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Weed & Seed Andrea M. Vey, Director, Crime & Disorder Analysis Unit Lawrence Police Department
Weed & Seed History Components & Definition Requirements Application Process Data Manchester, NH Weed & Seed Strategy
History of Weed & Seed Created in 1991 by the Department of Justice –Currently under the Community Capacity Development Office. –Considered a “strategy” more so than a program or project –Four Fundamental Principles Collaboration Coordination Community Participation Leveraging of Resources
What is Weed & Seed? Community-based multi-agency approach to: Law Enforcement, Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Restoration Aims to Prevent, Control and Reduce: Violent Crime Drug Abuse And Gang Activity
What is Weed & Seed? Intention: to bring communities and resources together to prevent and control crime while improving the quality of life in neighborhoods –In 1991, the pilot program began with 3 sites. –In 2005, over 300 neighborhoods had been designated as Weed & Seed sites. –Massachusetts = 11 sites Lowell, Lawrence, Boston to name a few.
Weed Definition Work to “weed out” –violent and property crime, –drugs, –and in some areas, gangs. Weed out crime by utilizing: –overtime patrols, –undercover surveillance of drug activity, –directed enforcement –street sweeps, drug raids, and other tactical activities.
Weed Definition Partnership between: –Local, state and federal law enforcement –State and federal prosecution agencies Law Enforcement –Local, state, and federal agencies cooperation and sharing –equipment & manpower –Prosecution Some state crimes –District Attorney Some federal –US Attorney General for State
Seed Definition Social service organizations, community restoration groups, residents and others come together to “seed” the community with: –Needed programs, –Projects, –Training, –Services, –And other things needed by the community to revitalize it.
Seeding Human services that encompass: –Prevention –Intervention –Treatment –Neighborhood revitalization
Seed continued… Many areas utilize programs targeted at youth to: –decrease drug use and violence –increase positive activities and relationships. There is also a focus on: –Developing sustainable partnerships –Continuation of services after funding ends.
Community Policing An integral part of the Weed & Seed program Bridges the gap between the tough, aggressive weeding and the softer seeding. Key concepts of Community Engagement & Problem Solving
Requirements Approval of US Attorney –From the state the target area resides in –Must sign off on Official Recognition –Acts as form of leadership with all law enforcement agencies –Leader in pooling resources –Additional funding source
Requirements Designation of at least one Safe Haven –One place to serve as a multipurpose service center Several agencies come together to serve the public at one location
Requirements Steering Committee –Made up of members of many organizations –Members of organizations who are partners in W&S –All attempt to work together to fulfill Strategy
Application Process Sites must first be “designated” by the Executive Office of Weed & Seed –prior to applying for any funding. After official designation, sites can apply for funding every year. – for a total of 5 years per site. Cities can have multiple Weed & Seed programs running consecutively in different areas.
Application Process continued… Designation is a long, extensive process of selecting a target area based on: –crime statistics, –social needs –and neighborhood deterioration Need is shown by utilizing sources such as: –Crime Statistics from local police and FBI –Census data for social indicators –HUD data –Individual City Department data –And other sources
Information & Data It was necessary to provide large amounts of data about Manchester, NH for designation. Necessary to determine target area. Necessary to justify need for designation and funding.
2001 Index Crime Rate per 100,000
Information & Data Crime Rates in Target Area 50.2% of all calls for service were in the target area –but the target area only accounts for about 15% of the population (1999) 80% of drug related offenses about 62% of REPORTED domestic assaults roughly 60% of aggravated assaults
Crime Rates 1999 Uniform Crime Report from the FBI Part One crimes –Murder, rape, burglary, assault, robbery, larceny, auto theft, and arson. Property Crime –Burglary, larceny, auto theft Crime Rate per 100,000 Population
Crime Rates 1999 Uniform Crime Report from the FBI Violent Crime –Murder, rape, robbery and assault Target Area has highest rates of crime in entire city in any category Crime Rate per 100,000 Population
Information & Data Census data Important to understanding social characteristics of the area Population and density info Social indicators, such as: –1990 – 81% renter occupied housing in Target Area –50% for Manchester as a whole
Manchester Uncharacteristic of New Hampshire Target area even less characteristic of New Hampshire Several races and ethnicities Many languages and dialects spoken Immigrants from many countries
Census Data
Percent of Families with Female Householder, No Husband Present, And Below the Poverty Level Source: Census 2000
Percent of Persons 16 to 19 Not Enrolled in School and Not a High School Graduate Source: Census 2000
Owner Occupied Housing Renter Occupied Housing
Information & Data Health Department Data 45% of MHD investigated complaints between 1990 and 2000 were in the Target Area as well as: –47% of childhood lead poisoning –49% of insanitary living conditions
The local police and US Census Bureau are not the only agencies with data that can be mapped.
Many factors contribute to crime. There is no one cause of crime, and therefore, no one solution.
Information & Data The combination of information and data from the stated sources, as well as many others, significantly justified a need for directed action in the Target Area.
Weed & Seed Designated Target Area Weed & Seed is required to take place in a designated area of a city
Manchester Weed & Seed Work on obtaining official designation began in the Fall of 2000. Created a Steering Committee composed of: –law enforcement, –social service organizations, –city officials, –community groups, –business leaders, –and very importantly residents convened to determine problems to be addressed and methods to address those problems
Manchester Weed & Seed Manchester applied for Official Designation in July of 2001. In October of 2002, Manchester received its first funding award of $225,000. Manchester is the first city in New Hampshire to receive this funding.
Weed & Seed Committees Subcommittees were created from the Steering committee to include –Needs Assessment & Evaluation –Law Enforcement ( Weeding ) –Community Policing –Safe Haven Coordination –Prevention, Intervention and Treatment (PIT) –Community Restoration –Planning Each subcommittee is responsible for driving forward different portions of the Strategy.
Importance of Data Design Strategy around information Cater programs around needs of residents Recruit organizations who specialize in needs of community
Program Development Children in Poverty –Work with labor department or job training agencies –Manchester - MCRC Job training and placement, especially for non- English speaking residents –Childcare at reduced cost or free More money for necessities
Program Development High Renter-Occupied housing –Absentee landlords Huge problem Let any one stay on property –Criminals create problems for respectable neighbors Landlord training from Weed & Seed –Help good landlords become better Explain options for getting bad tenants out –Put bad landlords on notice Civil and criminal sanctions to force improvement
Program Development High number of ESL students Not learning English at home Services for learning English Assistance in finding services despite language barrier Cultural competency training for service providers –Understand population they are serving
Manchester Weed & Seed Strategy Focuses on 8 specific priorities Two in the Weed category : –Reduce the use and distribution of illegal drugs –Reduce violence and increase street safety
Manchester Weed & Seed Strategy Six in the Seed category –Develop additional programming and support for older teens –Develop a culturally competent community and offer inclusive services –Increase Safe Haven programming
Manchester Weed & Seed Strategy Seed category continued… –Increase childcare availability and youth activities –Improve physical environment, increase civic capital and create a more positive neighborhood image –Increase community awareness of Weed & Seed activities
Manchester Strategy Development Community Needs Assessment –Community Survey –Many Samples Available Through Weed & Seed Community Policing publications –Learn the community needs directly from residents Cater strategy to fill those needs
Asset Mapping Find out available resources in the area. –Health Services –Youth Organizations –Treatment Centers –And others Compare needs to resources Utilize funding to fill in gaps
Asset Maps cover many services from health agencies to youth services. Gives a broad picture of many things available to residents.
The Seeding portion of the grant can fund services or programs that are needed or lacking in the Target Area. Asset Mapping also allows Weed & Seed planners to see other potential partners.
While a long term strategy can address many problems, new ones, like Graffiti can pop up at any time.
Partners Weed & Seed cannot be successful without many agencies contributing: –Expertise –Resources –And Manpower Weed & Seed facilitates partnership with many agencies.
Agency Partners United States Attorney’s Office The Mayor’s Office Pigeon’s Market Manchester Police Department YouthbuildAlderman Lopez Manchester Community Resource Center The Salvation Army NH State Police Hispanic/Latino Community Services Manchester Academy YWCA Manchester Police Athletic League NH Drug Task Force YMCA Daniel Webster Council of the Boy ScoutsManchester Schools Girls, Inc Child Health Services Manchester Housing DEA Friends of the Valley Street Cemetery Southern NH University City Planning Manchester Transit Authority Minority Health Coalition Info Bank Manchester Health Department UNH Cooperative Extension The Way Home St. Augustin’s Outreach Team Boys & Girls Club Makin’ It Happen Hillsborough County Attorney Latin American Center Fashion Cleaners Manchester Parks and Recreation NH Probation & Parole Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Manchester Neighborhood Housing Child and Family Services Office of Youth Services
By understanding crime trends in the Target Area, Police and the Community can work together to address problems. For Burglaries, Police can concentrate on investigations and increased patrols and community groups can distribute crime prevention materials and organize community watch groups.
For issues of Domestic Violence, Weed & Seed can fund advocates for victims or sponsor informational seminars for residents. Manchester utilizes funds to pay for police overtime to focus on serving warrants and presenting safety seminars at community organizations
Weed & Seed Activities Community Oriented Government Public meetings in neighborhoods with residents and representatives of city departments. Gives city reps. a chance to hear residents’ concerns and take information back to own departments. Residents have ability to voice concerns and participate in making changes in neighborhoods.
Weed & Seed Activities Community Enhancement Teams Absentee landlords are a big problem in the Target Area. Representative of city departments, like Police and Building Dept., target specific properties that are unfit, dilapidated, or dangerous. Owners are “hit” from all side of government in an effort to force improvement. Residents see City holding owners responsible for property.
Weed & Seed Activities Cultural Competency Training Gives agencies that serve the target area a chance to understand and better serve the diverse people who reside there. Increases understanding between cultures, races and ethnicities. Improves outreach capabilities by recognizing issues with different cultures towards: –health care, –crime and enforcement –and social structures.
Weed & Seed Activities Youth Programming on Saturday Nights Opportunity for youth to be in a safe and positive environment on Saturday nights Positive adult role models for kids who may not have the same at home
Weed & Seed Info Community Capacity Development Office Executive Office of Weed & Seed NCJRS. Org
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