruction RAW data file ESD (Event Summary Data) ~ 500 kB/event AOD (Analysis Object Data) ~ 100 kB/event TAG (not an acronym) ~ 1 kB/event (stable) TAG s Are produced in reconstruction in 2 formats: File based AthenaAwareNTuple format (AANT) TAG files are distributed to all Tier 1 sites Oracle Database Event TAG DB populated from files in ‘upload’ process Can be re-produced in re-processing Available globally through network connection In addition: ‘Run Metadata’ at Temporal, Fill, Run, LB levels File and Dataset related Metadata TAG Browser (ELSSI) – uses combined Event, Run, File … Metadata RAW AODAOD ESD TAG
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas16 TAG Services and Architecture Evolution of TAG services / architecture model From: Everything deployed at all voluntary sites To: Specific aspects deployed to optimize resources Decoupling of services underway – increases flexibility of the system to deploy resources depending on evolution of usage TAG Upload: now automated/triggered, stably w/monitoring Automated upload for initial reconstruction Controlled by Tier-0 Integrated with AMI and DQ2 tools where appropriate Balanced for read and write operations
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas17 TAG Services and Architecture Components: TAG Database(s) at CERN and voluntary Tier-1s, Tier-2s ELSSI – Event Level Selection Service Interface TAG Usage in every Software tutorial ELSSI and file based TAG usage Web Services Extract - dependencies Atlas Software AFS maxidisk to hold root files from Extract Skim - Atlas Software, DQ2, Ganga, … Surge in effort helping to make TAG jobs grid-enabled Response times vary: O(sec) for interactive queries event selection, histograms… O(min) for extract O(hr) for skim
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas18 TAGs by Oracle Site (size in GB) CERN ATLR (total 404 GB) ATLAS_TAGS_CSC_FDR 22 ATLAS_TAGS_COMM_2009 142 ATLAS_TAGS_USERMIX 18 ATLAS_TAGS_COMM 200 ATLAS_TAGS_ROME 22 BNL (total 383 GB) ATLAS_TAGS_CSC_FDR 18 ATLAS_TAGS_COMM_2009 105 ATLAS_TAGS_COMM 260 TRIUMF (total 206 GB) ATLAS_TAGS_CSC_FDR 16 ATLAS_TAGS_COMM 190 DESY ATLAS_TAGS_MC 231 RAL – gearing up … Respectable level of TAG deployment – should entertain wide variety of users (commissioning and physics analysis) TAG upload now routine for commissioning Intensive work on deployment of TAG services making them increasingly accessible to users (ELSSI)
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas19 Summary of Ongoing Efforts Oracle Database (online, offline, offsite) -- shared resource Applications: living, breathing, consuming … and evolving systems Developers coming to understand global consequences Cooperation and Read/Write control via interfaces critical for collective stability Hot topics Online Operations Trying to anticipate modes of user analysis Conditions distribution Frontier deployment Hammercloud testing of direct and Frontier access Data Quality and Luminosity TAG development and resource optimization
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas20 BACKUP
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas21 Online Database Coordinator: Giovanna Lehmann (w/support from many) A lot of work finalizing development of applications Last few months Many changes enhancing stability for collisions (details on each bullet would fill many slides) ATONR (Online Oracle RAC) isolation from GPN Devising methods for offline online data Understanding operational reliance on ATONR Phasing in of locking of owner accounts Applications evolving from development to operations Source of Oracle Streams interruptions
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas22 Dynamic (TAG) services composition User accesses „integrated ELSSI“ Which data to you want to query? (data09, mc08...) Select metadata criteria Select service(s): count, histogram, tabulate, extract, skim System detects user identification and location System transparently deploys services based on this input Using internal service catalogue Configure appropriate service and execute operation Optimize response using load-balancing of infrastructure Anticipate deployment of additional features: Logging access patterns to learn more about user behaviour, deploy resources to optimize service Log good „service combinations“ – allow sharing between users. Elisabeth Vinek - ATLAS Software & Computing Week2203.09.2009
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas23 Snapshot of ATLAS 3D replication Conditions data needed for offline analysis on the grid 10 Tier-1 sites Oracle Streams replication technology
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas24 Where are the POOL files ? DQ2(DDM) - distributes Event data files and Conditions POOL files. TWiki: StorageSetUp for T0, T1's and T2'sStorageSetUp for T0, T1's and T2's ADC/DDM maintains ToA sites (Tiers of ATLAS) ToA sites are subscribed to receive DQ2 POOL files ToA sites have "space tokens" (areas for file destinations) such as: “DATADISK" for real event data “MCDISK" area for simulated event data … “HOTDISK" area for holding POOL files needed by many jobs has more robust hardware for more intense access Some sites also use Charles Waldman's "pcache": Duplicates files to a scratchdisk accessible to local jobs avoiding network access to "hotdisk". Magic in pcache tells the job to look in the scratchdisk first. Deployment of POOL files deployed to all ToA sites 'on the GRID' ? ADC – in progress
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas25 Request: sites create HOTDISK Email from Stephane Jezequel (Sept 15) Could you please forward this request to all ATLAS Grid sites which are included in DDM: As discussed during the ATLAS software week, sites are requested to implement the space token ATLASHOTDISK. More information: TLASHOTDISK_space_token TLASHOTDISK_space_token Sites should assign at least 1 TB to this space token (should foresee 5 TB). In case of storage crisis at the site, the 1 TB can be reduced to 0.5 TB. Because of the special usage of these files, sites should decide to assign a specific pool or not. When it is done, please report to DDM Ops (Savannah ticket is a good solution) to create the new DDM site.
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas26 Where are the PFCs (POOL File catalogs)? Mario Lassnig - modified DQ2 client dq2-ls Can ‘on the fly’ create the PFC for the POOL files on a system written to work for "SRM systems“ Systems without SRM cannot subscribe automatically Can get files via more manual procedures Options in dq2-ls detect the type of system but may not always successfully remove SRM specific descriptors Unclear at the time of the meeting cases where dev is required DQ2 client continues to evolve/improve with use cases… Update PFC with new POOL files … Detection of new POOL file arrival Generate updated PFC Run above script if needed preparing file for local use
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas27 Thanks to many experts in many areas Richard Hawkings, Andrea Valassi (CERN IT), Hans von der Schmitt, Walter Lampl, Shaun Roe, Paul Laycock, David Front, Slava Khomutnikov, Stefan Schlenker, Saverio D'auria, Joerg Stelzer, Vakho Tsulaia, Thilo Pauly, Marcin Nowak, Yuri Smirnov, Solveig Albrand, Fred Luehring, John DeStefano, Carlos Gamboa, Rod Walker, Bob Ball, Jack Cranshaw, Alessandro Desalvo, Xin Zhao, Mario Lassnig, ADC … ! apologies ! Not complete list ! Should delete slide … too incomplete… Many many many application developers and subsystem experts who insure the data going in is what we want coming out.
06-Oct-2009 Elizabeth Gallas28 Features of Athena: Previous to Release 15.4: Athena (RH) looks at IP the job is running at, uses dblookup.xml in the release to decide the order of database connections to try to get the Conditions data. Release 15.4 Athena looks for Frontier environment variable, if found, ignores the dblookup using instead another env
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