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April 2, 2009 You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2, 2009 You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2, 2009 You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond

2 April 2, 2009 Videos: –Yamalet (review word problems) –Alexa (review pictorial models) Practice problems Assign Homework

3 Videos Yamalet Watch the video; on pg 21 of your Class Notes, the follow-up questions ask us to uses the pizza scenario to understand how 3/8 could be used as a ratio, an operator and a quotient.

4 Videos Alexa Before we watch Alexa, look at her written work for the second problem on page 23. What do you think Alexa was doing in each diagram? Pick one of the pictures she drew. Can this picture be used to mean part-whole? Ration? Operator? Quotient? Explain why or why not.

5 Videos (Watch Alexa) On page 25, complete parts 1, 2 and part a in your groups. Now, try part c (skip b for now). Once you find a representation for 5, explain it in words.

6 Videos Now, try part d; once you get an answer, explain your thought process in words.

7 Videos Next, let’s discuss how parts b and c are alike and how they are different. Do part b. When finished, put away your Class Notes (but bring them again next Thursday).

8 Sec 5.2 – (cont’d) More practice: 1. You have from 10:00 - 11:30 to do a project. At 11, what fraction of time remains? At 11:20, what fraction of time remains? Use a diagram to explain how you know. Are there certain diagrams that are more effective? Discuss this with your group.

9 Sec 5.2 – (cont’d) 2.Is 10/13 closer to 1/2 or 1? Use a diagram to explain how you know. Are there certain diagrams that are more effective? Discuss this with your group.

10 Sec 5.2 – (cont’d) 3.If a/b = 3/4, will the value of (a + x)/(b + x) be less than, equal to, or greater than 3/4. (Assume that x is a positive number). Use a diagram to explain how you know. Are there certain diagrams that are more effective? Discuss this with your group.

11 Sec 5.2 – (cont’d) 4.A teacher asks for examples of fractions that are equivalent to 3/4. One student replied: How would you respond to this answer? Use a diagram to explain. Are there certain diagrams that are more effective? Discuss this with your group.

12 Homework Due Tuesday, 4/7 Link to online homework list: htm *Bring Class Notes again next Thursday* Exam 3: Thursday, 4/16 – more info next time.

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