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Perception “The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem Solving” ©Richard C. Forcier and Don E. Descy.

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Presentation on theme: "Perception “The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem Solving” ©Richard C. Forcier and Don E. Descy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perception “The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem Solving” ©Richard C. Forcier and Don E. Descy

2 Perception The process whereby one becomes aware of the world around oneself.

3 How We Are Aware  Seeing  Hearing  Touching  Smelling  Tasting

4 Truisms  Perception: Precedes communications  Communications: Leads to learning

5 Perception Research  Words only: 90% lost  Visuals/multimedia: Fivefold increase (up to 50%)  Nine out of 10 presentations: Words only!

6 Principles of Perception  Relative, not absolute  Selective  Organized  Influenced by expectations

7 Principles of Perception (Continued) The better an object is perceived, the more reliable:  Memory  Concept formation  Problem solving, creativity  Attitude change

8 Important  Events do not occur in isolation  Individuals react to only a very small part of an event  SO...

9 Design Instruction to  Attract attention  Hold interest  Focus on “right” sample of perceptual event

10 Message Theory (1)  Message: Information  Source or sender: Brain  (Message) encoder: Thought, verbalized or written  Transmitter: Print, film, the Web

11 Message Theory (2)  Channel: Air, wire, paper, light  Receiver: Ear, eye, etc.  Destination: Brain  Decoder: Brain

12 Message Theory (3)  Feedback: Reverse communications to sender  Noise: Any disturbance that interferes with or distorts transmission  Redundancy: Repeating (to overcome noise...)

13 Male cadavers are incapable of yielding testimony. Dead men tell no tales.

14 Neophyte’s serendipity Beginner’s luck

15 A malleable finite cylindraceous coil wrought of parallel axes with azimuthal terminates...

16 General Learning Theory General Learning Theory  Motivation  Individual differences  Learning objectives  Organization of content  Prelearning preparation  Emotions

17 General Learning Theory (Continued)  Participation  Feedback  Reinforcement  Practice and repetition  Application

18 Questions?

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